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Jason Keen

Rick Walker

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Anyone know Keen's web site address??

I heard he recently closed the #3-

Rick Walker :hehe

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Hi Rick.  Jason closed the #3 at Kevin's Super Grip Challenge last year, however I'm fairly certain that he doesn't much care and I don't think that he has any real ambition to get Certified...


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Guest OoklaTheMok


Brian's right... I *didn't* much care and I wasn't going to videotape myself or go get the State Attorney General to write me a letter or whatever it takes...

But, as an honest man, I felt it was less than forthcoming to make it sound like I am still closing it and don't care.  Before Kevin's contest, I had never really tried to close the 3# with one hand.  I had used it in training a couple times to do holds after I had closed it by leaning on it, but to be honest, since I was training primarily for strongman competition, all I did that year for grip work was heavy farmer's walks and the Rolling Thunder lift.  That's it.  Then I worked the SuperGrip events, including the grippers, about 3-4 times with Brian and JD prior to the comp.

I shut Kevin's #3.  So I came home that week, tried mine, closed it, and said "I'll be damned."   Then on October 13 at North America's Strongest Man, I broke my right wrist and shredded a bunch of tendons in there.   It was a long time before I could even exert the pressure to hold a barbell on my neck to squat with, let alone grip anything.  I can't close my #3 anymore, and I doubt I could close a #2 with my right hand.  So I am out of the grip game for good.  Competin, that is.  BUT, I will still be around, judging and promoting.

So watch what you say.   :D


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 That sucks man!  How did it happen?  Can't you just train it back up to par?  Or is it that far gone?  I am thinking about hitting some grip comps. as soon as this d@mn #3 falls.  

Rick Walker :hehe

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Guest OoklaTheMok

It happened on the clean portion of the log press.  Tough to explain, but you can see it clearly on video.  It looks like my elbow goes one way and the pinky finger side of my fist goes the other.  You can see my wrist kind of 'stretch', and then pop and open up wider and go back real fast.  It looks a lot worse than it was.

I probably could train it back to where it was, but to be honest I don't really care to.  I guess that gets back to my cavalier attitude that Brian pointed out.  ;)  I have done a lot of work with it to regain ROM and supporting strength, but a lot of the tendons in there are still shot.  I elected not to have any kind of surgery done.  My grip training was just an adjunct to my strongman training, anyway, and never a focus.  My wrist is now good enough that I can do the farmer's walk without too much pain and support a heavy overhead press, and that is really all I care about in the log run.

Just about any kind of grip work is quite painful, and anything that involves pinching with the thumb and fingertips far apart is especially bad.  (thick bar stuff, pinch grips, etc.)  So I am going to leave well enough alone, as I don't want to injure it further.  Like I said, at this point I can continue on with the strongman training, Olympic lifts, and gym work in general, so that is what I will do.

If you are going to do some grip competitions, you should consider ours in August.  Really, if you are going to do some grip competition"s", plural, you don't have much choice but to go to both the SuperGrip in NE and the Grip Champs here, cause I think that is all that's out there.  Good luck with your training...

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I had to come back from a hand injury (it had nothing to do with training), and I regained 99 percent of my original strength.  When I first closed the #3, I was just about to get certified when the accident happened.  To make a long story short, I made the comeback and mashed that sucker, and got certified!!  :)

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Guest OoklaTheMok

I'll be...

Didn't they turn that story into one of those inspirational Hallmark Movies of the Week?


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 Hey, did you happen to check out my web page??  If not, heres the address: www.people.iup.edu/lfdj

Rick Walker :hehe

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