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Muscle Turtle

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Im gonna build myself a TTK, but first off, Id thought Id like to know how to use one?

Someone sent me a really good pic of one (thanks to that person, I forget whom it was, was a logn time ago) and it looks like theres more than one thing you can do with it, but how do most people use it?

Do you lay it flat and pinch that way?


Do you put it upright and pinch and then try to pick it up?

sorry, my be a stupid question, but thought id ask anyways!

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I think you just hit on some different ways to use it, that's all. Probably no "right" way.

I use it on a flat surface, fingers on top, and just squeeze it closed.

Others I've read around here hold it up about an inch above the table, to avoid bodyweight helping the downward push of the lever. Also, they use thumbs on top instead of fingers on top (my way).

Picking it up at the maximum pinch sounds a bit...hardcore...

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