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Undertraining Or Overtraining?


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hello guys, give me your priceless opinion

i do three times a week exercises for the forearms for example

one on, one off etc.. three times a week

in all these three fays i do the following :

reverse wrist curls 4 x 12

wrist curls 4 x 12

wrist roller from IM

and levering sledges

Except from all the other things i wnt to accomplish in the grip area, i want huge and strong forearms.What i must add or remove from this program?

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Chin-ups,timed hangs, chin holds-go about 6in into a chin up hold it for as long as possible.

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Your program looks good to me for forearm focus. It may get stale after a while, then be sure to mix it up.

This program will not however, give you stronger hands. For that you need to work on pinch, grippers, and especially block lifts.

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My work is pretty low volume, I would say it's too much, but then again I have no idea how heavy you plan on training each of the lifts and if any are warmup sets.

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I m doing a warmup of course my friend! I also do grip work on the other days...but i am kinda stuck on the #2.So I want biiig forearms..... but i do not have the equipment needed.I do not have thick bars and this time not an access to a gym (due to work)....maybe i ll try to make some on my own..

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i dunno,i have big forearms and i dont do any spicific forearm stuff....every once in awhile i do dumbell wrist curls,but not offton.

reps on grippers help forearms to.

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If you want big forearms, your workout looks pretty good. I would switch up the reverse wrist curls with reverse curls every other workout. That's all I'd change.

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first of all is this working for you?? if it is don't be in a hurry to change it up.

I like reverse curls and hammer curls for forearm mass, also behind the back barbell wrist curls work great, static holds on olympic bar(pick a weight you can hold for 2 minutes and make sure you go until it drops out!!)

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Heavy doubles and singles wrist curls work great at tasking your tendons and ligaments witch will lead to stronger forearms. Playing with a powerball after your forearm workout is a great way to get a mind numbing pump in your forearms and wrists.

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