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Anyone know the cheapest place to get a pulling harness?

Ironmind and Elite ftns are a little expensive

Or maybe a good cheap way to make one?

thanks for the help

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APT Pro Wrist Straps -- www.prowriststraps.com -- has a harness for between $130 to $150 depending on size. They seem to have endorsements from Strongman competitors, that's what they claim. I've ordered other things from APT & they're pretty good.


The one sewed cloth/velcro item I ordered from them, a strap for attaching to bars for wrist rollers, seemed a little bit on the chintzy/cheap side. The sewing maybe wasn't bad, but the metal snap clip sent along with it was definitely cheap & useless. It didn't seem as good as advertised.

So, my caution is that if that small thing wasn't top-quality sewing, I wonder if the bigger, more critical pulling harness would be as good quality as desired.

Still, I plan to order one from APT in about a month or so. I'm going to also get the Super Squats Hip Belt from IronMind, first, and see if I can do sled-dragging okay with that. Mainly, I want to do some backwards-walking sled-dragging, to work my hamstrings. I don't see how either IronMind's or APT's harness can allow you do do backwards sled-drags.

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thanks man!

I think that elite fts and APT have the same harness. Couldn't you just turn the harness around to do sled drags backwards?

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First one I had was made out of some old seatbelts & a couple pieces of old fire hose. Go to a junk yard & ask around at Fire stations. Cost you nothing but having a seamstress sew it together. Just put a piece of the firehose over each of the shoulder pieces & in the front to protect the belly.

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First one I had was made out of some old seatbelts & a couple pieces of old fire hose. Go to a junk yard & ask around at Fire stations. Cost you nothing but having a seamstress sew it together. Just put a piece of the firehose over each of the shoulder pieces & in the front to protect the belly.

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You`re ok with this one. ;)

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Check the bigger,faster, stronger web site.

They have a pulling harness.

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thanks man!

I think that elite fts and APT have the same harness. Couldn't you just turn the harness around to do sled drags backwards?

Can anyone address this question? I want to know, too. I don't have access to a seamstress, so I'm probably going to spend money to buy something.

If I buy a harness like the IM or APT harness, can I just turn it around to do backwards sled-drags?

Or would I have wasted $100+ ?

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When I used to train with Jared Spybrook after he tore his bicep he would do backwards sled drags all day with his harness. That was the only harness that I have ever seen so I don't know if he modified it in any way, but if I recall I think he just put it on backwards.

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Here's another track harness, don't know how much weight these can be used with but you could call and ask. $43 for the harness, looks like $23 for a belt that just goes around your waist. The diesel crew also has an article on their site about just using handles (like just looped nylon) for pulling.


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I got a free one that came with a tree stand. It is made out of seat belt material, has shoulder straps, a belt, and leg connectors, and has a loose strap on the back and two hip loops. I can pull a small SUV, do weighted pullups, and other foolishness with it, with just minor bruising if the shoulder straps contact skin.

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Those are good ideas. I think I will try to make one. A fire hose would be great.

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If anybody needs some fire hose and are unable to find it locally, Let me know.

I might be able to get some for you.

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