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Whose Got The Most Rugged Mitts?


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Hello All,

After months of just playing with the grippers I have decided to take it seriously and like many of you grip champs grippage is starting to take over my life. Grinding number #2 no problem (childs play) and have come abt 2mm from closing my #3 ( this one has a 3inch spread from handle edge to handle edge). Anywho enough of the banter.

I have found recently that my Talons Of Doom are getting a wonderful callous layer over the all fingers and was find myself starting at my hands alot to marvel at their rugged outdoorness. Was just wondering if anyone would care to post pictures of the most calloused hands under the planet. Will get my webcam up and running and take a picture of my Talons.

Take part if it takes your fancy


Avec Talons Of Doom

I aint a player I just crush alot

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Back when I was doing high volume on grippers my skin became shreded and very hard on all my fingers. I could leave scratches in skin with the flat of my hand.

Pretty disgusting, unfortunately I didn't get a picture of it. I am sure others have seen similar results.

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After a gripper session I can rub my girls arm and she will shriek with pain from all the callouses and bumps on the entire hand.

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Freddy Krueger of the "Nightmare On Elm Street Saga" :laugh

In all seriousness I think this answer could change depending on what a person is exposing their hands to on a regular basis. The KTA program participants always seem to have some cracked and calloused hands by the middle of the training program. I mean when you have to use super glue to fill the cracks in your hands then that is pretty haggard in my opinion. Those who work in physically laborious jobs like stonemasons, concrete workers, and commercial saltwater fisherman because the nets of rope bring on the calluses and constant exposure to saltwater dries the skin of the hands. I am sure that there is plenty of jobs out there that really puts some serious hurt on those hands which have to adapt to the stress by developing calluses in strategic hard hit areas and thickening of all the skin of the palms and fingers.

All the feats of hand strength require some tougher than average skin for sure. My focuses has been bending and believe me I have lost skin from the size of half dollars in my palms, the inner sides knuckle areas of both the index and middle fingers not to mention the blisters that tear off on the thumbpads.:pinch

Boy what we won't do to ourselves for that next PR and in pursuit of that ultimate goal. :upsidedwn

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I used to gross Porkbone out after we had gripped all day because my skin was so dry and shredded. I think he has a picture somewhere of my right hand after 11 hours of grip and it looks like my hand went through a meat grinder.

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After a gripper session I can rub my girls arm and she will shriek with pain from all the callouses and bumps on the entire hand.

I get that all the time, hahaha

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I'm a (male) nurse, and I have constant rough, calloused hands from my workouts. My hands look like they are 65 years old, instead of 52. Usually I have one or two nails smashed from doing stones. When I put on sterile gloves, about 30% of the time they shred. When I shake hands with someone, I am constantly assessing their hand condition and grip strength... if a guy has a wimpy, soft, paltry handshake, I immediately think, "Gotcha!!" My wife says my hands feel like sandpaper.... incidentally, I have found the best way to build rough, calloused palms is to take those small 3"x3' squares of note-paper (about 3/8" thick) and just practice all day squeezing them into the tiniest ball possible...it will dry your hands and palms out to the consistency of old rawhide. Now after working my grip for about 6 months or so, sometimes my wife yelps out in the middle of the night..."ouch, you're pinching me!!"....

John Scribner

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As far as tore up paws go the worst I have seen on this board were from big Dave and Gamidon after a marathon red bending session. I don't have time to look for the exact album but check out some of the members galleries as there are lots of examples of blistered and ripped hands in there to admire!

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I dont know if anyone remembers, but I think it was a German website that had some serious gripsters on it. They had all types of cool home made block weights and grip toys used with a loading pin and man, this one guy has such calloused hands it was beyond. He had a patch of callouse on his palm that was huge. I hope somebody has the link somewhere.

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I don't think dried up, shredded hands are the best gripping survace. As I recall one of our master gripsters (I believe it was David Horn correct me if I'm wrong) said that hand's skin should be tough but supple. Skin does not have to be gnarled and leather like to be tough. I'm sure after Dave and Gamidon bent 100 reds a piece didn't find their hands in prime gripping condition afterwards. I don't mean to diverge from the topic, which is getting pictures of gnalred hands and admiring the dedication that someone willingly subjected themselves to to get stronger, but I don't want this topic to encourage people to strive for nearly disfigured hands when they train. A gripperster should take care of his hands from bone to skin. You will get very poor traction if your epidiamis is mearly dust.

That being said, only, my hand looked like a wasteland after a V-bar workout.

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:bow Holly sh!t Batman.

Clay, I know you train hard and have one hell of a strong grip, but I think your inhuman. That blows my mind! After 2 hours of training I can hardly bend a tooth pick.

11 hours of grip work is something for all of us to aspire too, and its bound to give you the hardest hands on the board.

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Hi All,

Your responses have had me in stiches over here! I too can say that yes my other half has complained that I was leaving scratch marks on her back with my open talons and now I have had to wear arctic mitts to bed to stop her from becoming totally covered in scars.... alright slight exaggeration about the scars but my hands are as crusty as I have ever known.

I do remember seeing the infamous 100 red nail bend and the state of Daves hands after were DEFINITELY the worst I have ever seen. I am inclined to believe that whilst a certain amount of hardening is good that level of competition must have taken a while to recover from as there were ripped callouses and huge chunks missing out of his hand. *OUCH*

But as long as there is no long term damage then thats what its all about. mind over matter, I dont mind so it dont matter. Whilst I agree that hands so crusty that they split everytime all fingers are extended is not the way forward ( and one should endevaour to keep the skin well moisturied to promote flexibility). In my opinion hugely calloused hands are a sign of dedication and shows the power of the human mind when focused and overcoming the pain barrier. But for real this can be overdone, so any newbie grippers out there dont get it twisted!!


Licensed To Crush

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Thanks Bob, thats definitly the one. I thought there was a picture of the persons open hand, but either I was wrong or its gone now. BUT, you can see the extent of callouse of the fingers in this one shot, and it was like that on the whole pinky side of the palm too. I know my hands have gotten calloused, but nothing like this.

calloused hands

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Man it looks like the whole palm side of his hand, fingers and all, could just crack and tear so easily... Get that man some lotion!

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Whoa Mumma,

Uber Krusty with a captial K!!!! Im with Ryan on this one, get that man some lotion with the gusto. Geeze, got some walls that need sanding down and by the looks of it his monkey palm would suffice!!

Certainly the most calloused hands that I have ever seen. Looks like he has been digging and then rolling up tobacco.

Anywho that was a quality post, have never seen that level of crustation


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