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Best Exercises For Forearms?


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Well some people say you don't need to work your forearms separately, and that might be true for them, but with my genetics, or rather lack of, I don't want to take any chances and neglect them. What in your opinion, would be the - say top-3 exercises to do to beef up the forearms?


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Looks interesting, but a little pricey. But since it's an improved version of wrist curls and reversed wrist curl I take it those exercises are the best for forearms? Whatabout using a wrist roller? And is regular curl and reverse enough or is there some exercise that works the left and right (if that's even necessary)

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wrist curls using dumbbell sitting in a chair with the weight laying on the inside of your leg and switch arms and with out a break go back to the first arm do 3 sets then do the hammer curls ,wrist roller ,and do some sledge hammer leavering . almost anything that gives you the pump will work

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1. Stationary Wrist roller both ways

2. BB/DB wrist curls

3. Reverse curl + cheat wrist extensions at the top (since I only get three choices)

The reverse curl becomes more important if your not already doing hammer curls.

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What we do is this and if your after some size it works very well:

wrist curlsx10-20 supersetted with

thick bar holdsx30 secs

Reverse curlsx10 supersetted with

hammer curlsx10 and 30 sec. hold

We do 3-6 supersets of each. This is for armwrestling but we love it. My wrists and support strength our way up. We use Austins formulator for the wrist curls but you could use another option.

This will add some serious size while also developing a good amount of strength. Thank Austin for the insane workout.

Oh another thing is after 3-4 wks of this we go to a strength routine and reverse the exercises and do alot of low rep work.

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James next time we are adding wrist roller after the thick bar holds. I tried it today and loved it. Im looking forward to hitting singles here in a couple of wks!


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My favorite 3 mass builders for forearms would have to be

behind back wrist curl

reverse curl in its many forms

hammer curl

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If I could pick one lower arm exercise, it would be thick bar deadlifts/holds. It works your wrist, thumb, and grip. Add reverse curls and sledge levering and you've got it all covered, but you might want to do some kind of finger walking to get everything.

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James and Austin pretty much have it covered. Anything is better then nothing remember that the most. Good luck

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when i started using a 2 inch thick wrist roller my forearms blew up. there used to be a very good book/program called,...., "synergenics", i think that was the name. they had a very sientific aproach to forearms. most people donot hit the sides of the forearm.

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I just got back from the gym and I did wrist curls with a barbell, I usually use dumbbells (but I've only used direct forearm work for a few weeks) but it felt harder/better with a barbell.

I then tried 2 sets of hanging from a chins bar, first set was about a minute and it seemed easy (remember I'm a beginner here, never done this before, but I guess it depends a lot on your weight) second set I got only about 30 seconds. I try not to swing too much just hanging straight.

Is that the right way to do it? I'm thinking of doing that at the end of my back day, after shrugs and dumbbell holds. Would that be a good idea?

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ruffhans - by chance do you mean Power Forearms by Health For Life - it's often called Synergy Forearms as well? It's an awesome program that is a great way to start forearm and grip training. It gives a balanced program that results in no glaring weak links in the chain. Perfect to do before stating on any of the specilised programs - it helps "injury proof" you.

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I've done wrist curls and I think they're piontless

1.take a 20lbs sledge and hit a tire as many times as you can alternating sides or split acouplle loads of fire wood with a maul not an axe

2.Rolling thunder, holds, curls (reg and rev), and shoulder raises. Take your pick

3.go deer hunting, shot a big one then grab both back legs in one hand and drag for as long as you can take it and switch hands unitll you're out of the woods.

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I've done wrist curls and I think they're piontless

1.take a 20lbs sledge and hit a tire as many times as you can alternating sides or split acouplle loads of fire wood with a maul not an axe

2.Rolling thunder, holds, curls (reg and rev), and shoulder raises. Take your pick

3.go deer hunting, shot a big one then grab both back legs in one hand and drag for as long as you can take it and switch hands unitll you're out of the woods.

Typical bodybuilding routine.

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But you have to do it in tights or parcute pants, "workout boots", and a noodle string tank top :rock

And make sure you bring at least one mirror so you can "watch your form" :blink

Edited by Eli72
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Thick bar reverse curls (thumbless or with thumb)

Towel chins

Sledge levering (better yet make a clubbell with a 2" thick pvc pipe and lead shot in the end)

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1. Formulator

2. Heavy Shot Rotations

3. Thick Bar Deadlifts/Static Holds

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Formulator, wrist roller, high rep no set grippers.

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2 underrated exercises are thick bar reverse curls and high rep no set gripper closes like heath mentioned. I know alot is said about the formulator but I love mine.


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