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Anyone Ever Get A Click In Your Wrist

Number Ten Ox

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Kinda freaks me out, like a tendon is going to snap.

Am I doing something wrong?

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Dont worry you are not alone, I get the same thing with any type of wrist curls.

I have found using the formulator has solved the problem for me. I suspect it is to do with the hand angle.

If you get this doing dumbell wrist curls adjust your hand position on the handle, do horizontal to full contraction partial ROM (Partial Range of Motion). Then strengthen your wrist with other work like levering, this should lessen the problem.

If you get the click doing other exercises please post.

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Yes, my wrists snap all the time, and it's worst after a long hard work-out like I did tonite. I have been training pretty hard for almost 8 months or so, and although I am definitely stronger, and can measure real increases in my bicep, tricep, forearm and chest measurements, my wrists are still my weakest link, and I have made no gains in size to speak of. :angry: I refuse to accept defeat, and continue to torture those d****d wrists as much as possible. Levering especially aggravates my snapping and pain in the wrist. I think it's genetic. Some guys have wrists like a 10' python, and some of us have, well, less..... I am finding that adding a lot of v-bar and thick-bar stuff is making my wrists stronger without pain.

John Scribner

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I have a lesser degree of snapping/clicking in my wrist. Believe it or not i found that doing therapy balls kind of tammed it down some. I dont know if its intended to help with the wrist but i can feel/hear less of a clicking then i initially had.Also place pressure on the clicking/snapping part of the wrist with other hand using the thumb to aid in completing the exercise. Worked for me.

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I've had this problem, on plate and DB wrist curls. The tendon on the palm side of the wrist "pops" and it doesn't feel good!

Seems like it's caused by squeezing hard while wrist curling, and going to full contraction (gooseneck).

Reducing ROM on plate wrist curls helped some, but I've since switched to regular plate curls.

With DB's, use a thumbless grip and don't try to squeeze the bar. Relax your crush and just focus on the wrist. And don't use excessive ROM. I've dropped these, and prefer rear-levering, which doesn't irritate the area.

This is what has helped me.

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I get this sometimes

adjust your hand angle, and try not to go too far down- if you do the upper portion of the move- you shouldn't get the clicking (tendons shouldn't slide over your bones)

let us know if this helps?

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When mine pops bad I drive my pinky up and twist the wrist at the top of the movement of a plate curl. This will take out the popping. I was a thrower for years shot, discus etc.... and right does must of the popping. Hope this helps you.

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I have this when I do barbell wrist curls, not really with other exercises, I find it is far easier to avoid with plate wrist curls. I certainly don't like it. I think it has to do with the angle as well, in which case a barbell isn't particullarly ergonomic. I don't like this feeling but I am certainly interested in wrist curling 200lbs. I'll start working on working around this. I'm glad it's not just me.

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