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Closed The #2


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Well after a month of training I finally closed the #2 .. thanks alot gripboard for the help :D

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Congrats man! I am still pounding away at the #2. Hope to be in your shoes some day =). Did you use any type of program or just persistance?

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Nice job!!! I am very close myself ... literally 3 to 4 millimeters away ... very frustrating, haha. I'll close one of these days.

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Awesome job!! :mosher

I still remember the first time I closed my #2, Its was so cool to click those handles after being stuck at 1cm for ages.

#3 next?

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#3 next?

Lol you know it.. I'm not stopping at the #2.. I've been in the grip business for a month now and after being able to close that I have/must/need to move on to the #3, I want to be certed

Thanks guys for the help and enthusasm

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You might want to PM Jedd Johnson, he will add you to the Gripboard list of #2 closers.

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Cool, keep going!

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Nice job!!! I am very close myself ... literally 3 to 4 millimeters away ... very frustrating, haha. I'll close one of these days.

Keep working it, Paul. Your RT and one handed pinch are very good for most guys who cannot close the #2. Mine were just a bit less than where your's are when I was 3 mm away from the #2, and then I decided to stress crush for a while and nailed the #2 and now can close my RB240N (almost half way to an average #3).

Overcrush the crap out of a BBSA and do NC's with a BBSM (or something somewhat easier) or hose clamp choke your #2 down a bit to where you can just close it, and then gradually widen the choked spread.

And nice going ObsceneJester !! .. neilkaz ..

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Great job OJ! :cool The #2 is what I consider the start of "strong."

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Great job OJ! :cool The #2 is what I consider the start of "strong."

My youngest brother stopped in today. I had him try my #2. He closed it on the first try!!! He did it TNS. He did it cold. He is 6' 2" and 200#.

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