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Closed The #1 And Working On The #2


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Closed #1 with both hands (that is, I can close it with each hand seperately rather than both simultaneously :)) and am now working on the #2 which I got yesterday.

Going the whole "gripper rips your skin" stages. #1 ripped the skin on the middle section on the inside of my fingers, now the #2 is ripping the skin on my palm... who knows where the #3 will rip if I ever I get there :blink

Basically, every three/four days I grip training:

- Warmup with static holds with #1

- Finish with negatives with #2

(I do this with both hands).

Any more training tips?



PS. Reckon I'll be able to close the #2 within 3 months, before I start uni?

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Great work man, i just recently closed my #1 also and am working on my #2 also doing negatives and working with some HG200's and such. Just keep training and well close that #2 in no time....now the #3 is the problem :rock

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I am right there as well. I am doing overcrushes with the trainer for 10 seconds, #1 negatives, and choking the #2 with a hose clamp and closing it like that. I have the #3 on the way right now...should be interesting to see the difference in the #2 and #3 =). I hear it is quite a bit. Good luck ya'll

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could someone describe how a negative is done. is holding it "completely" closed and slowly opening the grippers, then repeating? how many sets and reps. thanks members.

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could someone describe how a negative is done. is holding it "completely" closed and slowly opening the grippers, then repeating? how many sets and reps. thanks members.

I do negatives by closing my #3 with BOTH hands, letting go with my left hand and fighting like hell against the 3 to stop it from opening. You need to determine your own volume, negitives seem to agrivate my tendons the most. Start slow and build up in volume, once you have your first overuse injury you'll understand why.

Another good way to train for the #2 is to do one hard single on your #1 and hold it for 5 seconds, do this every 30 min. Do this every second day. Once you can make it through the entire day reduce the time to 25 minutes. And so on...... on the days you are doing this don't bother picking up your #2, leave it for another day.

NOTE: Eventually you ARE going to start experiencing sore knuckles, fingers(will feel deep) and back of the hands, these are all signs you need to work on your extensors. Don't be like the vast majority of people here, get some extensor bands and start working them now, it will save you down time later.

Good luck on the #2

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Hmm...I shall have to try that #1 every 30 minutes of the day. That sounds interesting. I hear contrast baths work good for the soreness. What is your experience with these? I tried putting my hands in ice cold water for 2-3 minutes 3 or 4 times today after my gripper workout. I guess it reduces the inflammation and swelling?

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The #3 is really something else compared to the #2...... Im just using the grippers more often to try and get my skin used to the rough surface of the grippers so it doesnt hurt on those holds. Cant you work out your extensors by hold your hand shut with one hand and trying to open it with the other?

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ChrisX0118, you can certainly work your extensors that way, it is just difficult to measure your progress.

Just puting your hands in ice will keep the swelling down, but if you do contrast baths it will also increase the circulation in your hands.

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