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Grip Machines


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Hey Grip Enthsiasts,

I am trying to fight the urge to buy a grip machine but feel that I am starting to lose the battle. I have shelled out on a whole bunch of toys and gadgets which all are cool but am starting to feel like I am getting sucked into the 'toy' factor and not really making the most of what I have.

Dont get me wrong. I am training all out and know that I will meet my personal goals but I can see that many a grip champ uses grip machines and I was wondering if there is something ya'll know that I dont.

I have the ivanko supergripper so in theory I have the ability to load the gripper up to anything I desire and do negs and pretty much do anything that I can do with a plate loaded grip machine.

Just want to hear some other opinions because although I dont see any reason to buy them ( apart from the fun of having a new toy) I still feel like I want one. Call me a big kid ;)

In short. grip machine vs supergripper and if grip machine wins then which grip machine. At present I have been looking at a variation of the really go really grip machine.

Answers on a postcard if you please

Rydini and his talons of doom

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Get one, if you can afford it. The difference between them is of course the resistance is not dynamic, and overall I think they are better. But if you want to really just close grippers I would stick with the Ivanko.

Which one is the best? It's all a matter of preference. I would say ask Sybersnott, but I know he'll just say get the damn Beef Builder, and I would tend to agree.

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Thanks Soilworker :D

Unfortunately as I am in the UK the only one that I will be able to afford without spending an arm and a leg is on that is sold in the UK. Here we have variations of the really go grip machine at reasonable prices but it may be worth me saving for something like the beef builder. I appreciate your comments!

The problem I have with the Ivanko is that is that it brings up the strength more in the power fingers ( first finger second finger) and when used in an unconventional way ( upside down) it just feels weird. I wanted something that was more like the grippers without neccessarily paying the price of the sun moon and stars.

:help me my friends of grip

I just need a really cool new toy that will last and last

Rydini and his talons of doom and destruction

Edited by watzd411
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Ok I had a quick look at the beef builder tools and the beef builder grip machine is what I am talking about this is what is quite easy to find in the UK.

The Squeezer 2 looked good, but I dont like the fact that the moving handle is the one nearest the palm. I think that this may not be similar to grippers as with grippers the dog leg handle is braced on the palm and the other handle is pulled. Dont know if this will make a huge amount of difference.

The gripanator GLX sold by PDA looks quite cool though, but I would be literally gripping on the streets after paying those shipping charges :cry

Must have grip tools, must have grip tools

Rydini And The Burning Desire To Crush Everything

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Ok I had a quick look at the beef builder tools and the beef builder grip machine is what I am talking about this is what is quite easy to find in the UK.

The Squeezer 2 looked good, but I dont like the fact that the moving handle is the one nearest the palm. I think that this may not be similar to grippers as with grippers the dog leg handle is braced on the palm and the other handle is pulled. Dont know if this will make a huge amount of difference.

Those little grippers simulator machines are either you love them or you hate them. I don't like them personally because of the position it's in and you push down instead of pull up. I just tried one that was the opposite and it was 100 times better.

The Beef Builder style regular machine is what I basically use for crushing grip training. I do the grippers but it's more of a skill practice most of the time. But training on grippers will almost definetly get you certed faster.

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I have the ivanko supergripper so in theory I have the ability to load the gripper up to anything I desire and do negs and pretty much do anything that I can do with a plate loaded grip machine.

In short. grip machine vs supergripper and if grip machine wins then which grip machine. At present I have been looking at a variation of the really go really grip machine.

The ISG is certainly the cheapest of what you are seeking. You can get an extra spring and it will become absolutely brutal for Negs!!

As far as usage..it takes some getting used to, the same as using a grip machine would, to use it inverted and regular style like a gripper.

If you can find a real solid base to press it down against, you will in fact have a portable guillotine style grip machine!!

Grip machine questions will always be answered by the owners of them as the best thing. People who have never used them or don't like them will disagree, it is a very subjective opinion. I personally like the ISG for its infinite usages and settings and the fact that right side up it comes pretty close to the gripper movement itself.

As the saying goes..."if you want to get good at grippers...squeeze grippers".

If you want to cert on the 3 you have to squeeze the 3.

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Fair point Pdoire. I hear your logic! The ISG is cool but Joe Kinneys secret weapon involved a grip machine that is why I am extra keen.

Any other thoughts on this subject

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Any other thoughts on this subject

Just that variety is good. The main difference between the grippers and the ISG and the guillotine machines is that with the guillotine machines, the resistance is not dynamic. Meaning it doesn't really change as it doesn't come from a spring. It will feel much different, and that can be good.

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Check my gallery for my favorite, the Sorinex G-Rex. This is like having three different machines in one. It might be a little costly to ship to the UK, but this should last you a lifetime.

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Do you NEED a grip machine - heck no - but you want one - nuff said. Now to decide which one you want. Go Really, Tetting, G-Rex - and if you look around in the gallery, you can see several others people have made with unique features. Think long and hard about the advantages and disadvantages of each and decide what you want and can afford. In the long run you might decide to make or have someone make you one up with some combination of features.

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Thanks Guys for all your replies. I will have a look at the galleries etc and have a long hard think! Just had a truly awesome workout with the ISG and the talons are unable to fully extend :laugh Yeah baby, nice and sore!!

Maybe I can live without a grip machine. HHHmmmmm. will update this post after I decide.

Thanks again

Rydini with his temporarily blunted talons of doom

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Right had a little think and the thing that struck me the most was the comment about Spring loaded devices having dynamic resistance whilst machines have static resistance. In my opinion the benefit of one is an advantage of the other.

The ISG resistance increases the more that handles are squeezed(dynamic). This means that a significant increase in poundage is required at the final crush compared to the sweep. This means that the ISG allows for rapid acceleration through the sweep in preparation for the much harder final crush. This as mentioned in earlier posts is the same for cert TSGs.

Grip machines being static means that the final crush will be just as hard ( in terms of inch pounds) as the sweep. Also on max efforts i believe that this tool would encourage slower acceleration through the sweep section of the crush.

This leads me to one conclusion. The choice is down to the type of muscle fibers that have been developed and this is determined by how that muscle fibre has been developed through training. I feel that if rep ranges have been fairly low (1-3) and the movements were always as fast as possible then the muscle fibres developed are explosive due to the 'power' training effect. This makes me feel that rapid movements through the sweep would help elimate the need to crush as hard. Power into the sweep and crush. This takes full advantage of the momentum that can be built up.

If however the grip machine is used with maximum poundages then the likelyhood is that more raw strength is developed with far lower power outputs as momentum is not built up to the same degree. Similar to comparing the explosive strength of weightlifters to raw muscular power of power lifters. ( Power training can still take place using a grip machine however I argue that not to the same degree).

So in short, being a Olifter I shall stick with my ISG as I have developed fast twitch fibres ( fast explosive crush) , however if your a slow twitch fibre person ( controlled slow-medium paced crush) then a grip machine would be ideal.

Rydini And His Mighty Talons Of Doom


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I have the ivanko supergripper so in theory I have the ability to load the gripper up to anything I desire and do negs and pretty much do anything that I can do with a plate loaded grip machine.

The ISG will NOT simulate a plate loading grip machine! It is a different feel altogether.

If you're making good gains with the ISG, then why question the need for a grip machine - or any other grip "toy" for that matter?? :mellow

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If you're making good gains with the ISG, then why question the need for a grip machine - or any other grip "toy" for that matter??  :mellow

Because they rule. :mosher

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Because a man always needs one more toy! :D

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Pexter made a real nice grip machie that they raffled off at the GGC 2005

Who ended up with that anyway?

I dont know, I should of got in the darn raffle

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