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Deadliftng And Grippers


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I have been doing a lot more deadlifting in the last 2 month and I have not done Grippers much in the past months and couple months ago, I could not close the number 2 even half way, today I picked it and was milimeters of closing the dam thing..what the hell?? Gotta love Deadlifts.:))

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Deadlifts helps a lot with grip, but it's hard to do them on the same day as grippers, though.

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Just as a side note...deads are great for grip and i agree to much often for grip day combo's for some...so why not improvise and on your grip days do suitcase deadlifts with as long as bar as possible..less taxing on your back casue you cant lift as much and great for your grip cause of the balance issue..while still working out the back and core

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How long after a deadlift session do you guys feel the effect in your grip? That is, are you back at 100% the day after DLing?

For me, my grip is fried the same day as the DLs, but I'm not sure how affected I am the day after (it was some time since I last tried gripping the day after deads). I'm gonna try a new training schedule for my grip sometime soon, and am not sure whether or not it would be OK to schedule heavy grip training the day after deads.

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I find Deads are OK with Grippers if Grippers are done First, earlier in the day too.

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I like to use grippers after benching, My hands are awake after benching, and i set my pr's in grippers after i have benched..After deadlifts your hands are kind of tired though.

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they say that doing the grippers between sets of squats is the best

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grippers between sets of squats is the best

That does work great too :))

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i didn't even know that deadlifts carry over to crush, i need to start doing more dead lifts!

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... I could not close the number 2 even half way, today I picked it and was milimeters of closing the dam thing..what the hell?? Gotta love Deadlifts.:))

If you would try to DL something over fifty pounds :D , you'd really see an improvement in your grip strength! :laugh:happy

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I have done a fair bit of DL-ing lately and for me DL increase gripstrength but not the crushdown. I can get my #3 to a bit past parallell (improvement) but I still have 2-3 mm left to close my #2!! Damn I feel weak. :D:help


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Another plug for the deadlift! This is my number one exercise. Just to state the obvious, I made great progress on the grippers while training heavy deadlifts--as long as kept a low volume of sets/reps.

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I like to use grippers after benching, My hands are awake after benching, and i set my pr's in grippers after i have benched..After deadlifts your hands are kind of tired though.

Just an opinion and not one based on extreme grip experience, im going on the hypothesis that hitting grip work by itself and not after other work would be most productive? Theres a few variables about this off course cause I have found doing this has hampered my other sessions cause my hands were too sore to lift, grip, or squeeze anything like usual...This is largely imo due to having my gripper sitting around all the friggen time and crushing it whenever I see it..addiction...and a time thing, give it another few months and my hands hopefully with the extra extensor work, will be up to par.

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