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Advice For Training Days


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Is it good that i train in separate days my lower arms? for example: monday :wrist and forearm generally) tuesday: crushing , pinch, support? i read many posts in the training section and i saw that many many people, do them all together, so i got a little confused....many exercises in the same day for all the lower hands is very tiring, or it has results? i m wasting time to train my hands in seperate days?

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I always go grip then wrists same day, I think other do it seperatly. Joe Kinney, I think, never did wrists the same day as grippers, always a day or two after.

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It sort of depends on who you are, if you get really tired when you do both in the same day and your not seeing results then do them in different days.

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Heath first of all congrats. for you certification, it was awesome. I like to train them seperately, but when i train my wrists i always do wrist-forearm work both, in an effort to strengthen my wrists and at the same time force my forearms to grow.

I believe for my body that doing all things together in the same will bring me to edge of disaster....

Edited by Blackheart
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Thanks. I do grippers then Formulator, so I guess it would be wrist and forearm both. I do flexion, extension, and front lever. When I'm finished my hands and forearms are killed. My whole grip workout takes 30-45minutes if I drag my feet. That is just my preference to do them same day. When I did hammers or wrist curls I would do them after grippers also. If my progress stopped I would probably switch days.

Kinney did grippers/machine and then on seperate days he would use a home made wrist roller. He said his progress was much better splitting them.

It is really just a matter of seeing what works for you.

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I think the use of the Formulator may allow you to do both better in one session than if you have to use a bar for your forearm work. If you trash your hands and then have to "grip" the bar to do your forearm work - it seems that would place a real limitation on how deeply you could work the forearms immediately afterwards.

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Also guys please tell me, which you think is the best ratio for training the hands? let me be more specific.

Three times a week i train my wrists, another three i train my crush pinch, support.example:

day1:crush, pinch, support


day3:crush , pinch, support


day5: crush, pinch, support

day6: wrists forearm

Is this good? is the overtraining for the hands? i think that i do not let the hands rest, but i read that the more you abuse your hands in training the more they will respond, with positive results i mean.

Which is your opinion on this?

I am trying really hard for all these, but sometimes i get confused by things i read, and opinions, and my training ends up in a mess!!!!!

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Blackheart - everyone has a different ability to withstand and recovery from high volume - that much volume would bury me in a week while you might thrive on it. My gut tells me that it will be too much volume for you as well but only time will tell. I also notice you have no levering in your routine - I think front, rear and rotational lever bar work is invaluable for healthy, injury free training over time. Good luck!

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I do everything on the same day. I generally pick 4-7 exercises, depending on the amount of free time that I have that day. Most of the time, I start out with grippers, then bending. After that, mainly, wrist stuff, blockweights, levering, pony clamps and extensor work on the im red bands. if i don't start off with grippers, then i would start off with blockweights, to wake up my hands, then i would go on the nail bending and then levering.

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Thank you climber511! Also congrats for the 165 lift i saw on your pictures! the bar was 2" or more?

I include levering in the wrist training always!!!! Not heavy though, but as heavy as i can! So would you recomend to unite these 6 days of training into 3 ? it would be better?

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Supermagnamon, i wish i had some access to some equipment that many in the forum believe it is a must to have, like the block weights, or many different thick bars.Here you cannot find this type of equipment and the times that i asked for it, they looked me like i was coming from Mars.....

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Blackheart - it's just my two cents but I would say 3 times a week would be better - yes. And depending on the number of sets and reps you do in each area, you might find it better to split up the different areas of training somewhat each session. You don't say if you are doing a full body routine also - heavy deadlifts, pulls, etc could make a difference in the total work load your hands are doing. Too much volume means you have to use lighter weights to some degree - this may give you a lot of endurance but possibly not as much one rep strength if that is your goal. Oh, where do you live? - if many of these items can not be purchsed, maybe you can make or find some things that might subsitute for them.

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Climber511 - I train everyday from monday to friday.My workout is more bodybuilding than weighlifting.But i do all the basic and power movements, like bench press, squats, stiff legged deadlifts, chins as heavy as i can.My goal is maximum strength achievment.To all body.

So you would suggest to train the whole lower hands three times a week? that is : crush, pinch support, wrist right?

I live in Greece and i have not even thick bars found here.I live in Athens.Please help! when i get confused with training, i go nuts!!!!!!

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Take it easy in the beginning. Nothing happens overnight. except injuries.

I started my grip training in May 05, and quickly found myself trying to do too much. Not heeding the advice of gripboard veterans like HammerHead and Bearcat brought on a severe case of tendonitis.

Take into consideration your powerlifting workouts and how much that alone will tax your grip and forearms.

STart out slowly and add different aspects of grip training.


Hope to close both of my #3 in feb.

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Blackheart - going nuts over training is a normal thing here so you fit right in. If your goal is maximum strength - it would seem like a bodybuilding type routine done six days a week might not be the best training to accomplish your goals. As far as equipment goes, Greece should have available things like pipe of different sizes that might be made into fat bars, boards and blocks of wood you could pinch, plus you can always pinch different combinations of plates. Spend some time and read all the posts here - there are a lot of posts that talk about making grip equipment from more common items.

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Thank you tommorow! best of luck with your #3, hope you close it soon!

Climber511 - Yes i can find such things.Tommorow i will go to a steel supplier to buy a 3'' inch hollow steel tube, to make a 3'' wrist roller.I like difficult things!

I will try to workout my lower arms three times a week! and again if that is too much, i should cut them to two days a week?

Also i workout 5 days a week! Bodybuilding is not for maximum gains? I keep low reps, very low, with heavy weights (for me).

What routine you would propose? a powerlifting routine?

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Also i workout 5 days a week! Bodybuilding is not for maximum gains? I keep low reps, very low, with heavy weights (for me).

What routine you would propose? a powerlifting routine?

train heavy, low reps low sets and you will build a good base for whatever you want to do in the future.

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I started specifically doing any forearm work at all about 8 months ago and it's been pretty haphazard. These days, I now specifically split up Grippers from all the other forearm work -- although I think (from reading these posts) that doing wrist curls, etc. (esp. w/the Formulator) right after Grippers would be okay.

I want to have max intensity to do Grippers, otherwise it feels like a waste of time. So, now I do Grippers the same day I do Squats -- there's nothing like a bout of Squats to get you into the proper intensity to wake up the hands enough to do RM Grippers.

Right now, my forearm routine looks roughly like this:

Sunday- abs, hypers, cleans, rows, pinching (hubs, plates, & Telegraph Key), wrist roller, Twist Yo' Wrist roller, maybe reverse curls & wrist curls

Tuesday- Squats, rack bench press, Grippers, closegrip bench, hamstrings (Good Morning/stiffleg dead, leg curl, or leg press), triceps

Wednesday- abs, rows, obliques/leg raises (bar-in-corner Pavel T. twist, etc.), overhead press (w/rack), 1-arm press, 1-arm deadlifts (suitcase or thick bars), thick bar DL, Goerner finger DL, pinching (hubs, plates, Telegraph Key), wrist roller, Twist Yo' Wrist roller

Saturday- Deadlift, Rack/ROM/Reverse Bands Deadlift, ME bench press, DE squats, perhaps DE bench, rows, perhaps wrist curls, rev curls

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Does this program works for you? I mean do you feel that you get stronger using it? if yes then this is for you!

I have not found what works for me, but i feel i am close....

For my forearms at least!

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To be honest, I'm probably about in the same position as you, as far as "knowing" what "works" best. One thing I do know, I hate Crushing/Gripper work, but I have to do it, and I can't do it alongside any Pinching or Supporting grip work, so I have to keep all other grip work separate from Crushing/Grippers work.

On thing I notice, though: I can do pretty good Pinch work (1-hand 2-plate pinch; Hub pinch) on the same days I do heavy (regular, thin bar) Deadlifts.

Edited by TelegraphKey
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My problem is another! I like crushing with grippers, pinching and supporting, but i also like wrist - forearm work...I do not know how to combine them in terms of heavu or light workouts.I think that nowdays i am going to try a threee day routine for all the lower hands, in a week...I shall see

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Telegraph, i like the look of your setup how are your gains coming long on the big 3?

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