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Fbbc Rating

Muscle Turtle

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I remember reading somewhere that FBBC in comparison to reds is like a 1/2 inch difference. As in a 6 inch red is like a 6.5 FBBC.... well wowzers, I got my FBBC stock and I attempted a 6.5 today and I couldnt even kink it.... I also remeber seeing something about there being a 5% difference, no way!!!!

I doubt I got a mutant peice of steel, but the FBBC stuff is no where close to a red. I moved a 5 inch Red past 90 and couldnt even kink a 6.5 FBBC, is there something odd about that? also, I am better on long peices, not short...

anyone have an answer for my frustration?

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I kinda agree with ya. I think its more than 5% harder. But the fact that youve gotten a 5" red past 90 and couldn't kink a 6.5" FBBC makes me think maybe it was a mutant piece of steel.

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It is definitely more than 5%. It is a great difference in stock, from what I have experienced. From the sounds of it MT, you have the same strength of stock as I got, as the differences between IM and FBBC sound eerily similar.

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Reds vary, as do FBBC bars, as does most all types. I was doing 6.25" "shiny" Reds at the time it took everything I had to do the 7" Bastard. But also, I've found "dull" Reds that feel to be only 5% easier than some of the FBBC stock, as was the case when I calibrated the two bars. Bending is far from an exact science.

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I've noticed 2 types of steel in the FBBC stock. The old stuff I 1st got was a duller darker stock & it isn't as smooth. Found 4-5 pieces of it at the bottom of my stock pile recently. It seems harder, as I tried the 6" on the old stuff & did the 6.5". I also noticed when I'm cutting it, it cuts slower. The shiny stuff is a bit easier. Still insanely hard, but easier than the old dark stuff.

The rumors about me performing dark magic over the steel to make it harder is totally unfounded.

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From reds to FBBC is about %5 or a little less. thats what it feels like to me. But steel varies to. :)

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I find it odd that you got the 5inch red past 90. but couldnt kink the 6.5 inch fbbc. I would be willingly to say that it might have been an off day, or something to those lines. I would say wait untill you are feeling good, and then go after it. It shouldnt be that much of a problem.

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The FBBC stock that Deaner and I certied on is tough man. I did it first and then bent: 6.5" Red, 6" Red failed, and then another 6" Red that is the one in the video, all in the same day and I will tell you that the 7" FBBC was right there with the 6" Red I finished on the video. When I was bending it I was punching myself in the face to keep from showing my fear of not being able to kink that SOB!


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There is a noticable difference in the Yellows that I have and the 7"x¼" FBBC stuff. I know that those are an easy nail but you can still feel the difference and tell the difference in time it takes to bend.

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I am not at the Red or even close level.

But at the BBB I bent some of the Blue-equivalent stuff (1/4"X6") and it didn't feel any harder than the Ironmind stock. Could have been the adrenaline though.

Then I bent a 5.5" Grade 5 and it was definitely on the easier side of some Grade 5s I've bent. The Grade 5s at the BBB were the Triangle (marked on the head) brand. I have found those to be very easy compared to the Diamond (marked on the head) brand that I also have a bunch of.

I do believe you guys about the 5/16" stock though. And I've heard from more than a few that the 1/4" stock was harder too. Must have been the crowd (for me).

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