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Ladder The Coc's


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Hey all,

I am new to the forum and have been reading/learning as much as I possibly can about grip, bending, so on and so forth. I got my grippers 2 days ago (Trainer and #1). I can't close the #1 all the way, but I got the trainer for a few reps. I was wondering if doing a ladder for grip training would work with grippers. Example...I do 1, my friend does 1, I do 2, my friend does 2, I do 3, my friend does 3. Keep going until it gets a little hard then start over at 1 to get maximum reps? Just curious if anyone has attempted this with grippers and their success/failure using the method.



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Hey all,

I am new to the forum and have been reading/learning as much as I possibly can about grip, bending, so on and so forth. I got my grippers 2 days ago (Trainer and #1). I can't close the #1 all the way, but I got the trainer for a few reps. I was wondering if doing a ladder for grip training would work with grippers. Example...I do 1, my friend does 1, I do 2, my friend does 2, I do 3, my friend does 3. Keep going until it gets a little hard then start over at 1 to get maximum reps? Just curious if anyone has attempted this with grippers and their success/failure using the method.



I don't know, sounds like it might work, but if I didn't get results in 6 weeks, I would go with a more traditional, sets of reps approach! The #1 is a tough gripper! It originates at the bottom of the stack, and is the first stepping stone! I want to encourage you in attempting to tackle it with so much deterimination, may that quality follow you every where as you travel through the world of grip! I have never done the ladder, let me know how your success turns out... good luck!

Mr. Gripster

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There is no reason in the world why the ladder approach would not work with grip training. Give that a try and tell us about your results. If you can do about 5-6 reps with your Trainer, use that for ladder training. Good luck!

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Well, I just got done doing a ladder that looked something like, 1,2,3,4,5 then back to 1,2,3,4,5 and did 2 more sets this way with the trainer. I have a small blister on both pinkies but that will heal. I am still getting used to the knurling on the COC's...definitely stings alittle when trying to do negatives :erm .

Maybe I should stick this in the training section and keep on writing away about my training, going from below a #1.



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Don't do negatives, if you eventually intend to climb up to 60 reps/training session (as Pavel's example of ladder system in Beyond Bodybuilding describes).

If your intention is to do so many reps (or even half of it), I would advice you not to do negatives. You'll end up doing too much too soon.

I would (and will try it anytime soon) start with a ladder doing something like this: 1,2,3 rest 1,2,3 rest 1,2,3. That would be my workout no. 1. From there I would add one series (1,2,3) every workout until I'm up to 42 reps or something like that. Then I would start all over by doing 1,2,3,4 rest 1,2,3,4 and so forth...and again with the lower volume.

Edited by Teemu I
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If your just starting out you may find you're overtraining.

It'll take a couple of weeks for your hands to adapt to the grippers. if you get a blister let it heal properly before you use your grippers again.

once you get the #1 closed be sure to start working your extensors as well, if you don't you'll start having hand pains by the time you close the #2.

Good luck in your training

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I have a small blister on both pinkies but that will heal. I am still getting used to the knurling on the COC's.

keep working through the abrasive pain that the knurling has on the skin, it will go away in time. as far as the blisters go, i highly advise getting prewrap and athletic tape and putting that over the worn areas of the skin. that way you can still train and your skin will heal at the same time.

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If your just starting out you may find you're overtraining.

It'll take a couple of weeks for your hands to adapt to the grippers. if you get a blister let it heal properly before you use your grippers again.

once you get the #1 closed be sure to start working your extensors as well, if you don't you'll start having hand pains by the time you close the #2.

Good luck in your training

Why do you have to work your extensors? I ask this becase I have hand pains and im guessing im just over doing it in one area and causing a unbalance.

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You just answered your own question. You have to work extensors to prevent muscular imbalance. Now of course, the extensors aren't going to be 1:1 strength ratio to your flexors, as the human hand is designed to squeeze shut, not fly open (think of a crocodile's mouth for example), but working the extensors will help tremendously to overall hand health and strength.

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Hey all,

I just closed my #1 all the way. rested a second, did it again, rested a sec, did it again. then I put some transmission fluid on the springs (that is how hardcore I am hahaha) to stop the squeaking. and then closed it again. Only with the right hand though, I still can't get a good close with the left. That's alright though, always something to strive for. I plan on purchasing the #2 sometime in the near future to start working on it. I have been doing extensor work, pinch grip with a 4x4 homemade, wrist rollers with 1.5" PVC pipe (homemade), plate curls when I can. I can't get the #1 consecutive yet though, but I does make you feel good when you get the blasted thing closed, granted I have only had it for 4-5 days.

Talk ya later,


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If your just starting out you may find you're overtraining.

It'll take a couple of weeks for your hands to adapt to the grippers. if you get a blister let it heal properly before you use your grippers again.

once you get the #1 closed be sure to start working your extensors as well, if you don't you'll start having hand pains by the time you close the #2.

Good luck in your training

Why do you have to work your extensors? I ask this becase I have hand pains and im guessing im just over doing it in one area and causing a unbalance.

Like raziel said when you get an imbalance in your hands they start to hurt, I was fine until I closed my #2 and started working on the #3. then al of a sudden BAM my knuckes ached, a bit of extensor work and i'm right as rain again.

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Hello all, I'm new to the gripboard so take it easy on me please.

I've had my grippers a while now though not really done as much as you chaps have. I'm half way through closing a no2 though haven't got any regime or particular plan of attack as it were.

Would someone be kind enough to point me in the direction where I might be able to get a better understanding of ladders please?

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I do the ladder sometimes for my hands with a "real hard" :tongue plastichandle store gripper,i´ll do 1 rep with right hand then 1,2 with left,1,2,3 right,1,2,3,4 left keep adding one rep each hand change starting from one evrytime ending up with 35-45 rep at the end.

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