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Pushup Stands


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you could also just use dumbells if you have some, but they are a cool idea.

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you could also just use dumbells if you have some, but they are a cool idea.

Dumbbells are not the same, at all. These stands allow for a much greater ROM for regular pushups, make it a whole lot easier if you are doing pushups like Clay did since they are a lot more elevated, you can use them to do L-Sits, and you can even use them to use handstand pushups.

You get a really great tricep workout, and if you want to do the kinds of pushups that Clay is doing dumbbells aren't really an option.

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i'll take your word for it. i am very big on pushups so maybe i'll give it a try. what exactly do you need to make them?

Edited by Wayne
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This is what climber511 had to say:

If you can find it, I think 1 ¼” pipe would be a good size – this gives a 1.66” outside diameter. Either that or 1 ½” which gives a 1.9” OD. Just grab some pipe and imagine pushing down on it and get what you think will hurt less. Here’s the list of materials again. This will make both of them.

2 Pieces of pipe 22” with threads both ends

4 - 8” nipples

4 – tees

4 – elbows – 90 degree

8 – end caps

8 – 4” nipples

I didn't use any end caps, because Home Depot didn't have them. I also only could get pipe 1" wide, because Home Depot didnt' have anything wider. And finally, the length of the two bars were 24" instead of 22", because that is all Home Depot had.

As you can see, I was limited by Home Depot. :laugh But overall, it still works quite well.

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Here is something that I made that is similar That you can do push ups on and hand stand push-ups too.My Webpage

Edited by pexter
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haha the home depot's around me are the same way. the best you can hope for are directions to other stores :) . thanks for the list.

pexter, are your feet against the wall in that pic or is that pure balance?

Edited by Wayne
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pexter, are your feet against the wall in that pic or is that pure balance?

My feet are against the wall in the pic.That was a month ago when I first made the device.I can now do 3 sometimes 4 full range of motion reps now without my heels touching the wall.I get sick shoulder and tri pumps when I do this excersise.

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This IS a gripboard, you might as well toss some loose thick handles over that, and watch out for rotator cuff injuries !

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very cool pexter. i do sets of 10 handstand pushups no problem and could do more for a max out, but doing them without a wall is another story. i like walking around on my hands but when i attemt push ups i loose balance after the first one. do you do them on the flat ground? if so what do think is harder that or on the handles?

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very cool pexter. i do sets of 10 handstand pushups no problem and could do more for a max out, but doing them without a wall is another story. i like walking around on my hands but when i attemt push ups i loose balance after the first one. do you do them on the flat ground? if so what do think is harder that or on the handles?

I could not tell you I never tried it,but my handles are 14" above the ground and can do a full range strict press.You can't do this doing a regular handstand push-up without a device.

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