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Max Volume Is Killing Max Crush


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Since getting a filed trainer from Brett H, I have been doing a lot of high volume work (as in: Thousands of closes a day) mostly only opening up to the MM set position as I've been having trouble with the last 1/2 inch. I have just given myself a couple of days rest and tried for a max crush attempt and my crush level has been DESTROYED! I mean my #2 now feels like my #3! Any comments/advice? Has anyone else noticed this? How did you overcome it? :help

Edited by twig
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When I work the volume I would gradually increase the gripers week to week. The level of volume decreases and the intensity increase (gripper difficulty). I had tremendous gains doing this and then when I went to the usual singles and overcrushes type routines I had great gains again there too after suffering from stagnation. If I was to do a 1000 reps on a trainer I would not be expecting to take a hard gripper and do anything with it.

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Yeah, ya can't just go from a thousand reps a day to 5 shots at your max goal gripper. Gotta gradually decrease the volume while increasing the gripper strength, then rest for a few days, and THEN hit the big attempts. Remember how it took about a week to get your hands used to the high volume? Well now you gotta reteach them to get used to the max stuff again.

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listen to clay and greg twig, that max rep stuff wrecked my hand tendons for two months........go easy and realize that you are training your hands to do something totally different than what it takes to close tough grippers. This is very advanced training and should be used when heavy singles have reached a stagnation point. patience, patience, patience........hose clamps and overcrushes can take you very far alone.

my two cents,


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I did that high rep scheme once with good results and made a second round some weeks later.

I hit a big PR with the #1 and tried my RB300N afterwards, expecting some reps (I alread closed that on before).

Well, I wasn't even close on that attempt.

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As Gregg said you have to follow the high rep scheme to completion to get the real benefit of the program.

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Just to clarify:

I don't do 1000's of reps all at once, I do maybe 50 at a time, but all throughout the day.

Usually I flip flop between routines quite easily, but grip training seems to be a strange mistress.

I'm not using the high rep stuff to build crush strength per se, but to build my supporting strength so that I don't lose so much strength during breaks in training.

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Reps don't=strength.........Intensity + Rest= Strength  nuff' said    RS

RICHARD!! :ohmy OMG, NO!!! :blink Don't give our secrets away!!! :laugh

If Da Big Man sez it... it must be true, listen to him! :bow:bow

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