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Neck Work


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I received my IronMind Headstrap the other day, and I'm very very pleased. I didn't believe them at first that other neck straps wouldn't work, but it's definitely true. My first $13 neck strap broke after only 5-6 workouts with about 70 lbs. The IM Hercules Headstrap is rated for well over 1,000 lbs. I am confident it will last me forever.

Do people who do neck work, do the really obvious, simple movements only? Curling the neck back, curling neck forward (like "nodding"), tilting it left & right?

I read about Richard Sorin towing 700 lbs. in a sled with an IM Headstrap. (WOW!) :rock My question is, since I'm just starting out with Neck Work, I should probably hold off on attempting anything like Mr. Sorin's feat, right? :mosher

But wouldn't towing weight behind you with a sled & a neck strap, work approximately the same muscles as Reverse Neck Curls (bending to the front, then lifting the weight by raising the head up & back)?

So what are the main, or other, neck exercises I can or should do with a truly indestructible IM HeadStrap?

And how often do you guys do neck work?

Edited by TelegraphKey
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I have done a 300lb neck lift with my IM neck harness.That's a neck lift where you basically keep your neck stiff and squat weight off the ground with the harness on.

It's very sturdy.

Have you done any neck bridges, front neck raises off a bench while holding a plate on your forehead?

The anderson neck roll is also a good one.All these exercises don't require a harness.

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I have done a 300lb neck lift with my IM neck harness.That's a neck lift where you basically keep your neck stiff and squat weight off the ground with the harness on.

It's very sturdy.

Have you done any neck bridges, front neck raises off a bench while holding a plate on your forehead?

The anderson neck roll is also a good one.All these exercises don't require a harness.


What is the Anderson neck roll? I do front raises off the bench, neck harness for the back of the neck any good exercises for the sides of the neck?


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Try doing wrestler's bridges, unweighted at first, and then add weight holding it out over your chest. The neck will grow very fast, as it is not accustomed to being weight trained.

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I agree with Mmainlands... I would love to have an IM neckstrap. Just don't have the cashflow right now (per my money manager, the wife) But, at the 2005 GGC when I saw Underdawg doing wrestler's neck bridges, and pressing John Monino's 110# steel log, I said, "Dang, I've gotta be able to do that!!" I work the wrestler's bridges now at least once a week, and can do 70# presses, although I don't know if I'll ever get up on the bridge of my nose while doing 'em. First time I did a bridge, I got all dizzy and thought I was stroking out, but that doesn't happen anymore, nor the neck pain. Definitely an awesome neck-builder.

John Scribner

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300 is great for a neck lift, I've gone 240 and figure it's a lift that could really be improved, but I worry about losing control of the weight. I like good old bridges. Theres a video on here somewhere of a guy doing 400+ with the harness.

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The IM headstrap is one of my favourite strength tools. I do neck deadlifts (about once every 10 days, best lift is 205 lbs.), and full range reps to work the back of the neck (~75 lbs. x 6 reps). I have also used it for weighted pullups and dips. I can't say with certainty but it may boost my performance on these exercises.

I don't use it to work the front of the neck, I prefer lifting plates (2 x 20 lb. std. plates, wrapped in a towel) while lying on a flat surface, the plate rests on my face (with support from my hands). It is too hard to rig up the IM harness for working the front of the neck. Just a cautionary note: don't try the weighted exercises (esp. pullups) with the weight hanging down to the rear, there is a danger of the neck being yanked backwards.

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Wow, all great ideas, everbody. Thanks so much.

I was wondering about full-range lifts vs. squats with the neck strap. I should make clear, when I said I used 70 lbs, that's actually for full-range neck curls (and actually it's more than 70 lbs, since I strap it to a barbell pushed into a corner, so it's more like 90-100 lbs I think).

I used to do wrestling bridges back in early high school but I've packed on some bodyweight since then and haven't had the nerve to try them in a long long time. Looks like I'll have to give them a shot, though.

Doing a bench press from a neck bridge sounds insane! So does squatting with neck strap, and sled draggin with a neck strap. Absolutely crazy.

It seems like if there's one particular area of the neck that's naturally more trainable, it's the back of the neck. Having the weight on the strap in front of you, then squatting up, for example, is a static, heavy version of curling the weight up from in front of you. Do you all think lifting stuff up this way (sort of "Paul Anderson neck-backlifts") is the most natural sort of neck work?

You don't need the IM neck strap, obviously. It does cost a lot ($70 + shipping), but it is indestructible. But clearly other neck exercises, starting with bodyweight neck bridges, are at least just as useful.

Still, I've been on a splurge the past several months acquiring several indulgent IronMind items. I've bought about 1/3 of everything they sell, I think. But I'm just about over that, and will soon actually start to save my extra money for more serious things. Still, discovering IronMind, Diesel Crew, this website, etc. have really helped me get re-energized & dedicated to seriously working out again, so I don't regret that.

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Man I wish I would of gotten the Iron Mind Neck Harness. I boaght the one from Weight Lifters Warehouse. It is all right but the Iron Mind looks like it would stay on better. I got my neck harness for $35 so half of what the Iron Mind one cost. I sure wish I would of gotten the Iron Mind neck harness though.

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Man I wish I would of gotten the Iron Mind Neck Harness. I boaght the one from Weight Lifters Warehouse. It is all right but the Iron Mind looks like it would stay on better. I got my neck harness for $35 so half of what the Iron Mind one cost. I sure wish I would of gotten the Iron Mind neck harness though.

That's what I did before.I bought 1 leather harness one from bodybuilding.com.But the harness started to squeak on 80 pounds.And when I'm on 120 pounds the side started to tear.Those CS guys from bodybuilding.com keep on e-mail me re my comment on my first purchase.But when I mention on what my experience was,they didn't reply.So I bought IM harness along w/ eagle loop and Hip belt squat just this christmas.The IM harness is better coz it is so smooth and fit your head properly.

Cheaper products doesn't come cheap in the long run.Buy a better product even if it's a little bit expensive.Especially equipment for your NECK.

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The Anderson neck roll is kind of a neck bridge where you lean you forehead on a wall,bench or even floor and roll your head from side to side.You will need to support yourself with your hands while doing this.

The farther you put your legs back the more stress on your neck.This exercises the neck in a whole diffrent way.I got this from pavels beyond bodybuilding book.

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I'm going to have to try the sled idea, but with a lot less than 700 pounds....

I have a IM one, they are great. You could make a normal one feel a LOT better by improvising the metal part of the IM one....

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The Anderson neck roll is kind of a neck bridge where you lean you forehead on a wall,bench or even floor and roll your head from side to side.You will need to support yourself with your hands while doing this.

The farther you put your legs back the more stress on your neck.This exercises the neck in a whole diffrent way.I got this from pavels beyond bodybuilding book.

Thanks for the reply Steve, I appreciate it.

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Anyone read "The Spiritual Journey of Joseph L. Greenstein"? It talks of his neck exercise: biting the kitchen table and standing up with it in his teeth, the legs of the table braced against his body.

This is also how he discovered he could bite through stuff...


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I love the Ironmind harness(you get what you pay for) The 740lb pull was dedicated to the good doc that sewed me back together after my surgery. Pulling that load on the turf surface was even harder for me than a previous pull up a slight incline towing my Hummer. Having a strong neck has saved my life 3 times so far......a wonderful repay on work invested!!!!!!

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Man I wish I would of gotten the Iron Mind Neck Harness. I boaght the one from Weight Lifters Warehouse. It is all right but the Iron Mind looks like it would stay on better. I got my neck harness for $35 so half of what the Iron Mind one cost. I sure wish I would of gotten the Iron Mind neck harness though.

That's what I did before.I bought 1 leather harness one from bodybuilding.com.But the harness started to squeak on 80 pounds.And when I'm on 120 pounds the side started to tear.Those CS guys from bodybuilding.com keep on e-mail me re my comment on my first purchase.But when I mention on what my experience was,they didn't reply.So I bought IM harness along w/ eagle loop and Hip belt squat just this christmas.The IM harness is better coz it is so smooth and fit your head properly.

Cheaper products doesn't come cheap in the long run.Buy a better product even if it's a little bit expensive.Especially equipment for your NECK.

Mine sucks it squeak with only 25 lbs. Some day I will get the Iron Mind Neck Harness. I might send it back Bill Etnist the owner of Weight Lifters Warehouse said I could I could for a full refund. I wonder if he will reinburst me for the shipping costs.

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Anyone read "The Spiritual Journey of Joseph L. Greenstein"? It talks of his neck exercise: biting the kitchen table and standing up with it in his teeth, the legs of the table braced against his body.

This is also how he discovered he could bite through stuff...


That's absolutely insane. ("Insane" only because I don't want to ever try it.) I just had some tooth surgery; just thinking about that makes me jumpy.

Did he shake the table around & up & down, too, like a Hulk-Dog with a bone?

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