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Elizabeth Talbot Tears A Pack Of Cards

David Horne

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Yesterday, after about 15 minutes of coaching by Steve McGranahan, Elizabeth tore a pack of 'Maverick' cards in half. This is the first instance of a pack being torn by a woman I think. Steve and I signed the pack after. I have got to admit that I said 'No way!' when she said she was gonna do them, but was very pleased to see her finish the crisp tear off. I said I'd pay for the dinner if she did them, and so off to the restaurant with my wallet.

This goes to show you the quality of Big Steve's coaching!! I think I could have been there 2 years coaching her and we wouldn't have got this outcome.


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Congrats, Elizabeth! This is a great accomplishment :bow

Seems that there is a lot of technique involved in Card tearing and Steve is a good teacher.

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:mosherYOU GO GIRL!!! :rock

Elizabeth, Super Achievement!

As a female hand strength enthusiast and competitor you continue to lead the way and blaze new ground. I hope your feats of strength inspire more gals to try their hand (pun intended) at this unique niche of functional strength. It could even help find some more common ground between a husband and his wife so that they could enjoy spending time together in pursuit of their goals.


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quite a lady.

congratulations on such an amazing accomplishment.

does big steve train others?

what does big steve charge for personal appearances or training.

Edited by BigPaulFromCityHall
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Awesome David! The Big One taught me how to tear my first deck as well.

Never any doubt that she could do it. She has tremendous grip strength and more then enough to tear through a deck of cards!



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Way to go Elizabeth, I guarantee you that tearing a pack of cards whilst pregnant is one feat of strength that will never be reproduced by even the strongest men on this board. (Except possibly Sybersnott)

(Note to self: I now have to do this, can't let myself be outdone by a girl, even if she is the unrivaled best in the world!)

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All the expert coaching in the world won't let you do that if you're not pretty darn strong as well. Congrats Elizabeth!!

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My kinda gal! Congrats to you, Elizabeth, and David too! ;) Oh, and Steve too, on his coaching abilities.

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Man, that is just too strong! :rock

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Thats crazy Nice job! is there a video?

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Wow.Congratulations that is an awsome feat of strength especially for a women.

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