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Rest Time Before Ggc?

Kurt Lane

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Ive been trying to prepair myself best I can for the GGC. Trying to pack 1 year of training I missed into 1 month , my hands are pretty tired. Was wondering how long most of you are going to take off before the contest? 2 days? 3 days? 5 days? a week? Thanks for any replies.

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You guys can laugh if you want, but I would take AT LEAST 5 days off before, then do absolutely nothing except reverse hypers and stretching. A killer workout tomorrow, then just the above.

And the competitors who want to beat you can tell you to go balls out up to 2 or 3 days beforehand, and you will not be rested enough.

Ask David Horne, he is pretty knowledgeable about these things.


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I've only competed twice, but I always rest 2 days from all "light" griptraining like grippers and pinch and usually 8 days from vbar,bending and one hand lift.

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Usually I take a week off, maybe doing some technical work on the Tuesday. But nothing hard or heavy.

If you haven't gained the strength by now, then it's too late.

Now it's a time to eat well, and keep care of your hands.

Good luck to all.


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I would suggest extremely heavy workouts Wed, Thur, and Fri. I mean balls to the wall, puke in a bucket, twice a day sessions for all of you. Perhaps even a session just before we start on Sat. This will up my odds considerably of beating you.

I did my last heavy workout last night (Friday), now I'll do a light one on Sunday but nothing for the grip and probably something like easy Powerball or dexterity balls on Tuesday and perhaps talk the wife into a massage just to move a little blood around. I'll try to eat well and sleep just a little extra. I'm sure we'll all vary on the amount of rest time we need but I'd guess between 3 and 7 days off or nearly off would be good.

Edited by climber511
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I would suggest extremely heavy workouts Wed, Thur, and Fri.  I mean balls to the wall, puke in a bucket, twice a day sessions for all of you.  Perhaps even a session just before we start on Sat. 

I warned you. See Kurt, you have to watch out for the old guys. They can be sneaky.


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I usually will stop grip training a week out and all workouts 3-4 days ahead.

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Another vote for 4 days. It just feels right to me. You are the best gage for yourself, but I can definitely say, for me, anything more than 6 days is a setback.


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I will probably hit something short tomorrow, something heavy on Monday or Tuesday for grip and Wednesday a good strongman workout.

If I let it go more than 4 days, my hands feel like shit.


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The week before a contest, I go balls to the wall to failure on everything possible and then I do nothing but eat, sleep, and poop for a week. Thankfully, none of the three happen at the same time.

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I always do my best with grip after 2 days of rest. If I rest for 3 or more days I get off. If I miss a week I definitely lose some and have to work my way back. Everybody will be a little different so the only way to know for sure is to experiment and find out what works best for your body. One thing that I think that would be a mistake would be to be to lazy and just hibernate for a week or two, you should stay somewhat active, as in walking or something for your energy level.

Edited by patrick
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Well for about the last 3 to 4 weeks I've had so many things going on that I've worked out about 3 to 4 times so I should be plenty rested up huh. Should be ready to suck real good.

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My last grip day will be Thursday. I'll squat on Friday. That will be the entirety of my contest preparation.

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This morning I worked up to my openers in the events then this evening did my whole body stuff but not hard. Tonight is shot rotations (keep them in the freezer) and ice on forearms then a little powerball tomorrow. Wed is a light masssage and thats it for me.

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Listen up, all you guys need to get a proper warm up the morning of the GGC. The best thing you can do is bend 50 g8 bolts 1/2hr before the comp starts, them you'll be ready to tear it up!

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My last grip day will be Thursday.  I'll squat on Friday.  That will be the entirety of my contest preparation.

You haven't been training for the contest, Sean?

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This is a notice to all competitors. I represent one Chris Rice, age 57. My client has requested that all of you work out tomorrow so hard, that, in his words, you "are to puke in a bucket". In addition, my client has indicated that it is his preference that on Friday, September 16, you engage in extreme acts of bending short steel bars, best done without any protective gear on your hands.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

Very Truly Yours,

A. Hub Geezer, Esquire

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I've been training, just not specifically for the contest. No reason to specialize when the elite are this far beyond me.

Edited by Sean Dockery
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Hubgeezer is a trained professional and his advice should be followed closely. I myself have only done one of the reccommended two a day workouts so far but the 12 oz curls did require the use of a bucket. Later today I plan my easy contest warmup grip routine consisting of 200# wrist curls, multiple #4 closes, a couple hundred vbar attempts, and some 25# levering. When in doubt, just double the weight, sets, and reps. Any questions on highly reccommended routines for today and tomorrow can be directed to my associate, Mr Hubgeezer. I am willing (for a small fee) to make myself available for pre contest consultations and assistance on helping you do a pre contest to total failure routine.

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