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Coc#2 Oblitarated


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I got my CoC grippers about a month ago i closed today the #2 and hold it shut for about 10sec - 20sec, but i cant close it with my left hand i only can do like 7 reps with full range of motion with my #1 in my left hand but dont get the #2 i notice that my progress with my right is faster. Should i start doing more reps with my left hand and workout only my left hand some days? or just continue training at my hand capacities even if they are uneven?

The other question is that i read about a hard#3, average#3 and easy#3 why is this difference and how can i rate mine? does ironmind have some problems with the grippers and they are not totally accurate or this is some change that people make on the grippers? :help

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Not to give you a short answer but yes grippers vary, sometimes quite a bit. If you go to the FAQ section and read the posts there, and then do a search for grippers (you'll get about a million hits) and read all that stuff, you can get quite an education of spring steel, sizes, behavior, etc. and how it all fits together to make a gripper work the way they do. Consider it a college education of steel. You might also read the sections on bending as it talks a lot about the varying strengths of even the same type and sizes of steel. Have fun and welcome to the board.

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The other question is that i read about a hard#3, average#3 and easy#3 why is this difference and how can i rate mine? does ironmind have some problems with the grippers and they are not totally accurate or this is some change that people make on the grippers?  :help

To tell how your IM #3 gripper would rate against other #3's, you should find a gripmaster and send it to him for evaluation.

All IronMind #3 and #4 grippers are benchmarked so it would not be a problem anymore.

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Hey, i think there are none gripmasters in my country (Venezuela) i read in the forum that like climber511 said they vary in the spring spread and that the more spread there is more pression to close it, so if i simple take a rule or something to take mediture(i think thats the word) i can know how hard is my #3? or the only way to know which type is my gripper is with a gripmaster tool?

BTW my grippers are from this year 2005 practically new

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The other question is that i read about a hard#3, average#3 and easy#3 why is this difference and how can i rate mine? does ironmind have some problems with the grippers and they are not totally accurate or this is some change that people make on the grippers?  :help

To tell how your IM #3 gripper would rate against other #3's, you should find a gripmaster and send it to him for evaluation.

All IronMind #3 and #4 grippers are benchmarked so it would not be a problem anymore.

What do you mean by they are benchmarked? They test a new one's strength relative to a known gripper and throw it out if it's too strong or weak?

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