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My name's Tim, I'm 17, me and another member of this board named Wes have been training our grips for about 1 1/2 to 2 months now, and are already seeing good results. The strange thing is, I don't think we're amazingly strong guys, but we've seen results very quickly. For example, with CoC grippers, I closed it as soon as I got it, Wes took a few tries, but got it as well. Wes could absolutely mash the #2 when I got it about a week ago, and I closed* it after *several* tries :blush (did it with an official IM set, though). I have worked construction (laborer/ surveyor) for the past few years, and Wes does wrestling at our High School, but I didn't think that we had amazing grips or anything. How long do you think it will take us to reach the IM #3? Wes can do a double with the #2 rite now, and I am getting better with it daily.

Also, me and Wes use different training methods. Say with the grippers, I work 'em hard twice a week after some sledge levering, and I'm fine. Wes does a Pavel type GtG thing, where he closes either the 2 or 1 whenever he feels like it, and stops when he can't close the #2. Just taking note of how differebt methods bring about results.

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You obviously got a good base strength :rock

Saying how long the #3 will take isn't very easy, but I'd say it depends mostly on your dedication. If you train hard and productively I think you'll be able to close it with a parallell set in 2-4 months, but it's hard to say since it's such a huge leap from the #2.

Just keep on training, have fun and don't give up and you will mash it easily one day!

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You obviously got a good base strength  :rock

Saying how long the #3 will take isn't very easy, but I'd say it depends mostly on your dedication. If you train hard and productively I think you'll be able to close it with a parallell set in 2-4 months, but it's hard to say since it's such a huge leap from the #2.

Just keep on training, have fun and don't give up and you will mash it easily one day!

I noticed you said with a set. For some reason, I don't squeeze as well with a set. Basically with the 2 I just pick it up and wrap my hand around it and mash it. When I do a credit card set or paralell set, I can't really close it well. Mabye this has something to do with the size of my hands (8 inches long by 4.25 wide.), or the way my muscles are.

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You obviously got a good base strength  :rock

Saying how long the #3 will take isn't very easy, but I'd say it depends mostly on your dedication. If you train hard and productively I think you'll be able to close it with a parallell set in 2-4 months, but it's hard to say since it's such a huge leap from the #2.

Just keep on training, have fun and don't give up and you will mash it easily one day!

I noticed you said with a set. For some reason, I don't squeeze as well with a set. Basically with the 2 I just pick it up and wrap my hand around it and mash it. When I do a credit card set or paralell set, I can't really close it well. Mabye this has something to do with the size of my hands (8 inches long by 4.25 wide.), or the way my muscles are.

Don't worry it's just technique ;)

I've never ever seen a beginner being able to set a gripper very well or at all, so in the short run many never learn to set the gripper because they are "stronger" without a set. But in the long run there's a huge benefit in being able to set the gripper.

But of course it may be useful to be good at no-setting too, but I recommend you to train your setting too.

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LOL, every time I set (paralell), my fingers touch before I get it closed. I'll have to watch that video of Clay Edgin closing the #4 again, as I recall he sets it to paralell.

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LOL, every time I set (paralell), my fingers touch before I get it closed. I'll have to watch that video of Clay Edgin closing the #4 again, as I recall he sets it to paralell.

Try setting the "bottom" handle higher up in the palm, around half an inch under the base of your pinkie. WILL take some training ;)

Here's some good tips (in swedish) but the pictures are very good for demonstrating: http://www.jimgahnfelt.se/tips.htm

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Hmmm, i'm a little confused about the last few pictures.

When your gripper doesn't behave you lock it in a box?

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Thanks for the link, it explains a lot. I understand the technique better now. BTW I hit a new PR of 5 reps of the #2 without a set today, when I'm rested some I'll see what I can do with a set.

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whats up guys?i'm 16, i have been grip training for about 5 - 6 months now and it took me about 1 1/2 - 2 months to close the #2 and now its not even hard and i'm less then a cm from the #3. i think that during the first couple of months the progression is faster then later on so i think there is a good chance you'll get the 3 in less then 6 months maybe sooner if you train right .

Edited by stranger
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See, that's what I'm talking about. THE YOUTH SHALL RISE UP AND TAKE OVER THIS BOARD!!!

It was funny, cuz after Wes got 5 reps, some members of one of one of the school gangs, Redcamp, came over and were trying to close the #2. Most could close the #1, but the #2 eluded all of them! :D They're pretty cool guys tho, and the guy who had first seen that he had the grippers out, who had tried them before, was makin jokes the whole time through.

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yea alot of kids in my school are like that they will be like "thats easy" then not even get far with the #1.

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Hmmm, i'm a little confused about the last few pictures.

When your gripper doesn't behave you lock it in a box?

That's just a simple device you can build to season the gripper :)

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