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Olympic Husky Handle™ Dumbbell Bars


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I would like to add some thick handled dumbell work to my routine. I lift mostly like a powerlifter but work on my grip a bit as well. I workout at my college's gym where the dumbells only go up to 120. I was wondering if this would be a good product to invest in


Also, is there something of comparable quality that is cheaper? Has anyone used this product?

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I would like to add some thick handled dumbell work to my routine.  I lift mostly like a powerlifter but work on my grip a bit as well.  I workout at my college's gym where the dumbells only go up to 120.  I was wondering if this would be a good product to invest in


Also, is there something of comparable quality that is cheaper?  Has anyone used this product?

From what I've heard, IM's are some of the best you can buy. I just put a 2.5 inch piece of pvc pipe around ny dumbell handles. Works for me. You may want them non revolving though.

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From what I've heard, IM's are some of the best you can buy. I just put a 2.5 inch piece of pvc pipe around ny dumbell handles. Works for me. You may want them non revolving though.

Try here. Take your pick. ;)






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I would like to add some thick handled dumbell work to my routine.  I lift mostly like a powerlifter but work on my grip a bit as well.  I workout at my college's gym where the dumbells only go up to 120.  I was wondering if this would be a good product to invest in


If you have the $$$ and like your stuff to look really good, the Husky Handles are a good pick. They are knurled, which is something I don't like in a thick bar, but they are real nice and long but not annoyingly long.

Here is a good guy for stuff that is homemade but great all the same:


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The IM Husky handles come with their IM Bulldog collars which adds a considerable amount to the cost. Also, do you want/need a pair of fat dumbbells - only you can answer this question. I really only use one because I use thick handles for grip, not for my regular workout movements where I want a pair of them. But do remember the added cost of collars when you do the math no matter where you buy. Also your regular Olympic sized collars will not fit the bars made from pipe; which is what many of the homemade dumbbells are made from. And if you make the bars from true 2" stock and don't have the ends turned down, your plates may not fit onto the bar - so things are more complicated than may first appear. All the manufacturers know what they are doing so their products will fit and lock down well together. Knurling on a fat bar - sort of defeats the purpose to me - but if you plan to use them as a major part of your workout and not only for grip - perhaps? $209 is more than you can get a full Olympic set for - good quality for sure - but it's just two dumbbell "handles".

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Also your regular Olympic sized collars will not fit the bars made from pipe; which is what many of the homemade dumbbells are made from.  And if you make the bars from true 2" stock and don't have the ends turned down, your plates may not fit onto the bar - so things are more complicated than may first appear.

This is true but the guy I go to that I linked above makes the collars as well. They are like the IM collars but not as machined and polished. All my plates fit just fine as well. Sorry I keep going on about him, just trying to help out a local guy.

I definitely know what you mean about the knurling. When I first bought my IM Huskies, I was surprised they came with knurkling. I just assumed they didn't, because the picture in the IM catalog was pretty small and you couldn't really tell. Stupid assumption on my part. Overall they are very nice though. Good for a farmer's walk variation once in a while too.

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Actually, I'm planning on replacing all of my regular DB work with thick DB's starting January and going with that for a few months. I also want to do grip work with them. The situation is that I'm lucky enough to have a grandma who asks me what I want for christmas and that's when I can easily get useful stuff. So it wouldn't really hurt too much to spring for the ironmind DB's, but it would possibly be at the cost of getting something else that might be useful. I'll take a look at all of those links and see what looks best to me. Thanks for all the help!

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A pair of DB's from FBBC & 2 pair collars comes to a meager $105. Plus you get a free T-shirt with the purchase of a pair of DB's. If you have the basic cast plates (the cheapies most of us have), the standard 2" tubing we use will be fine. If you have nicer stuff like bumpers, or the gym does, just let me know & I can make them from pipe that will take any plate. If you feel like some really massive toys, I'll make the DB's out of solid 2" CRS & only runs the price up to $155 for the DB's plus 2 pair collars (+ shipping).

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