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Lifting A Globe Dumbell


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I have a 180lb solid globe dumbbell with a 2.5 inch grip.As yet i cant lift it and was hoping for some advice on the best methods to train to lift it.

I have been using regular plate loaded thick handled dumbbells and was wondering if a holle it up style dumbbell would get me there quicker as the offset handle may mimic the globe dumbbell or is this unessary?

Regards Mark

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Is this the Inch Replica? If so there are a lot of threads that already exist on the board that discuss this information.

But for me, some things that were instrumental in being able to lift the Inch were assisted lifts and holds at lockout, pinch work, because I basically pinch the Inch, and thick dumbell work like you are describing.


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Thanks for the advice.Its not a inch replica it was made wrong it weighs 10lb more than the inch about 180-182lb forget which, the handle is longer aswell about 5.5"I dont know weather this makes it easier to lift than the inch

By the way great site,The Diesel crew website is one of the best on the net

Regards Mark

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One thing I was just thinking about this morning goes as follows:

Take a wrist roller and suspend it in the power rack a couple feet off the ground. Hook it up to some weights, preferably on a short loading pin. Straddle the wrist roller and with two hands twist the roller enough to get the weights to come off the ground a few inches. Then with one hand try to hold the roller from unrolling. I think this would mimic the action of a solid globe dumbbell because it wants to roll out of your hands.

I think this would work particularly well if you made sure to keep the roller rolled a certain direction for each hand. What I mean is, if you're using the left hand make sure to have the rope of the wrist roller going across the roller to the right and down to the weights.

Geez, that is hard to explain with words. Let me go take a couple pictures and I'll put them up real soon.

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Okay, here are some pictures:


I guess you could call them wrist roller negatives. There's no lifting involved, other than rolling the weights off the floor, so I think this might work well.

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One thing I was just thinking about this morning goes as follows:

Take a wrist roller and suspend it in the power rack a couple feet off the ground. Hook it up to some weights, preferably on a short loading pin. Straddle the wrist roller and with two hands twist the roller enough to get the weights to come off the ground a few inches. Then with one hand try to hold the roller from unrolling. I think this would mimic the action of a solid globe dumbbell because it wants to roll out of your hands. )


Many thanks for sharing that idea its inspired.That will work aswell as or even better than a holle it up type handle plus make my wrist stronger in the bargain .Im going to give that a go . Ive got a mountable wrist roller so it wont cost anything either which is even better

Thanks Mark

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