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Numbness In Fingers


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Has anyone ever had any numbness in their finger after working with grippers? I was doing a static hold with the COC #2, and when i released it I had tingling and numbness in my pinky and 4th fingertip. It's been 30 minutes or so since it happened and it is still a little numb (pins and needles type sensation).

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Trust me, the #2 kicks no mans butt if he trains hard, you've probably done a bit of nerve damage, nothing serious. Take time off until it heals, do contrast baths twice a day, and you should be fine in no time.

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Thumbless Rolling Thunder gives me numbness in a finger or two that lasts several days.

I used to get a very slight numbness in my finger tips after grippers.

...not to mention my CTS in my left hand ever since I wrecked my left wrist in table top wrist curl...

Overall, thickbar lifting affects the nerves in my wrist and hands more than anything.

...the CTS is slowly getting better over the years in spite of an ever increasing work load...

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It might be the loss of blood going to those fingers during that close.

Get the blood rushing back - just shake your fingers out, then massage them gently. Wait until the numbness completely goes away before going back to the grippers for that hand.

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I'd say from my own experience, that it's nothing to get worried about. I get that all the time, and happens with every movement I use enough weight/resistance to make progress. Sometimes I have to open my pinky and ring finger with other hand. For me, it just means that I've gone heavy enough.

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This is weakness leaving the body keep crushing! :tongue JUST KIDDING static holds are the worst for making body parts go numb, sounds girly but get a good hand lotion and massage the fingers really good this helps me tremendously

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Has anyone ever had any numbness in their finger after working with grippers? I was doing a static hold with the COC #2, and when i released it I had tingling and numbness in my pinky and 4th fingertip. It's been 30 minutes or so since it happened and it is still a little numb (pins and needles type sensation).

ive got something along the lines of this now - i was pinching pretty heavy the other day, an then afterwards i torn half a thick argos an since then ive been getting pins an needles around my left thumb anytime ive used the thumb - a couple days later, today, it happened again when i was crushing my tennis ball

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With thumbs, it might be a different thing. You really need to watch your thumb so it doesn't overextend while pinching.

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Thanks to everyone who has responded. The tingling and numbness has been on and off today. I will keep up with the contrast baths and stretching. I'm also going to lay off the grippers for 2 or 3 weeks....the middle knuckle on both my hands is really sore today, and it has been getting progressivly worse over the last month or so. Perhaps I've tried to go to hard to fast.

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.the middle knuckle on both my hands is really sore today, and it has been getting progressivly worse over the last month or so. Perhaps I've tried to go to hard to fast.

The middle knuckle is what gets me. After hard gripper days it becomes very sensitive to any side presure. My crushing power doesn't go down but trying to use my hand for other things, sandbags, towel pullups, gets fairly painful.

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Too hard, too fast, focusing too much on gippers and other crushing related etc. Now that you still have those pains etc, you'll be better of resting for a while. Good luck.

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Thanks to everyone who has responded. The tingling and numbness has been on and off today. I will keep up with the contrast baths and stretching. I'm also going to lay off the grippers for 2 or 3 weeks....the middle knuckle on both my hands is really sore today, and it has been getting progressivly worse over the last month or so. Perhaps I've tried to go to hard to fast.

This has been said time and time again, and I mentioned a similar thing and got this answer that has proven true for me and seen others repply in the affirmative........sore back of the hand=a lack of extensor work (generally).

Give the hands a rest til the hands are ok, then jump in slowly with a balanced approach to extensor/flexor work,( and if all else is equal), you will rarely have much knuckle pain..(thats my guess).


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Thanks to everyone who has responded. The tingling and numbness has been on and off today. I will keep up with the contrast baths and stretching. I'm also going to lay off the grippers for 2 or 3 weeks....the middle knuckle on both my hands is really sore today, and it has been getting progressivly worse over the last month or so. Perhaps I've tried to go to hard to fast.

This has been said time and time again, and I mentioned a similar thing and got this answer that has proven true for me and seen others repply in the affirmative........sore back of the hand=a lack of extensor work (generally).

Give the hands a rest til the hands are ok, then jump in slowly with a balanced approach to extensor/flexor work,( and if all else is equal), you will rarely have much knuckle pain..(thats my guess).


It has been said many times,but if new members didn't ask old questions, and this one is fairly important, this board would come to a stand still with the exception of people anouncing their latest progress. Looking over the old posts there really isn't anything that hasn't been covered.

It can also be hard to search for information, a search for numbnes in fingers brings one result and it is this thread. And a search on numbness doesn't bring anything relevent to finger numbness, palm of hand and forearm sure but nothing for the fingers. Seems to me if it was covered it wasn't easy to find. Lots on general pain but nothing for his specific problem.

I'd rather have an old topic hashed up again by new members than log into gripboard and see no new posts. But that's just me.

My problem with knuckle pain on the other hand has been covered and was very easy to find information on, but I was just putting in my 2 bits to be part of the conversation.

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