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Giant Sledgehammers

Jeremy Sipple

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After reading the post about sledgehammer swinging i was intruged,I was wondering where i can find a 20- 50lb seldge. Or do you have to make one on your own?

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Torque Athletic sells them up to 150lbs, that should be big enough for anyone for any type of training.

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Thanks Shrug. I never heard of tourqe but i will check them out

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mcmaster.com has up to 20 pounds. beyond that they are hard to come by. try ebay or a specialty company or maybe a local welder....

i've asked several construction people about the lack of heavier ones and they say there is little or no use for them. most all projects are done by machine now. ie breaking cement etc....

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I could probably make up a shot loadable one. If there's enough interest (like a couple of guys). You'd be responsible for the shot, though.

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john--hold off on making that shot loaded apparatus!-----

i just shipped you the prototype to an infinitely adjustable and microloadable sledge attachment.

the micorloadable attachment is actually mounted to a real sledge hammer-and then allows you to micro load in small increments

included in the shipment are (several of each) 1oz,2oz,4oz.,8oz,16oz,32oz, micro plates--very accurate --within a gram or two on the smaller plates

conceivably go up as little as 1 oz(exactly 1oz plates) at a time if desired on your sledge leverage movements

when you receive the pkg.---it will all make sense-

we don't have time to manufacturer it--gerry sick with cancer--but hopefully it is a product you can add to the fatbastard line

think you'll like it and that your welder can make a few

very slick apparatus--if i do say so

should be there tomorrow or next day

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john--hold off on making that shot loaded apparatus!-----

i just shipped you the prototype to an infinitely adjustable and microloadable sledge attachment.

the micorloadable attachment is actually mounted to a real sledge hammer-and then allows you to micro load in small increments

included in the shipment are (several of each) 1oz,2oz,4oz.,8oz,16oz,32oz, micro plates--very accurate --within a gram or two on the smaller plates

conceivably go up as little as 1 oz(exactly 1oz plates) at a time if desired on your sledge leverage movements

I am making something now that sounds eerily similar but I am very interested in seeing your design as it sounds better than mine. Micro-loading is the way to go in my opinion. Hope everything pans out for you guys and who ever Gerry is I will pray for him in this illness. :inno

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Thanks everyone, i didny know such large sledges are so ahrd to come by. i would like to start with about a 20 lber for swings and see what happens.

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I have recently spoken with a guy from hammersource named Andy. I asked what

is the availability for sledges heavier than 20lbs. He told me that he gets about

one or two calls a month for sledges heavier than 20. Not really enough for a stock

item by his company.

He went on to say that his company is seriously thinking about stocking heavier

sledges. I told him about the Gripboard and what the board is all about and that

discussions about heavy sledges are a topic and where might be sources for purchase, etc.

He was somewhat fascinated by the subject of leveraging sledges by the way.

Andy told me he does have a sorurce for 25 and 30 lbers. They are made by

a group in India. However, he would have to purchase 5 tons of heads.

I asked Andy what would be the minimal number he could work with to make it

feasible and he replied at least 10 orders. He said to call him back in March

to see where the company is going with the addition of heavier sledges.

He quoted a price of $80 for the 25lber. and $100 for the 30lber.

Super nice guy to talk with.

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john--hold off on making that shot loaded apparatus!-----

i just shipped you the prototype to an infinitely adjustable and microloadable sledge attachment.

the micorloadable attachment is actually mounted to a real sledge hammer-and then allows you to micro load in small increments

included in the shipment are (several of each) 1oz,2oz,4oz.,8oz,16oz,32oz, micro plates--very accurate --within a gram or two on the smaller plates

conceivably go up as little as 1 oz(exactly 1oz plates) at a time if desired on your sledge leverage movements

I am making something now that sounds eerily similar but I am very interested in seeing your design as it sounds better than mine. Micro-loading is the way to go in my opinion. Hope everything pans out for you guys and who ever Gerry is I will pray for him in this illness. :inno

thanks gator-

i don't know if our design is marketable--or if it is any better than yours

agree-microloading the way to go on a lift that has such a very small maximum poundage

going up 1 oz or 2 oz a week or per work out--- on sledge levering- would be one way of getting stronger--

if your sledge to nose maximum was 12 lbs? a 2 oz increase is about 1%

equivalent to going up 3 1/4lbs--- if your bench maximum was 315# 0r going up 5 1/4lbs if your bench/deadlift/squat//etc. maximum was 500

it certainly will only appeal to a small market segment--hopefully fatbastard/john beatty will make a few

we don't have time

several lifters at my wifes gym tested it--some VERY good sledge leverers--liked it alot

for reference i desgned- and gerry fabricated- a couple of super deadlift bars-one used at john beatty's snowman strongman contest

hope to make more when gerry gets well-

and we made a couple of Excalibur dumbells--


excalibur link

gerry and i have a lot of other experimental grip toys and strength devices---but not sure when we'll get them out--

hopefully john will like our sledge implement--or take a look at yours

Edited by BigPaulFromCityHall
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  • 3 weeks later...
john--hold off on making that shot loaded apparatus!-----

i just shipped you the prototype to an infinitely adjustable and microloadable sledge attachment.

the micorloadable attachment is actually mounted to a real sledge hammer-and then allows you to micro load in small increments

included in the shipment are (several of each) 1oz,2oz,4oz.,8oz,16oz,32oz, micro plates--very accurate --within a gram or two on the smaller plates

conceivably go up as little as 1 oz(exactly 1oz plates) at a time if desired on your sledge leverage movements

I am making something now that sounds eerily similar but I am very interested in seeing your design as it sounds better than mine. Micro-loading is the way to go in my opinion. Hope everything pans out for you guys and who ever Gerry is I will pray for him in this illness. :inno

thanks gator-

i don't know if our design is marketable--or if it is any better than yours

agree-microloading the way to go on a lift that has such a very small maximum poundage

going up 1 oz or 2 oz a week or per work out--- on sledge levering- would be one way of getting stronger--

if your sledge to nose maximum was 12 lbs? a 2 oz increase is about 1%

equivalent to going up 3 1/4lbs--- if your bench maximum was 315# 0r going up 5 1/4lbs if your bench/deadlift/squat//etc. maximum was 500

it certainly will only appeal to a small market segment--hopefully fatbastard/john beatty will make a few

we don't have time

several lifters at my wifes gym tested it--some VERY good sledge leverers--liked it alot

for reference i desgned- and gerry fabricated- a couple of super deadlift bars-one used at john beatty's snowman strongman contest

hope to make more when gerry gets well-

and we made a couple of Excalibur dumbells--


excalibur link

gerry and i have a lot of other experimental grip toys and strength devices---but not sure when we'll get them out--

hopefully john will like our sledge implement--or take a look at yours

Hey Paul did not take notice to who you were till I read this post.This is John Mannino.Iam the one who purchased the Excalibur d-bell from you in the above pics.

That E-bell is like a fined tuned instrument.Beastly,brutal,and fun!!!

It is very hard to market things nowadays.With steel prices skyrocketing.

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hello john--

good to hear that the excalibur is in such good hands---

gerry and i had been busy on other building/construction projects---planned on fabricating more lifting implements---- and then gerry got the big c---

he'll make it

btw--i'll e-mail you some photos---could you put them up in your photo bucket--

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If you live in or near a rural area and can go to a few farmers auctions they sometimes have large hammers that go up for bid. A little while back a guy at our shop found a maul with a 30-35 lbs head and got it for under 20$.

Edited by mANVIL
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  • 2 months later...
john--hold off on making that shot loaded apparatus!-----

i just shipped you the prototype to an infinitely adjustable and microloadable sledge attachment.

the micorloadable attachment is actually mounted to a real sledge hammer-and then allows you to micro load in small increments

included in the shipment are (several of each) 1oz,2oz,4oz.,8oz,16oz,32oz, micro plates--very accurate --within a gram or two on the smaller plates

conceivably go up as little as 1 oz(exactly 1oz plates) at a time if desired on your sledge leverage movements

I am making something now that sounds eerily similar but I am very interested in seeing your design as it sounds better than mine. Micro-loading is the way to go in my opinion. Hope everything pans out for you guys and who ever Gerry is I will pray for him in this illness. :inno

thanks gator-

i don't know if our design is marketable--or if it is any better than yours

agree-microloading the way to go on a lift that has such a very small maximum poundage

going up 1 oz or 2 oz a week or per work out--- on sledge levering- would be one way of getting stronger--

if your sledge to nose maximum was 12 lbs? a 2 oz increase is about 1%

equivalent to going up 3 1/4lbs--- if your bench maximum was 315# 0r going up 5 1/4lbs if your bench/deadlift/squat//etc. maximum was 500

it certainly will only appeal to a small market segment--hopefully fatbastard/john beatty will make a few

we don't have time

several lifters at my wifes gym tested it--some VERY good sledge leverers--liked it alot

for reference i desgned- and gerry fabricated- a couple of super deadlift bars-one used at john beatty's snowman strongman contest

hope to make more when gerry gets well-

and we made a couple of Excalibur dumbells--


excalibur link

gerry and i have a lot of other experimental grip toys and strength devices---but not sure when we'll get them out--

hopefully john will like our sledge implement--or take a look at yours

gator--and any others interested in sledge levering

here are the photos of my adjustable sledge devicelink to infinitelyadjustable,microloadable sledge head attachment

it has been tested and loaded to some very heavy weights--users say that once you get over the appearance--it feels like it is a real(heavy)sledge hammer--

not going to manufacture it--but was a fun device to make-- and use--

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Thats a hell of setup there. Never seen anything like that, its completely genius. How much does the rig weigh by itself?

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--the loadable sledge head attachment,empty, weighs,3.5lbs exactly--overbuilt

---it is a little too heavy-

-one version we made weighed 2.5lbs--thinner wall steel--was very heavy duty also

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