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Do Blob's Have Their Own Personality?


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We now have the "original"Blob joined by three of it's bretheren at our facility and it seems like each one has its own "personality" Most of my blobs are so well worn that they have a brown color patina from the years of handling and I thought with some of the newer ones with intact paint on them would be harder but it seems in my case not so. I had my best blob workout ever the other day on a new blob sent to me. It weighs in at 51 a bit less than the 52 1/2 original but, it sure "seems" easier. Once I was warmed up (it takes much longer now) I went over 20 successful attempts with pulls from 4" to full pulls. I ran over during the series to the original and was successful but it seemed in a way "thicker" and a good bit harder...then back to the new one..... no problems. Hmmm do these things have a will allowing you to lift them only when they want you to?None the less having some real fun here. RS

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As a funny aside ...I took a rare trip by the Post Office today and as I walked thru the door I herd a voice yell out "thats him! thats the guy!" well, at first I wondered what DID I to be ''wanted" at the PO? I walked toward the counter and they all chimed in "your the guy who lifts that "THING" I suspected they were licking their wounds from dealing with the two flat rate boxes my recent Blob aquisitions came in . I was right! One Blob broke out of its box and everyone had a go at it... all with dismal failure (half of them want to start training now)There was such interest you think the thing was magical! As I walked away one of them said "boy, I feel sorry for his son when he was young"lol RS

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I think they do. I have lifted the one at David Horne's a few times and yet could not budge the one at the Euro grip championships what so ever.

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my blob says mean things to me.

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My mini-blob is therefor pshciztophrenic. It suffers from a multiple personality disorder. Sometimes I can clean and jerk it, sometimes I can't do more than skate it across the garage floor. Who knows. I think it may also be possessed.


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LOL.... that post office story is hilarious.

On my blobs.... I think they sweat when they get nervous that I'll be lifting them... because I go to lift them and they get so slippery. They sweat right through the chalk. Then again, maybe it's just my hands... :whistel

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Blob possession....verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry interesting! My Blobs name is Herman he tells me he has lived several lives.........I just wish he woul reproduce more .lol rs

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EUREKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I have found it! I have studied the blobs I have and finally realized WHY there is a difference! The weight as we all know is not that great an issue with actual lifting it but the shape itself is the key! Looking down at my new blobs along side the Original Blob the profile IS different and just seconds ago I proved it! A straight edge ruler when laid on the side of a "newer" Blob lies flat almost to where the handle was sawed off and the Original older Blob is SO curved the ruler rocks back and forth greatly NEVER finding a flat spot!!!!!!This is true with a similar, elderly Blob I just examined as well. I think therefore that during the last years of York production of their solid dumbbells the mold contour was changed! I think this monumental to those gripsters interested in the Blob and it's evolution . I wonder what blobs that have been lifted come from what era?RS

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Good stuff Richard, thanks for sharing! Why not take some measurements of your blobs so we could compare?

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The actual measurements are very close...but the shape of the side contour...VERY different! Just use the ruler test it really points out the deviation! The Old Blobs sides are really curved while the newer ones almost flat! RS

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I've noticed a difference in shape in several of the Blobs I've lifted. Nicki and I have two 50 pound York Blobs in our shed one has more of a slope on the sides. In an impromptu experiment last fall, I could lift about 3 lbs more atached to the Blob with less slope.

Another variable is texture. Some seem to have more imperfections in the casting resulting in a pebbled, or pitted surface, while others are very smooth.

To my mind, I don't care what year/shape/slope you lifted. It's like most anything in the grip world, stuff varies. Work hard, work smart, and enjoy our crazy little hobby.

Edited by Sean Dockery
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Sean you are in fact the ONLY other person I have EVER witnessed to give any air time to the Original Blob when you broke it loose several inches at the Night of strength get together. And rest assured many, many have tried! RS

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Well thanks, Richard. I'm still working on getting down there and having another shot at the Original.

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I have noticed that it can be very different depending upon what side of the blob you attempt to lift it on, and I'm not just talking about the semi flat side. My blob (a 35 Blob) has a real bad scrape that goes down the side and creates a hard edge that's easier to grip than the smooth sides. Infact I have only recently been able to lift it from just about any angle.

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EUREKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I have found it! I have studied the blobs I have and finally realized WHY there is a difference! The weight as we all know is not that great an issue with actual lifting it but the shape itself is the key! Looking down at my new blobs along side the Original Blob the profile IS different and just seconds ago I proved it! A straight edge ruler when laid on the side of a "newer" Blob lies flat almost to where the handle was sawed off and the Original older Blob is SO curved the ruler rocks back and forth greatly NEVER finding a flat spot!!!!!!This is true with a similar, elderly Blob I just examined as well. I think therefore that during the last years of York production of their solid dumbbells the mold contour was changed! I think this monumental to those gripsters interested in the Blob and it's evolution . I wonder what blobs that have been lifted come from what era?RS

THANK YOU SO MUCH :bow i guess it took the professional to figure this out if you search in my posts i asked this question several times about sizes i have several old blobs and they are round as a ball i had a 50 lb blob and some one stole it it must of been a newer one i could budge it off the ground a inch or two but my 45 1/2 lb blob i cant move at all i new they were different but didnt have any to compare it with thanks RS

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I've observed that one side of mine is rounder than the other. I know it sounds strange but thumb placement on one side vs the other makes a huge difference. It also has a few casting imperfections - pits if you will that if utilized, would provide some advantage however, like all responsible gripsters, I go for the toughest angle. :-)

Some spots/positions on mine are definitely "slicker" and harder to lift than others. By the way - not to bust in on someone else's post - but just got mine leftie for the the first time this week. Could you guys hear me yell "Woopee!" from Arizona?

Thanks Richard for bringing us the "Blob"!


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Mine certainly has its own personality. I can pull it with ease one day and not even break it off the ground the next. If I didn't know better I'd say it sweats, some days no matter how much chalk I apply it just feels slippery. :D

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Sweaty Blob huh? Over a period of time natural skin oils accumulate and the residue might be giving you some problems (humidity too) Wash him in alcohol every once in a while and that should help. Wash your hands always before doing Blob work...it helps alot! RS

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Actually I've tried doing that before, but it didn't seem to help me much. :( I've tried going the real clean method (clean blob, clean hands, no chalk) and the dirty method (chalked up blob and hands). That blob would still sweat! :blush What I ended up doing was putting some athletic tape on the top of it, which allowed me to grip it without my hands slipping off, until I was strong enough on it to lift it plain, and then I removed the tape and could lift it normally.

It's possible that my blobs could be on some sort of Atkins diet, because they sometimes seem to fluctuate in weight, too. :rolleyes

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