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Well i posted about pains in my hand about a week ago and ive have 5 days of all grippers, ive done loads of extensor work, lots of contrast baths and i still have the same pain in the back of my hand near my wrist, is this my tendons? if so what should i do? take another 5 days off?i can still grip, and i dont think it affects my gripping too much so if i keep using it will it get worse?

Once again, any help is appreciated.


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Sounds to me like your wrist is having trouble taking the loads imposed on it. You need to strengthen your wrists, is what I would assume would fix it. I used to have this problem in my left wrist, but it went away eventually and has never come back.

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stop everything for 1 week. let someone to massage your hands. and after that do wrist curl for 1 full week. let it be singls. the go back to gripper. and yeah do little of extensor.

Edited by Alawadhi
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It happens, don't get discouraged.

Do lifts that don't hurt, keep contrast bath/icing, you could try running them under hot water for a while before you you grip to warm them up, make sure you are warming up before you do anything too hard.

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thanks alot, i really like this place, lots of support when i need it :D

Muscles take around a week or two, to heal, tendons take a month or more. You have the right spirit but may be trying to hard.

My advice is the same as that above take a week off and do NOTHING then after a week work your extensors every second day for about a week (some wrist work on the other days wouldn't hurt either). During those 2 weeks do contrast baths every night, maybe even put tiger balm on your hands when you go to sleep.

You won't lose any strength in your crushing by taking two weeks off to heal, you will probably be even stronger than you where when you last trained.

When I train my extensors I don't train them very hard or for very long, but I train them a many of times a day. Think of extensor work as recovery and not work, dont go until it hurts or you'll have to give it time to recover.

Good luck

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I highly recommend taking cissus quadrangularis....I prefer powder.....i found cheapest for 12.99 or 8.99 if u get 10 or more.....it's been shown to speed up recovery/healing in bones/tendons/ligaments.....it's amazing if you got tendinitis...it may likely help you...

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you can't say what the cheapest price is but not where you found it

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ive had that disgusting pain you talk about. dont train, leave it for a good 3 weeks or more. Nothing helped as much as rest for me.

Once you get back into gripping, start smaller and slowly, acclimatize yourself. Warm up very thoroughly, that stopped mine coming back.

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I recently did something to my ulna bone area on my right wrist, it is terrible...it seems like its gets better than just gets bad again, there is no bone damage, I was thinking I might have tendonitis or a really badly bruised ulna bone...I can still lift somewhat, but I fear it will just make it worse...I've iced it, wrapped it, for about a month and its getting slightly better, but I wish so bad for it to be 100%, its really getting me down not being able to train grip fully...shows how much we take this shit for granted...

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