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Grippers And Soreness


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I was wondering guys when you train with grippers where abouts on your arms specifically gets sore? With me its on outside of the wrist pinkie side, middle of the hand entensors up, and the inside of the bicep, right in the middle, I think thats because i sometimes crush with palms slightly turning up.

Just curious....

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I think it is different for everyone. Some people just feel it intheir skin. Personally I feel it right n the base ofmy palm, right where the two lines on my hand cross. It seems to be true of any type of grip overtraining for me.

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My hands get sore on the backside of my palms. Especially when I use the KTA program.

I wonder if it dangerous in any way when the soreness and pain (not terrible pain) are still present and I do a serious workout with my grippers. Of course, no pain no gain - lots of work has to be done to get seriously strong hands.

What does everybody else think (or know), when should one DEFINATELY NOT work with not fully recovered hands? Is it okay to have soreness and still train?

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when i first started the grippers i would get a pain in my elbow when i released from a close or attempt. i just trained through it and it went away, i think i just had some muscles that needed strengthening in there.

Wille, i think it is definitely ok to train with sore hands, as long as you know the difference between soreness pain and injury pain. if you think you may have an injury you should rest and heal it.

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Yeah there is a definite difference between joint or bone soreness and muscle soreness. Personally I never hit the same muscle group if theres any feeling of soreness, unless its an active recovery type of session to get the blood flowing, or a flexibility session....oh and by the way, i got my #3 the other day, what a beast :blink First squeeze and there was no way it was moving beyond parallel...time to get the coffee out and get comfortable, this is gonna be a long ride

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....oh and by the way, i got my #3 the other day, what a beast :blink First squeeze and there was no way it was moving beyond parallel...time to get the coffee out and get comfortable, this is gonna be a long ride

But WHAT a ride it will be! (that same ride took me two years to complete :happy )

Edited by Sybersnott
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I get soreness in the skin on my palms and fingers, especially after a lot of work on Beef Builder grippers. I love the knurling on those things.

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I get soreness in the skin on my palms and fingers, especially after a lot of work on Beef Builder grippers. I love the knurling on those things.

I don't get soreness anywhere else on my hands or arms from grip training, only pain, which means another injury.

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The wrist is the worst for me.

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when it comes to grippers, the only soreness i get is in the skin. but besides that, i used to get pain in my wrist, but i fixed by working my extensors and working on my wrists.

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I was gripping all day yesterday with #1. Just doing a rep and hold for as long as I could.

Today, I feel no pain in the wrist or palm. But definite soreness in the muscles on the inside forearm (outside middle part along the axis of the pinky and ring finger)

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Pain for me happens in the back of my hands. My tendons still need to adapt more to the actual crush.

For me, I NEVER workout with sore hands. If they are sore, I feel Im just an injury waiting to happen, but that is just me!

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I get soreness in the skin on my palms and fingers, especially after a lot of work on Beef Builder grippers. I love the knurling on those things

Is the knurling on a BB more or less sharp than on a CoC? I've filed down the sharpness on my CoC's handles. As it was the knurling was "gripping" the calluses of my fingers to well, tearing the callous away from the thinner skin surrounding them. If I did allot of work with the CoC's, I was ending up with little splits between the calluses in the middle knuckles of my fingers. :pinch

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Any KTA program users here? That program's intensity is so high that it will make hands constantly sore and there isn't too much time to recover between workouts.

What do KTAers think about recovery?

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Just work through it..

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The wrist is the worst for me.

I agree that my wrists hurt the most when training grippers. Heath S. suggested that one should train your extensors to assure this pain does not happen. It has helped me greatly!

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Any KTA program users here? That program's intensity is so high that it will make hands constantly sore and there isn't too much time to recover between workouts.

What do KTAers think about recovery?

I would suggest you re-read the preface. What's your name again?

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My real name's Ville... Just a 19y old guy who likes grippers and sometimes can't communicate in English :upsidedwn

I'm a newbie when it comes to serious training, but I meant to ponder out loud if it's ok to train like a madman (and get hurt) just as long as one doesn't get injured.

Progress is much about volume - more training, more gains. Of course, hands get stronger only when they are at rest and recovering. So recovery is very important...

I bought KTA awaile ago and I do like it. Maybe I just should take a longer period (like one extra day off for recovery's sake) while following the program. Or split one day's workout for two days. Still, I wouldn't want to lose touch of progression.

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My real name's Ville... Just a 19y old guy who likes grippers and sometimes can't communicate in English  :upsidedwn

I'm a newbie when it comes to serious training, but I meant to ponder out loud if it's ok to train like a madman (and get hurt) just as long as one doesn't get injured.

Progress is much about volume - more training, more gains. Of course, hands get stronger only when they are at rest and recovering. So recovery is very important...

I bought KTA awaile ago and I do like it. Maybe I just should take a longer period (like one extra day off for recovery's sake) while following the program. Or split one day's workout for two days. Still, I wouldn't want to lose touch of progression.

My opinion is that performing specific cycles is best for almost anything strength related. A persons tolerance to exercise loads will move along that spectrum to hopelessly sore everyworkout to no soreness any workout, and I know some of both groups. Intensity is another factor, my opinion is you can train hard or you can train long, you cant do both in the purest sense of the what intensity means. That maybe a debatable stance, but thats my opinion.

If I had sore hands I would never do a full intensity workout, only a active recovery workout, or none at all..wait until no soreness is present, warm up enough and then hit your routine. As you noted, recovery as agreed by the experts, occurs during rest, not the workout itself.....dont take a brain surgeon to work that out. What I have found with me though is, I am one of the ppl who get sore easily from high intensity exercise, grip and non grip related. What I found to ward off this soreness was to go hard on my exercise days proper, and then to go real gentle with the same or similar exercises other days, and this has worked a treat, I rarely get sore now, except with grippers which I am new to, man they are addictive, I had my new #3 sitting around all xmas day, passing it around family etc..and squeezing the shite out of it whenever I saw it, needless to say my hands are sore...lol..anyway guys, Enjoy the food, beverages and any time yous have off work :)

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What's your name again?

What does this have to do with anything? You can only have an opinion if you are a big name? If anybody does something close to saying something negative about KTA you must be a troll?

I think you can have an opinion without exposing your real name. This also recenly happened with Dr. Pepper/aka Brian Fletcher, and I think it was equally uncalled for.

Edited by rjkd12
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What's your name again?

What does this have to do with anything? You can only have an opinion if you are a big name? If anybody does something close to saying something negative about KTA you must be a troll?

I think you can have an opinion without exposing your real name. This also recenly happened with Dr. Pepper/aka Brian Fletcher, and I think it was equally uncalled for.

I was curious because I keep track of who and date. And, it's by real name. Actually, there was nothing negative I perceived in the post. So, you are off base here.

On the real name thing, this has actually been discussed about making it a policy before by members (not me). There's enough hiding, computer karate, and trolling on the net to go around for everyone. ;)

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I was curious because I keep track of who and date. And, it's by real name. Actually, there was nothing negative I perceived in the post. So, you are off base here.

On the real name thing, this has actually been discussed about making it a policy before by members (not me).  There's enough hiding, computer karate, and trolling on the net to go around for everyone. ;)

What do you keep track of?

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when i'm done grip training it feels like my hands were beat with a bag of bricks its all over my hands, but nothing in my arms. I could workout a billion days in a row and not feel a thing but with grip training.....i just guess my hand muscles need to catch up

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