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Ironmind Nails


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Im thinking of ordering the ironmind nails at the end of the month / have a few questions

to anybody who has the nails an views this - where are you upto on them? an how long did it take you to get there?

how hard would you say each nail is? e.g is the green twice as hard as the white? is the red 3 x a yellow? etc



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I have the white and green(ordered yellow, blue and red). a 40-d nail is weaker than the white, a green nail is as thick as the white but 1 inch shorter(5 inch). and i don't know about the rest only that a blue nail is as hard as the 60-d nail.

Edited by Alawadhi
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I have the white and green(ordered yellow, blue and red). a 40-d nail is weaker than the white, a green nail is as thick as the white but 1 inch shorter(5 inch). and i don't know about the rest only that a blue nail is as hard as the 60-d nail.


where did you buy them seperately? i could only see a bag of them containing some of each on the ironmind website

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search on the site. they have each seperately.

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because i did a search, you may not find anything. but u will see a search bottom above. type nails and you will find it.

another link



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because i did a search, you may not find anything. but u will see a search bottom above. type nails and you will find it.

another link



yeh ive found em now, cheers

its just that for some reason only the mixed bag and red nails come up if you put ironmind nails, but if you just put nails in, then they come up - i dont feel the price is all that bad actually, you do get 50

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  • 2 weeks later...
:D Dont forget to add your shipping on top of that its prob coing to cost you double that again to get them over here,and if you cannot do a red yet it would be a waste of your money!
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I have bent a many yellows, blues and reds but never a white or green (because i never got a hold of one not because of the difficulty level, obviously.) In my opinion if your working to the red i think you need other metal instead of just ironmind because from the blue to the red is deffinitly too big of a jump, there should be like a purple nail or something. Buy some some greens and maybe a few yellows and blues but hold off on buying reds for now. Go to your local hardware store when you can bend a blue and start buying grade 5 bolts, 60d nails 5/16 hrs etc...best of luck!!

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Ya like said above you should go to home depot or lows and get some 1/4 in. stock and cut that to any length that u want. to get different levels of difficulty combine the nails, use like two whites, or a yellow and a white. another thing that you can buy besides the IM bag is the fatbastard bender bag they have two levels of difficulty the beginner bag and the advanced bag, both of them are good choices but they say the beginner bag is in between the the IM bag and the fatbastard advanced bag. it has some small stuff, medium stuff and some big stuff. just in case you dont know how to get that bag it is at the top of the page it says fat bastard barbell, click that and away you go ;)

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Im thinking of ordering the ironmind nails at the end of the month / have a few questions

to anybody who has the nails an views this - where are you upto on them? an how long did it take you to get there?

how hard would you say each nail is? e.g is the green twice as hard as the white? is the red 3 x a yellow? etc



I bought the bag so i would have a sample of each. I could bend the white and the green off the bag and i put about a 10 degree kink on the yellow.

I would say from the white to the green is a small step and from the green to the yellow is a huge step :) I haven't bent in a few weeks because i tore a calouses and i just maxed in the gym so taking a week off before and after, but i'll be back at it next week working my way into the yellow.

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Is the Ironmind level 1 nails too easy. Im thinking of ordering a set of 50 but i dont want easy ones....I guess ill just order the level 2's. :rock

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Then bender's bag from FBBC or the bender's bag from Iron Mind are great places to start, then once you establish your level call some local steel companies and buy it by the stick and cut it down with a hacksaw. For certs, order the stock from the company. This is my two cents. Good luck gentlemen.


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Whites and greens are good warm up nails and if your going to teach someone to bend.

Joary good to see you over here also.It's me Garage Rat.

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Is the Ironmind level 1 nails too easy. Im thinking of ordering a set of 50 but i dont want easy ones....I guess ill just order the level 2's. :rock

You might wish to test where you stand. I suggest a quick trip to Lowes or Home Depot and buy a piece (I think it is 3 or 4 ft lengths from Home Depot near here) of 3/16" round stock. The IM White is 6" long and the IM Green 5" long 3/16" round...so cut your own pieces (a bolt cutter is fine) and see where you stand.

These should be close enough to IM's strengths to be a good test. Honestly when I was starting out and both were a bit of a challange, I couldn't tell the difference between a couple of IM Greens a friend gave me, and a same 5" length of Home Depot 3/16" round.

Next step up is 3/16" square which is rather costly at HD and fortunately about equal to 6" long 60D Hot Galvanized Timber Ties which are cheap. These are a nice step in between the Green and Yellow (level 3) nails. Make sure the box says Hot Galvanized since the one I got that aren't are much tougher (maybe close to Blue's)

Try a piece of 1/4" round and 7 inches is the size of a Yellow and 6" the size of a Blue nail. But if you are straining hard with easier sizes, leave these for a couple workouts until you're more used to bending so as to minimize risk of injury.

Once you know where you stand you can buy big lengths from a metal's supplier and cut your own, or buy what you need from IM or FBBC.

If you are reasonably strong, I fear that IM's Whites will only be useful for an easy warmup for you and while it is important to warm up, as you gain bending strength, they'll be exceedingly easy.

Find out where you stand, prior to spending lots of $$ on nails you may not need or that may currently be too hard for you. .. neilkaz ..

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