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Hey guys, I've been kinda out of the loop for a while. Who has the best deal on kettlebells? I've checked out dragondoor, maxkb, and elitefitnesssystems. Any input would be much appreciated. Thanks, Chris

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Hey guys, I've been kinda out of the loop for a while.  Who has the best deal on kettlebells?  I've checked out dragondoor, maxkb, and elitefitnesssystems.  Any input would be much appreciated.  Thanks, Chris

try this http://www.everythingtrackandfield.com/det...ategoryID_E_283 best price

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i am ordering my first kettle bells soon from power systems sports.


they have great prices compared to dragondoor or max but Dan's link looks like it may be a bit cheaper.

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Next paycheck I'm finaly gonna break down and get one of the one's from Dan's link. I just don't think I can make one that will work as well.

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The DD and elite fitness KB's come from the same place.

Remember you get what you pay for.If you just want to try them out get the iron woody plate loaded handles.They are similar but your not the same as useing a real KB.You are not suppose to drop them either which happens now and then working with KB's.One good thing about buying the real thing is you can usually get around what you paid for them if you decide there not for you.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I have a contact who can get them locally, a little more expensive per kettlebell, but no shipping. Let me know if you are interested.


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