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Update On Bending, Horseshoes, Etc.

Justin Reagan

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I haven't been able to keep up with my log or post regularly for a while. Weird hours at work, and also many, many small workouts. It would be hard to post them all.

Anyways, my most recent accomplishment is that I bent with DU (well, kinked DU) a sub-5" piece of 1/4" CRS. It wasn't quite down to 4.75", but it was definitely under 5". The funny thing is, I only slightly kinked it DU, and did much more than normal with DO. So I ALMOST did it DO. It took about a minute. I've found that when the bar is 4.5"-5", DO form is easy. When it gets up to 6", there's no way. I can't even do a 6" G2 with proper high DO form. I can do it slim style and also DO at waist height, but not regular DO.

Also, I've bent 4 of my hard, dull 60ds in a row. The bad thing is, now the store has replaced them with bright 60d's. Still harder than normal, but not quite as hard.

As far as my regular bright 60d's, I've bent 27 of them in a row. Yeah, it took about an hour (started having to take more rest about halfway through), and I was hurting afterwards, but it was great fun. I remember it wasn't that long ago that I made a post asking about how to increase volume with 60d's. Hmmm....

And I have 20 feet of #10 jack chain just sitting there laughing at me. Eventually it will bust apart.....I just have to figure out how to progress from breaking #12 to #10.

And finally, horseshoes. I ---GASP--- bought some shoes in addition to all my free shoes that I get. They are shoes that have been recommended as shoes to start out with. I won't buy many, as they're EXPENSIVE, but I don't mind spending a little on my favorite hobby. So maybe I can work up to being able to bend the used horseshoes that I have.... The shoes are St. Croix #2 ultra-lites. About 2.50/shoe. Ugggh. But I've bent two of them. The first I ended up doing with pipes. A few days later, I did one without the pipes. I just had to have a towel over my thigh for pressing it down. (Also the reason that I can barely kink a 12" spike over my leg--my legs hurt too easily--I need to get over that) It's nice to finally see that 'S' shape.


Justin Reagan

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That's awesome Justin, I can't wait till I approach the levels of what some of the more elite benders on here are doing now, though they'll be far and away by that time.

e funny thing is, I only slightly kinked it DU, and did much more than normal with DO. So I ALMOST did it DO.

This is how I tend to bend, I attack the bar DU for about two seconds, then switch to DO to finish it off through the sweep and the crushdown.

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That's awesome Justin, I can't wait till I approach the levels of what some of the more elite benders on here are doing now, though they'll be far and away by that time.

Same here man, feel like I've gotten into this game too late!

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