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Massive Uncontrollable Twitch


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In my left arm, between my tricep and shoulder i have been having constant twitches since yesterday! They are completely painless but incredibly annoying, i havent been doing any form of working out so i really dont have a clue what is going on :angry: can anyone suggest something that i should do?

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I don't know if thse are the same twitches I get or no. But I get a repetitve twitch that will occur in a single muscle and just twitch for a minute or two. It usually comes for me when I change my volume and intensity of training suddenly. Sometimes just thinking about them makes them go away. Sometimes if I put myfinger on it, it will stop. The only cure is to keep training and let the body adapt. Sometime gatorade, fruit or protein drinks stop them completly, sometimes not.

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twitches can occur because of different reasons:

1. not enough magnesia in the body

2. an early symptome of Multiple Sclerosis (no joke, but not very likely)

3. for me: doing suddenly no training for weeks

or 4. psychological stress all the time... :whacked

Edited by Burkhard Macht
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twitches can occur because of different reasons:

1. not enough magnesia in the body

2. an early symptome of Multiple Sclerosis (no joke, but not very likely)

3. for me: doing suddenly no training for weeksor 4. psychological stress all the time... :whacked

im guessing that no training bit is why because i have suddenly stopped my training for a week or so, how long do yours take to leave?
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twitches can occur because of different reasons:

1. not enough magnesia in the body

2. an early symptome of Multiple Sclerosis (no joke, but not very likely)

3. for me: doing suddenly no training for weeksor 4. psychological stress all the time... :whacked

im guessing that no training bit is why because i have suddenly stopped my training for a week or so, how long do yours take to leave?

Oh, that's was different. Often it leaves 2-3 days after I started training again. But there was a time where I had this over 1 year (trizep, shoulder, leg, chest, calve)! The other pupil in school noticed that and thought I were crazy.... :laugh

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Sometimes I get that after a hard night in the gym. Not something to worry about. (Actually, it's kinda cool)

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