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In Search Of Grip Guidance...


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Hello to all, as the topic says, i desperately search for guidance....I am trying to make a perfect (for now) program for my lower arm strength.I am trying with the little equipment that i have to achieve my goals.

I currently have the trainer, coc #1, coc #2, pinch blocks 2x4 (homemade), 2 inch homemade handles for deadlifting, hammers and some other staff.I train three times a week monday, wednesday and friday.Please give me an analytical program for crushing, pinching, supporting and for wrists( sets, reps, time to hold on etc.) so i do not undertrain and of course not over train either.At the current time with the right or with the left hand i am quite close to closing the CoC #2.

I have tremendous will and i want desperately not only close it but be able one day to to smash it any time i want. Please help!!

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Read the workout reports and routines..there is a lot of info there and in the FAQ section.

Edited by pdoire
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What are your grip goals? To have a super crush? I noticed you said you're close to the #2... have you heard about the KTA program?

You are in the right place to learn all there is to know about grip strength and training your grip. This is the place to come -- more guys here that are COC's than anywhere else on the internet!! Welcome!!! :D

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My goals are many my friend Sybersnott! But as you said before, my ultimate goal is to get a super strong crushing grip, as for my long-term goals..these are becoming a Certified Captain of Crush and and then tearing phonebooks decks of playing cards, i have a "deadly" hunger to accomplish all that, again, i need your help guys!!!!!

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... my ultimate goal is to get a super strong crushing grip, as for my long-term goals..these are becoming a Certified Captain of Crush and and then tearing phonebooks decks of playing cards

Concentrate on working on your crush more than anything else; throw in some thick bar work occasionally just to keep your grip workouts from getting too boring.

If you don't have a grip machine, consider seriously on getting one. I got nowhere until I got one and started using it. The one I currently recommend is the BeefBuilder grip machine from Weightlifter's Warehouse. Either that or the NYB grip machine from New York Barbells.

Also, get a Rolling Thunder and a #3 gripper from IronMind - the RT is for wrist work and the #3 you'll be using for severe negatives.

Do me a favor -- lay out your current grip workouts for us and let's see what you need to do, what you can start doing now and what you can save for later on down the road. :D

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thank you very much for your advice sybersnott, i ;m already searching for the equipment you told me...as for my program:

Crushing : 1 set - 20 times cheap store grippers

1 set - 10 times the trainer

1 set - 10 times the #1

5 set of singles (trying to close it fully) with the #2 (less than 1 cm seperates me from closing it....) then after doing it, immediately pick up the #1 do as many as i can with eachhand, and immediately after that i pick up the trainer and do as many repetitions as i can with the trainer...

Please tell me your opinion of this program, what i do wrong or what i must change, add, or remove!

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welcome to the board. you will find that alot of people will help you. keep your head up.

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Start lifting weight using 2" and 3" bars. A grip machine is a good investment, like Syber said.

I would rep the #1 less times, and give the #2 your all. Either that or go all out on the #1, repping it to hand deadening failure. But doing ten reps like that is possibly draining you for the #2. I know it would for me. Everyone is different though, just my 2 cents.

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1 set - 20 times cheap store grippers

1 set - 10 times the trainer

1 set - 10 times the #1

5 set of singles (trying to close it fully) with the #2 (less than 1 cm seperates me from closing it....)  then after doing it, immediately pick up the #1 do as many as i can with eachhand, and immediately after that i pick up the trainer and do as many repetitions as i can with the trainer...

WITHOUT ANY WARMUP WHATSOEVER... pick up your #2 and try to close it.

Then go back and do your warmup. Don't do too much of a warmup, you might be losing some of your strength once you try your #2. :)

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what about pinching? what would be a suitable program? for supporting? how much time must i hold to the 2 inch non revolving handle i made for gaining strength? does supporting "adds" strength to the crushing grip?

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Damn, you got some questions. :) Well, for one, take things slow. If you're close to closing the #2, then you have some decent base strength, as was told to me. Work your wrists, using wrist curls and reverse wrist curls, along with sledgehammer levering if you prefer. Thick bar work for all upper body exercises is a good idea, but it will take a while before you are conditioned well enough to follow thru with that on all upper body lifts.

BTW, try to train all aspects of grip and forearm strength, I think if you stimulate overall forearm growth, crushing grip will go up as well. I believe Sybersnott has a course for building up godzilla like forearms that will make women want you. :laugh

Edited by unseenbeat
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what about pinching? what would be a suitable program? for supporting?

So what are you doing now? Tell us...

how much time must i hold to the 2 inch non revolving handle i made for gaining strength?
Pull it up and hold it as long as you can under control... AND PUT SOME WEIGHT ON IT!!
does supporting "adds" strength to the crushing grip?

For me it does. Try it and see if it does the same for you! :)

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does supporting "adds" strength to the crushing grip?

For me it does. Try it and see if it does the same for you! :)

Not to the close but maybe the sweep..it has no affect on that last 1/4" or so!

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The closing of a gripper has basically been classified into three components.....the sweep, where the gripper is brought to near parallel. The hold where that spot at parallel exists, and the close the part where we squeeze down to the actual closing odf the gripper.

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today i made a test with a friend that has tried to close the #2 and he couldn't.In fact he could not even bring the handles to parallel.(he work at construction sites).He has a bit smaller hands that me but big fingers and thumb.I don't know but we gave handshakes and i couldn't crush him, (to the point that he hurts and then screams.... :angry: ), he was doing a trick and he didn't entirely touching my hand and holding it in a state where he could last my squeeze, but i don't know, i believe that if you are strong you must have the power no matter what to crush.Now i feel awkward....I don't know. and confused :whacked

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As was stated by many others in their replies, do less volume with the #1 and more intense singles with the #2.

Do some over crushes with the #1 at the end of your workout

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today i made a test with a friend that has tried to close the #2 and he couldn't.In fact he could not even bring the handles to parallel.(he work at construction sites).He has a bit smaller hands that me but big fingers and thumb.I don't know but we gave handshakes and i couldn't crush him, (to the point that he hurts and then screams.... :angry: ), he was doing a trick and he didn't entirely touching my hand and holding it in a state where he could last my squeeze, but i don't know, i believe that if you are strong you must have the power no matter what to crush.Now i feel awkward....I don't know. and confused :whacked

I have found that closing the #2 is not enough strength to crush someones hand, (me and my friend try this on each other all the time). Maybe at the #3 level, I don't know I'm not there yet.

When I first closed the #2 I thought it was such a big thing but I have since found tons of people that can close it with no training. That was a good reality check.

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Hello and welcome to the greatest site on the web for hand strength. I see that you have already scored points with sybersnot by posting on newbies post here. Which is very nice because it allows us to get a feel for the person that we are corresponding with. I'm by far no grip master yet but I have gained a great deal of knowledge, and training tips from the post new to the grip board posted by Wanngrip. Spend a little time reading the post in that forum and you will learn a great deal of knowledge. But your grip buddies will always be here to help you out . Good luck in your training, and remember that hard work always pays off.

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