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Pinky Length And Grippers?


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I'm sure that we can all agree that hand size can be an advantage for closing grippers. I’m relatively new to using grippers (end of May this year), but I’ve been wondering about the actual difference hand size makes, and if hand size as it’s usually measured (crease of wrist to tip of middle finger) is significant in itself, or acts as a surrogate for length of hand on the pinky side. This probably isn't going to matter for most people, since the proportion of fingers is pretty close, but for some people with unusually short pinkies, it might.

The more I’ve closed grippers, the more I’ve noticed that my pinky is the most important finger for the last 1/8”, and the more I’ve noticed that it is useless at the beginning of a no set close. If the handle in my palm is positioned properly, my pinky only touches the inside of the other handle, never mind the outside or being able to get any leverage on it. So for NS closes, it’s the other 3 fingers that bring the handle close enough for the pinky, and the pinky that finishes it off.

Of course, other non-gripper grip related feats probably have less to do with pinky length, since the bulk of the strength comes from the middle finger, and in situations aside from girppers, the pinky doesn’t have a mechanical advantage (being further from the spring, so a longer moment arm).

So out of curiosity, I’ve got a few questions that I’m hoping everyone will answer. I don’t promise that I’ll have a chance to do a complete statistical analysis of all the variables (although if I find myself not very busy at work, I might :)), but I’m hoping there to see some obvious trends.

And before anybody starts thread-crapping about how my time would be better spent training instead of over-analyzing things... I know that. I'm just curious. :D

1) Hand size

Crease of wrist to tip of middle finger.

2) Pinky side (PS) hand size

Crease of wrist to tip of pinky.

3) Can you get any leverage on the handle with your pinky at the beginning of a no set attempt?

Yes or no.

4) Grip work prior to using grippers

Which would have an impact on the starting point. You should include any job related stuff that you think would make a difference even if it's not specifically crushing strength (e.g. rock climbing, grappling, carpentry, construction, heavy deadlifts without straps) and include duration.

5) Strongest gripper closed when starting.

To indicate your gripper starting point. Any time you mention a gripper, give an idea of it’s relative strength and an IM equivalent if you can. I’m guessing that prior grip work and PS hand size will have an impact on this, both giving you a stronger “natural” “untrained” crushing strength. Just go by your stronger hand. For example, some people might have good supporting strength or pinch strength from other training before starting grippers, which didn't translate well to a high starting gripper, but I wonder if this person will progress pretty quickly ("newbie" gains) in training crush for the first time.

6) Strongest gripper closed no set after 6 months

What I’m looking for here are the newbie gains. Six months might be a bit too long a period of time for this, but I’m guessing that PS hand size will make a difference here.

7) Do you train MMS? If so, strongest gripper closed MMS after 6 months

To compare NS to MMS, since MMS should be less affected by PS hand size.

8) Duration of gripper training to reach #3 or best gripper (if unable to close #3) closed NS

Based on my arbitrary assumption that many people’s gripper goal is the #3, and that progress and motivation tends to be greatest up to the #3 as opposed to past the #3, You don’t need to include the entire duration you’re using grippers if you’re stuck at a level. For example, if you can close the #2, you’ve been training for 8 months, but you haven’t made progress for the last 2, then the duration would be 6 months, not 8. If you can NS close something bigger than a #3, you can include that here, but the duration I’m most interested in is the time to the #3.

9) If you train MMS, duration of gripper training to reach #3 or best gripper (if unable to close #3) closed MMS

I'll go first:

1) Hand size 7.5”

2) Pinky side (PS) hand size 6”

3) Can you get any leverage on the handle with your pinky at the beginning of a no set attempt? No.

4) Grip work prior to using grippers One arm hangs x 4 months, weighted chins x 4 months

5) Strongest gripper closed when starting. A weak #1, about 0.8

6) Strongest gripper closed no set after 6 months A narrow BBSM, about 2.3

7) Do you train MMS? If so, strongest gripper closed MMS after 6 months N/A, don’t train MMS

8) Duration of gripper training to reach #3 or best gripper (if unable to close #3) closed NS 6 months to narrow BBSM (2.3)

9) If you train MMS, duration of gripper training to reach #3 or best gripper (if unable to close #3) closed MMS N/A

Comments on what you think has made a difference (aside from training strategies) would be interesting too.

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1) 7''

2) 5 7/8''

3) no

4) none

5) started with a #2 and didn't try an easier gripper untill i could already close the #2.

6) #2

7) yes, BB grand master (2.9)

8+9) 7 months. am a hair away from the #3, positive i will close it some time this month.

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This is interesting to me- I have one pinky that is basically non-functional due to a bad crush injury 28 yrs. ago (my right-dominant-hand), and my left works but is very weak from a lacerated and never-repaired tendon injury as a child. I know both affect my gripper work, and levering is not good either.

John Scribner

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I like questions like this. They allow me to look back at where I began and where I am now. I read your comment about not over analyzing and just training, but I think looking at what you have done is important; otherwise why would so many top notch weight lifters keep a training log? Hopefully questions like this can allow me to refocus on where I want to be.

Here are my answers.

1. Hand size: 7.75"

2. Pinky side length 6.5"

3. Leverage with pinky: YES

4. Prior Grip work: pulling lines (ropes) on sailboats

5. Strongest gripper closed when starting: COC#1 (only hand COC 1-3)

6. Strongest gripper after 6 months: COC #2

7. MMS training: on occassion...more so recently since I need to work on final crush

8. Duration to close toughest gripper: 2 years to close narrow GM NS

9. Duration to close toughest gripper MMS: 1 year 8 months to close GM with MMS Set. With a deeper set than MMS I can close a 2005 COC #3

I do get my pinky on the gripper even on the handle during a NS close and my swweep is very good. My final crush is lacking so in retrospect I'm not sure if by getting my pinky on during a NS close is hurting my leverage. But it feels more natural to me and that is the way I have always done it.

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1)18.5 cm.

2)15 cm (my pinky is 3.5 cm shorter then my middle finger).



5)Coc#1 no clue about the rating, actually I couldn’t close it the absolute first time but I closed it the next day so I don’t know if that counts :). I only tried ns back then.

6)coc#2 no clue about the rating.



9)At the moment I’m about 2 mm away from closing my coc#3(2005 version if that makes any difference) with my right. 7 months (I started in February 2005 and had almost no training in June, July and August) since I first started training grip.

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1) 7”

2) 5 3/4”

3) a bit if I tighten up with my ring and middle finger. (no assitance from other hand)

4) Sports store gippers....... grew up in the country so lots and lots of manual labour and some climbing.

5) #1 (5 reps)

6) NA got gripper in december 05

7) N/A

8) still working on # 2 can close braced but not on an off the table squeze

9) N/A

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Just started today....

1) Hand size 7.6”

2) Pinky side (PS) hand size RH 6” LH 6.2 - Right picky mashed up a few times

3) Can you get any leverage on the handle with your pinky at the beginning of a no set attempt? Not too much

4) Grip work prior to using grippers - typing, phone grasping

5) Strongest gripper closed when starting. HG - 200 8-10x both hands, I do not have a bigger gripper presently

6) Strongest gripper closed no set after 6 months I will let you know in 6 months

7) Do you train MMS? If so, strongest gripper closed MMS after 6 months - What is MMS?

) Duration of gripper training to reach #3 or best gripper (if unable to close #3) - NA

9) If you train MMS, duration of gripper training to reach #3 or best gripper (if unable to close #3) closed NA

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