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Electric Shock!?


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Hello guys

I can rep the #2 easily for many times now. But the problem is whenever I finish my second rep I start to feel strong electrick shock in my forearms. What is it?

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HMMMMMM.The only thing I can think of is your not getting enough blood to your arm and its tingling like your foot does when it falls asleep,but in the the other hand it could just be your getting an insane pump going through your arm and it feels like electricity flowing though it.Other than that I really have no clue,no clue at all.Try describeing what happens in a little more detail and someone else may know whats going on.

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Sounds like somethings going on with the tendons or muscles responding to the intense pressure imposed on them.You may have a serious injury soon becareful. If it continues all the time go see a doctor.

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You are most likely pinching a nerve somehow. Near the elbow you have your "funny bone" bone which is a nerve. You could be pinching that or any others. If you are warm you should be fine. Also, maybe try chaning the angle of your joints when you grip, like your wrist, elbow and shoulder.

I doubt its blood because that takes a while to set in. If you grab your bicep and cut off blood supply to your arm via the brachial artery (on the inside of your bicep, you can easily pinch it off) it will take a few minutes until you start to feel tingly.

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Thanks guys for the comment. And Michael86 that's exactly what happent to me. After the second rep I feel strong electric shocks in my forearms. Can't describe more! This don't happen always, but in many cases yes it does.

And yeah before an hour I finished training but I felt no shock at all. :D

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OT here but Alawadhi how can your short term goal be a #4 if you have'nt closed a 3

sorry typing mistake, I meant the #3.

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