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It seems that none of the members actually check out the "newbies post here" thread! :tongue So i've decided to make my own thread so that i can perhaps get a response.

Here was my original post.


Hello GripBoard! I heard about this place from the boys over at T-Nation... Here's a little bit about myself.

Wt: ~160

Squat: 325

Power Clean: 185

Bench: ~175

Deadlift: ~315

Grip Experience: I can close the Trainer CoC (unset) about 20-30 times in each hand. My No.1 is on its way through UPS and should be here on the 3rd.

My reasons for wanting hand strength and health are numerous...

-Trumpet playing

-I play wide receiver/OLB

-Lots of keyboarding

-Lots of weightlifting; favorite lifts such as deadlift and power snatch involve grip strength

-Want to get into rock climbing this summer

Some goals I have in weightlifting/fitness(some relevant, some not so to grip training):

-171lbs by December 2006

-1 arm chinup by January 2007

-handstand pushup by May 2007

-3x bodyweight Squat, Deadlift.

-2x bodyweight Clean.

-1x bodyweight overhead squat for 15 reps.

-Closed No.2 CoC and on way to closing No.3 by December 2006.

Some more about me:

-I'm in highschool... Some stuff i'm into: Football, Wrestling, Track, German Club, Physics, Pep band, Debate Team. I'm hoping to go to a private liberal arts college in the fall of 2008... and then from there most probably law school.

Some questions I have right now about grip training:

-How do I train my extensors properly?

-How should I train my wrists?

-What is the optimal way to train my grip needs based on the aforementioned goals? (what exercises can i be performing in the school gym right now without any extra equipment?)

-What is a Powerball? (not the lottery i assume...)

That's about all for now, but this won't be the last time you'll hear from me!

Miller Williams


P.S. - As of today (wednesday may 3rd) the No.1 came and I successfully closed it 5 times in each hand.

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nice job on the grippers and weight lifting.

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Welcome aboard.

I would first suggest that you nose around the board and become acquainted with the functions, searches, forums and the like. Read a few peoples workout routines and see if they are training for goals that line up with your own. Buy and read the Mastery of Handstrength by John Brookfield, Read all the articles posted in the articles forum here on the board, go to Dieselcrew.com read all of their articles and watch the videos, Ironmind.com, fatbastardbarbellco.com and , follow related handstrength links and become a sponge from information related to grip. Experiment and read a lot in the FAQ section, wish I had done this to begin with. Do not be affraid to ask questions, keep an open mind, yata, yata, yata and work your ass off. Your goals sound like good ones and I wish you the best.


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Some questions I have right now about grip training:

-How do I train my extensors properly?

-How should I train my wrists?

-What is the optimal way to train my grip needs based on the aforementioned goals? (what exercises can i be performing in the school gym right now without any extra equipment?)

-What is a Powerball? (not the lottery i assume...)

- Extensors can be trained well with self resistance exercises, just open your hand while resisting the movement with your another hand.

- You can train wrists with lot of different ways, using barbell, weight plate, sledgehammer or even nail bending.

- Well you can do lot of grip exercises even without any equipment using your bodyweight or isometrics. But a barbell and some weight plates are ok for beginning.

- Powerball is a hand gyroscope, a nice training tool.

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Some goals I have in weightlifting/fitness(some relevant, some not so to grip training):

-171lbs by December 2006

-1 arm chinup by January 2007

-handstand pushup by May 2007

-3x bodyweight Squat, Deadlift.

-2x bodyweight Clean.

-1x bodyweight overhead squat for 15 reps.

-Closed No.2 CoC and on way to closing No.3 by December 2006.

Just wanted to comment on your goals bro, some are a little unrealistic, as far as my experience is concerned. You might be a genetic anomaly, but who knows. :D

1: If you worked specifically toward that goal, you could have it in four weeks or so.

2: A bit unrealistic as I've learned for the average trainee. How much can you chin with right now?

2: You can have that I'm sure. Do you mean free-standing tho? And to what depth?

4/5/6: No date, so I'm if you work hard, I'm sure you can reach these goals in the near future.

7: Quite a realistic goal, and it's possible that you will shatter that goal. :)

I'd train wrists with reps in the 5-10 range, unless I am using a sledgehammer.

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Some goals I have in weightlifting/fitness(some relevant, some not so to grip training):

-171lbs by December 2006

-1 arm chinup by January 2007

-handstand pushup by May 2007

-3x bodyweight Squat, Deadlift.

-2x bodyweight Clean.

-1x bodyweight overhead squat for 15 reps.

-Closed No.2 CoC and on way to closing No.3 by December 2006.

Just wanted to comment on your goals bro, some are a little unrealistic, as far as my experience is concerned. You might be a genetic anomaly, but who knows. :D

1: If you worked specifically toward that goal, you could have it in four weeks or so.

2: A bit unrealistic as I've learned for the average trainee. How much can you chin with right now?

2: You can have that I'm sure. Do you mean free-standing tho? And to what depth?

4/5/6: No date, so I'm if you work hard, I'm sure you can reach these goals in the near future.

7: Quite a realistic goal, and it's possible that you will shatter that goal. :)

I'd train wrists with reps in the 5-10 range, unless I am using a sledgehammer.

-I can do 15-20 chins without much problem right now... haven't used much weight added yet.

-In fact, the 171lbs goal might be one of the harder ones to accomplish... I've been on a 5-6000 calorie diet for a few months... and i manage to barely gain... i can't eat much more than this with my time restraints so i'm just waiting until the summer...

-OK i've got to ask, how many times have jokes been made about "COC(K) Grippers"? :tongue

I've been doing some plate pinching in the gym... should i be doing this for time (60+ seconds), or___?

Miller Williams

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The thread at the top of the forum, Newbies Post Here is an introduction thread NOT a "please help me this is my situation what do I do about it" thread. If you want some answers to your questions, FIRST look around and go into the FAQ section - if you still don't have the answers to your questions, then and only then you could start a thread about it here. DON'T make the mistake and think that we are lazy and won't respond to you -- we aren't. Most of us who have been on this forum long enough have been asked the same basic questions so many times we have become immune to most newbies and the "over-and-over" questions that they have asked.

That being said... welcome to the GripBoard. No go forth and sin no more. :ohmy

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It seems that none of the members actually check out the "newbies post here" thread! :tongue So i've decided to make my own thread so that i can perhaps get a response.

Here was my original post.


Hello GripBoard! I heard about this place from the boys over at T-Nation... Here's a little bit about myself.

Wt: ~160

Squat: 325

Power Clean: 185

Bench: ~175

Deadlift: ~315

Grip Experience: I can close the Trainer CoC (unset) about 20-30 times in each hand. My No.1 is on its way through UPS and should be here on the 3rd.

My reasons for wanting hand strength and health are numerous...

-Trumpet playing

-I play wide receiver/OLB

-Lots of keyboarding

-Lots of weightlifting; favorite lifts such as deadlift and power snatch involve grip strength

-Want to get into rock climbing this summer

Some goals I have in weightlifting/fitness(some relevant, some not so to grip training):

-171lbs by December 2006

-1 arm chinup by January 2007

-handstand pushup by May 2007

-3x bodyweight Squat, Deadlift.

-2x bodyweight Clean.

-1x bodyweight overhead squat for 15 reps.

-Closed No.2 CoC and on way to closing No.3 by December 2006.

Some more about me:

-I'm in highschool... Some stuff i'm into: Football, Wrestling, Track, German Club, Physics, Pep band, Debate Team. I'm hoping to go to a private liberal arts college in the fall of 2008... and then from there most probably law school.

Some questions I have right now about grip training:

-How do I train my extensors properly?

-How should I train my wrists?

-What is the optimal way to train my grip needs based on the aforementioned goals? (what exercises can i be performing in the school gym right now without any extra equipment?)

-What is a Powerball? (not the lottery i assume...)

That's about all for now, but this won't be the last time you'll hear from me!

Miller Williams


P.S. - As of today (wednesday may 3rd) the No.1 came and I successfully closed it 5 times in each hand.

Mr. Williams good luck with your gaols on your body weight and your grip. But if you really have the gaol of attending law school forget the working out and concentrate on your LSAT(not SAT) scores. They will need to be really high to get into a good law school. My wife will graduate for law school on May 20th of this year :rock , and for the last three years she has no free time at all for Any (and I do mean ANY) time for extracurricular activities. But if you still in high school your a long way off for the LSAT and law school, so study enough to get by and TRAIN LIKE HELL. I wish you all the luck with your gaols. You found the right forum for you hand strength, and this board will help you to make some great progress. Good luck finding a law school forum. :whistel

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Syber - i quote - "I read another first post from another newbie and he went into detail about who he was, what his training background was, and what he wanted to do in terms of grip - THEN he asked a question about his routine. IMHO, this is the way it should be."

So I interpreted that as a "please help me what do I do" type of thing as well as an introduction. I apologize if my questions have already been answered in another thread... I did in fact browse around this forum for awhile before posting at all.

Fatboy - I'm a sophomore in Highschool... I'm still focusing on my SATs and getting laid... Although I have looked into LSAT and law school preparation, it's a bit premature. Which law school did your Wife attend? What undergrad program?

Point of interest concerning 1-arm chins - Last night i got about 1/4 the way up with each hand. This is an improvement from just being able to hang there... one hard thing about 1-arm chins is that you have to keep your body from rotating outwards. Actually being able to unlock the elbow with one arm is the second step I think. I'm going to be doing lots of 1-arm negatives and staggered towel chinups.

Miller Williams

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Last night i got about 1/4 the way up with each hand. This is an improvement from just being able to hang there... one hard thing about 1-arm chins is that you have to keep your body from rotating outwards. Actually being able to unlock the elbow with one arm is the second step I think. I'm going to be doing lots of 1-arm negatives and staggered towel chinups.


You got 1/4 of the way up? From my training, this has been the hardest part. I can start at the half-way point or a bit higher, and finish out, but cannot pull myself that far (1/4 up) out of the bottom. Maybe you are closer than I thought, which would be amazing having not done any weighted pullup training!

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Syber - i quote - "I read another first post from another newbie and he went into detail about who he was, what his training background was, and what he wanted to do in terms of grip - THEN he asked a question about his routine. IMHO, this is the way it should be."

So I interpreted that as a "please help me what do I do" type of thing as well as an introduction. I apologize if my questions have already been answered in another thread... I did in fact browse around this forum for awhile before posting at all.

Fatboy - I'm a sophomore in Highschool... I'm still focusing on my SATs and getting laid... Although I have looked into LSAT and law school preparation, it's a bit premature. Which law school did your Wife attend? What undergrad program?

Point of interest concerning 1-arm chins - Last night i got about 1/4 the way up with each hand. This is an improvement from just being able to hang there... one hard thing about 1-arm chins is that you have to keep your body from rotating outwards. Actually being able to unlock the elbow with one arm is the second step I think. I'm going to be doing lots of 1-arm negatives and staggered towel chinups.

Miller Williams

My wife received her undergrad and masters in psychology and hated the work so back to school she went and and she will be graduating form Western State School of Law. She will be taking the CA. State Bar exam in July :whacked

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Not to hijack this thread but how much extra weight should one do in 2 arm chin up to be able to do 1 hand chin ups? I can strap 100+lb and do 3-4 good reps with chin over the bar(yet I can only hang with 1 arm outstretched)... is there another element that needs to be trained?

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Not to hijack this thread but how much extra weight should one do in 2 arm chin up to be able to do 1 hand chin ups? I can strap 100+lb and do 3-4 good reps with chin over the bar(yet I can only hang with 1 arm outstretched)... is there another element that needs to be trained?

Your being a menace :whistel

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Not to hijack this thread but how much extra weight should one do in 2 arm chin up to be able to do 1 hand chin ups? I can strap 100+lb and do 3-4 good reps with chin over the bar(yet I can only hang with 1 arm outstretched)... is there another element that needs to be trained?
I too would like to know this? Someone who can do a 1-arm chin please post.

But to add my 2 cents, additional poundage used is meaningless without knowing your BW.

And it sounds like you might be doing your chins the way I used to do them (back when I used alot more weight!). I could be wrong, but if you're not doing it now, start going to full extension on the bottom and start every rep from a dead stop. Makes it alot harder and sounds like that's where your weakness is.

Also, there is a technique element to the 1-arm chin. There are some good articles on training for this on the Dragondoor website. But I have a long way to go...

Your being a menace

Sorry guys... I guess I'm being a hijacking menace too.

Edited by rying
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Not to hijack this thread but how much extra weight should one do in 2 arm chin up to be able to do 1 hand chin ups? I can strap 100+lb and do 3-4 good reps with chin over the bar(yet I can only hang with 1 arm outstretched)... is there another element that needs to be trained?

You really can't tell the exact amount of extra weight you have to be able to do. I've seen it varies somewhat. I'd say you are ready to start working up to one arm chins, if you can do a chinup with extra weight of 50% of your bodyweight. Build up from there. Checkout dragondoor.com forums, there you'll find a couple of good articles about one arm chinups. I'll just say from my experience, that negatives and partials are a good way to train for it. If you want to be able to do one arm chins, you have to practise them in one form or another, no matter how much extra weight you can do with two arms. It's a world of it's own.

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