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goal question

Nathan Say

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In the Jan. Iron Grip you listed all the stuff you wanted to do by Jan 2002 & you did it all of course right? How much do you want to lift by Jan. 2003? & on what?

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Yes, Elizabeth and I did well with our goals for 2001. Our goals for this year are at the bottom of the page. None of my 5 are easy, and I think Elizabeth will probably complete more than I will. I'm also not going to be competing at this years European armwrestling champs so this takes one of them out already. I may replace this one with either continentalling with one hand the Inch bell of 78k, or lifting Steve Gardener's Millenium dumbell. What do you think?


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Oh yeah, now I remember. I didn't have the mag handy, maybe I should have checked it 1st  :crazy  Yeah cleaning an Inch replica or lifting mob's dumbell before he does will be good too.

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Whats this? A challenge!! ha ha. Hmm I can train for the competition or I can train to lift my dumbbell.

I have just yesterday worked out my training programme for the August 3rd comp and have included thick handled dumbbell training in the list. Friday just gone I pulled 239 pounds on my set-up dumbbell for one rep as the #### collars would not sit right and lock the plates tight for the other three attempts - next time...

With a little under five months to go I think some real progress can be made by both Dave and I. The question is how would dave get access to the bell. I don't drive and will go to the comp on the train, he'd need to come here and I could look on my cctv camera, see its dave and shout 'I'm not in go away, you can't get access to the dumbbell'. I can keep doin that until I'm ready ha ha.

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Let the tournament commence!!

So the race is on! what do you reckon then Steve?  Think you’ll lift it before Dave does ;).  I’ll come along with Dave too.  I’ll probably be doing the same training so hopefully I’ll make a better attempt than last time :).  

So how much do you think you’ll have to lift on your 2.5” handle before you lift the millennium bell?

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Approx. 50 pounds more so 278-300 pounds. I'm hoping that will also compute into a #### of a poundage come the big handle at comp time  :)

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Guest 115-1005574997

Sounds like its going to be a classic challenge and I cant wait to see the outcome.  Steve, Jim or Dave.  Im not giving any odds :)

Mind you Steve, youve had about 4 years to lift the sucker, about time you had some REAL competition :)

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OK. As John McCarthy says "lets get it on!"

I'll probably come and try it near the grip comp time, as I should be peaking around then, all being well. Personally I can't see how I will have to go to 278-300lbs on my bell to lift the Millenium. But we'll see in time.


PS. I will continental with one hand 78k on my 2 1/2" thick non knurled dumbell real soon.

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The Millennium dumbbell weighs around 100kg right? I know it’s harder to lift a bell with globes but do you really think that this will make such a massive difference in the weight that needs to be lifted on a non-knurled 2.5” plate loading handle? You reckon about an extra 25–35kg is needed on the plate loader?  I lifted 78kg on Dave’s non-knurled 2.5” handle on Friday night pretty comfortably, but I can’t imagine lifting 127 – 136kg on it.

:(  :(  :(  :(

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Guest 115-1005574997


I see what you are saying and on the face of it, I cant see how a globe dbell will be 25 to 35kg different to a plate loader.  surley if you can lift 105 or 110kg on a smooth handled 2.5" diameter plate loader, you will be able to lift the MDB? Steve, is your plate loading handle 2.5" or a bit smaller?  Is it knurled or smooth?  I remember saying the MDbell handle was smooth.

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The questions being asked in this thread have been answered elsewhere. One of the posters has a PhD in phyics and said that they had had to answer a basic question relating to a hollow sphere and a solid one. Simply put the way the mass sits is different.

Putting it another way. Jim, David and I have all pulled at the MDB (cheers) and we have all pulled more on a solidly set up plate loaded dumbbell. Experience has taught us that the #### thing hasn't been lifted clear of the floor. The DB is about 106 kilos or 228 pounds. My v best effort with a plate loaded beast is 259 pounds.

The handle on my plate loader is 2.5 inches and the MDB that I own was meant to have a lightly knurled surface. However, the finish by the foundry means that it is, for all intends and purposes smooth. The paint added just adds to that.

Also my experience with the Inch taught me that I needed to pull 212 pounds to the Inches 172 in order to do it comfortably. Thats 40 pounds more. Hoping this doesn't healp at all so i can do it first...     ;)

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Steve, is your plate loaded dumbbell harder to lift when you don't have the collars tight enough to prevent the plates from rotating ? Or, better put, is it easier to lift when the plates/collar are tight ? If there is a difference, can you give me an estimate.  

Reason I ask is that I can never seem to get my plates tight enough to prevent rotation.

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I set up the dumbbell, with weight plates unmoving, so as to best mimic a globe style solid dumbbell. I have found that it is easier for me to have everything as solid as possible and so therefore weights not moving is easier.

In order to get it this way I will use the Pullums version of Ironminds Bulldog II collars. Loading up the rod (one of the safety pins off of my power rack) I will half tighten the collar. Then as required I will tap down the collar and fully tighten it. I will then set it back down on the floor, it having been ends up as it were, and try and see if the 2.5 inch handle will freely rotate. Sometimes I can move it into an 'unmoving' position and then its time to rock and roll baby!

NB: as per the image of Bill Kaz in Tom Blacks website gallery 1 I also tip the bell so that the plates touch the forearm. This stiops both kinds of bell from wanting to roll out of the hand.

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Well I don't seem to understand these poundages I'm going to have to lift before I can hoist your bell. My best deadlift with my non knurled 2 1/2" dumbell is 91k. I have felt your dumbell (as you know I had done no training on this, and had also dislocated my thumb 3 months earlier), and certainly believe it will be deadlifted. So we shall see. I think that when I pull 106k on my dumbell I will be ready for the Millenium. Incidentally, I was about 4 inches off (Elizabeth says) from one hand continentalling the Inch weight (78k) tonight. I'll do it soon!


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Rotating thick handled dumbbells are harder to lift than are fixed. Example the Rolling Thunder handle. Any globe style solid bells are likely to have heavy spots in the globes causing a tendency for unwanted rotation. When lifting plate loaded, either fixed or non rotating, it is much easier if you lift backend up first and also brace your forearm on the inside plate. To imitate lifting a solid Inch replica you must not rest your forearm, lift it clean and straight up, and find a way to prevent handle or plate rotation.

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DH: We can only hope you are right. However, your thumb and no training aside both Jim and I have done more on a plate loaded bell.

Oldguy: Why those rules? To the best of my knowledge (limited I know) the only 'rule' is one-handed. I admit it would be better lift but we have seen with Mark Henry a 400 lb man unaable to turn it. With Chris James a 294 man unable to pull it with one hand, with Eddy Ellwood a 23 stone / 330+ man need a year. Me and the Inch above the head? Anyway possible with one hand seems good enough to me and I suspect DH too.

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I’ve actually only done 78kg on Dave’s 2.5” Non-knurled handle.  I think I must have given you some false information somewhere along the line :)?  On a good day I think I could pull a few more K’s. We’ll have to see over the coming months.


Sorry I missed the inch effort last night.  I’ll have to bring the video camera along next Tuesday so we can get it on film.

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Guest baldy

David, I didn't know you were a UFC fan. Congrats on the near 78k overhead, sounds like you are going to do it sometime within a week or so.

Steve, like you said about the Inch overhead, any way it gets there with one hand is going to be awesome! Once one of you gets the Inch overhead you will be able to tweak the form at a later date if needed.

Best wishes to all who attempt such a worthy feat. When someone does get it, take a video and send it in so all of us can watch it.

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I think I know what Oldguy was trying to say (if I'm mistaken let me know, I don't want to put words in your mouth).  I think the globe type dumbell makes it virtually impossible to wedge the forearm like with a plateloader.  That could explain the huge poundage differences.  If you try to lift a plateloader without bracing the forearm against the back plate, I bet the results would be a lot closer.

As for the Inch overhead one-handed, I agree as long as it's truly one hand it's good.

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Yeah, I like the ufc fighting.


I try to not have the plates locked against my arm. Of course the locking style wouldn't be much use when you are trying to get the dumbell to your shoulder,  because as soon as you turned the bell (and did away with the 'lock') it would fall out of your grasp.


Scott's coming round soon to take photos of me hauling the bell up and a few other feats. Why don't you bring along a video camera and shoot it.


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