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3 Rolling Thunder Feats


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I just got my Rolling Thunder from IM, and being too cheap to buy the loading stack, hung it from a pull up bar. My question, how do these feats rate, and would they be good goals to work towards?

With the RT suspended from a pullup bar overhead:

1. One hand dead hang from RT

2. Same, but holding weight

3. One hand, two arm pullup from RT

4. OAP from RT.

5. Same, but holding weight.

Right now I am on level 0.

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I just got my Rolling Thunder from IM, and being too cheap to buy the loading stack, hung it from a pull up bar. My question, how do these feats rate, and would they be good goals to work towards?

With the RT suspended from a pullup bar overhead:

1. One hand dead hang from RT

2. Same, but holding weight

3. One hand, two arm pullup from RT

4. OAP from RT.

5. Same, but holding weight.

Right now I am on level 0.

Here's how I'd rate them:

1.) Pretty good depending on bodyweight.

2.) Depends on how much weight you're holding. 20 pounds maybe? Very good depending on your bodyweight.

3.) Very unimpressive. Regardless of bodyweight, unless you're like 300 pounds or something.

4.) Insane. Good luck with that.

5.) Crazy. Better luck with that. :blink

I am on Level -5...

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I've done chins with a pair of them, but even holding one to only one is still impossible for me. Of course, I weigh 250, so your mileage may vary. It's still impressive at any bodyweight.

Ben, on #3, I think he meant hanging by one hand and using the other hand hanging onto the opposite wrist for assistance.

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THose are some great feats of strength.

Right now I am on level 1.

I can deadhang it for about 5 secs on a strong day. I have also done a one arm 90degree lock-off L sit... Once, but not since!

Id love to be able to do a OAP on it! will practice over the coming winter. I should have some great rafters in the ski chalet to hang various things to hang off :mosher

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I should have some great rafters in the ski chalet to hang various things to hang off :mosher

Mmmm rafters. Try two handed pullups. One hand on RT one hand pinching the rafter. Fun

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