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Grade 8...


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so.... no one here knows me so ill give a brief intro, im 18, im in high school and recently in the past couple months my teacher (Sean Prince, who is on here) introduced all soorts of "strong man" feats, one of which is bending.... I figure im getting pretty good at it and i like it...today i bent a grade 8 in about 15 minutes..... but at least i bent it right? ill work on getting it quicker of course, but i was wondering how a grade 8 compares to a Red Nail or where a Grade 8 would equal to in the Bastard Scale if at all, Mr Prince is outta town otherwise id just ask him. ive only been bending for approx 2 months now, and i wanna get a Red Nail beofre im 19 (in october) thanks for any help

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1st off congrats on the grade 8 very impressive and with only a couple of months training. :rock

Your definately on the right path with Sean as your Teacher and fellow bendaholic and i think this is a great start .

When you can do about 5-6 grade 8 bolts in a row with none or very minimal rest then you are close to a RED.

You need to get some 7" stock of cold rolled steel 5/16"thick to practise the 7" as this throws alot of people of going from 6"grade 8 etc to something an inch longer.

Good luck on your quest for the RED but i doubt it will take someone bending grade 8s with only a few months training very long to conquer.

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a 5.5 inch grade 8 is very similar to a red, except a different feel due to length, when you can get these you should be able to get a Red.....Brett

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I feel that its the length of the RED thats the problem as once you are on the g8x5.5"-5" you have the strength.

it still bothers me in the shoulders the innitial torque on a 7"bar so i just use 6.5"and below.

Also bars are alot cheaper than graded bolts and are easier to cut.

I think the g8s and g9s are nice for a keepsake and the album to say one has conquered them on there bending journey but its easier and cheaper especially here in England to use 5/16"crs.

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I feel that its the length of the RED thats the problem as once you are on the g8x5.5"-5" you have the strength.

it still bothers me in the shoulders the innitial torque on a 7"bar so i just use 6.5"and below.

Also bars are alot cheaper than graded bolts and are easier to cut.

I think the g8s and g9s are nice for a keepsake and the album to say one has conquered them on there bending journey but its easier and cheaper especially here in England to use 5/16"crs.

I totally agree Gazza, size does indeed matter :rolleyes After I got the grade 8 5.5in I had to work on 7in 5/16 bolts to get a feel for the longer size. It took me 2 weeks of this before i was able to kill a red...BK

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I've found the crushdown eaiser on a red than a grade 8, but that could be because the length is giving extra leverage there. The 8s are really springy, the red is not at all.

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so.... no one here knows me so ill give a brief intro, im 18, im in high school and recently in the past couple months my teacher (Sean Prince, who is on here) introduced all soorts of "strong man" feats, one of which is bending.... I figure im getting pretty good at it and i like it...today i bent a grade 8 in about 15 minutes..... but at least i bent it right? ill work on getting it quicker of course, but i was wondering how a grade 8 compares to a Red Nail or where a Grade 8 would equal to in the Bastard Scale if at all, Mr Prince is outta town otherwise id just ask him. ive only been bending for approx 2 months now, and i wanna get a Red Nail beofre im 19 (in october) thanks for any help

Nice work Keeton,

Glad to see you are in the fold with the bending. Did you get the grade 5s I left for you last Monday? I thought that would have held you until I got back from vacation. I will spool you up on the grade 8s on Monday and I will make a trip to AK Steel for a 20' of 5/16" next week and we will cut you some 7"ers and try you out with some square to bridge a few gaps. Listen to all these guys on the board. They are the ones who got me where I am today. :bow Also do a few searches in the bending and read, read, read... you know the drill man, knowledge is power and your are plenty strong so form and practice are going to be your best allies right now. Talk to you Monday, and don't sleep in!


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thanks Mr. Prince and everyone else. yeah, i tried that 7 inch square stock earlier when i got home..... still couldnt get it past that little kink, but i think ill give tomorrow as a rest day and Thursday ill eat a good breakfast and try to hit it again, ill just take my frustration out on Grade 5's in the meantime :angry: lol

And i think thursday after school ill go to Jo-anns and pick up some of that Suede stuff you were talkin about.

Looking foward to Friday and seeing Mr. Prince go for the Grand Hexasbastard, thatll be good :mosher

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