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My Grip Strength Got Weaker


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I went away to go visit some family for about 2 weeks and took a break from training grip which was about 2 weeks.I come back home and a few days later I pick up the gripper and something doesn't feel right.My supergripper feels alot harder even on my warm up setting.I didn't think nothing of it a while later I figured I would go train with the supergripper.I could only do about 5 reps with the setting I normally do 10 reps with.My one rep max has gone down too.I ended up not working out my grip.I normally not a quitter but I came very close to giving up grip due to getting weaker.But before I made that decision I figured I would seek some advice from you guys.I was wondering If I begin training grip again will my grip strength come back to normal after a few weeks of training or is it going to be something I'm going to have to wait a while to gain back? i really don't want to give up grip training because over the time I sort of grew a passion for it.

What do you guys suggest? Should I start off by going easy or continue with my regular routine?

BTW I also got alot weaker in armwrestling by taking that 2 weeks break off my regular routine.Thats a whole other story which I'll post in the armwrestling section.

Edited by Nitro
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I went away to go visit some family for about 2 weeks and took a break from training grip which was about 2 weeks.I come back home and a few days later I pick up the gripper and something doesn't feel right.My supergripper feels alot harder even on my warm up setting.I didn't think nothing of it a while later I figured I would go train with the supergripper.I could only do about 5 reps with the setting I normally do 10 reps with.My one rep max has gone down too.I ended up not working out my grip.I normally not a quitter but I came very close to giving up grip due to getting weaker.But before I made that decision I figured I would seek some advice from you guys.I was wondering If I begin training grip again will my grip strength come back to normal after a few weeks of training or is it going to be something I'm going to have to wait a while to gain back? i really don't want to give up grip training because over the time I sort of grew a passion for it.

What do you guys suggest? Should I start off by going easy or continue with my regular routine?

Well if you are in it for the long haul, then is giving up really an option? If you have a real passion for it, you won't be giving up.

Other than you just plain got weaker, it could be a number of medical problems. A lot of times it is hard to figure out exactly what it is.

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Really, no mystery here. If you don't train you can get weaker.

Grip strength can also be a little "fickle" for me- Somedays really good, somedays not so good.

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If you only took 2 weeks off your strength should come back quickly.

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I find out of all the strengths of the body. Grip strength in general gets better more often in training. Everyone is different. Grip strength is lost rapidly without training and should come back fairly quickly.

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what should you do? ummmm start training again maybe?

Why would you consider giving up? youll get back to your previous level in no time and go further! taking time off and varying your training is usually beneficial in the long run.


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Since I started this sport 10 months ago, I've had to lay off from time to time due to a tendon injury in RH middle finger and some left wrist problems.

So..from my experiences, if you ease back into it over the next couple of workouts you'll have almost all of your old strength back and then you work out just as before and progress to new PR's.

.. neilkaz ..

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Your muscles didnt atrophy over those 2 weeks. Serious strength loss begins to happen after 4-6 weeks of no training. I would put money on it being you having a rusty neuromuscular connection. Do some nice full body exercise before your grip workout and give yourself 3 days. You'll be back.

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I went away to go visit some family for about 2 weeks and took a break from training grip which was about 2 weeks.I come back home and a few days later I pick up the gripper and something doesn't feel right.My supergripper feels alot harder even on my warm up setting.I didn't think nothing of it a while later I figured I would go train with the supergripper.I could only do about 5 reps with the setting I normally do 10 reps with.My one rep max has gone down too.I ended up not working out my grip.I normally not a quitter but I came very close to giving up grip due to getting weaker.But before I made that decision I figured I would seek some advice from you guys.I was wondering If I begin training grip again will my grip strength come back to normal after a few weeks of training or is it going to be something I'm going to have to wait a while to gain back? i really don't want to give up grip training because over the time I sort of grew a passion for it.

What do you guys suggest? Should I start off by going easy or continue with my regular routine?

BTW I also got alot weaker in armwrestling by taking that 2 weeks break off my regular routine.Thats a whole other story which I'll post in the armwrestling section.

what should you do?  ummmm    start training again maybe? 

Why would you consider giving up?  youll get back to your previous level in no time and go further!  taking time off and varying your training is usually beneficial in the long run.


Yes, I recommend giving up, that would be the right thing for you to do.

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I find my grip strength is all over the place, varying very radically day to day, whether I've been working hard or taking it easy. It just seems to be something that fluctuates radically.

I admit it's gotten me disappointed once in a while -- nobody likes to be weaker. But it's just natural, and I'm getting used to it. It helps that I've sometimes done very well on days that I started out feeling incredibly weak.

You've got to have a long-term outlook and not sweat the day to day or even weak to weak progress. As long as your sleep, nutrition, and working-out are being taken care of properly, you'll get where you want to go eventually. Try not to worry too much along the way, as it doesn't accomplish anything and probably just holds you back.

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what should you do?  ummmm    start training again maybe? 


By asking what should I do I met should I start off easy or go back to my regular routine and go heavy.I think some peole got the wrong impression of that question.

And no I'm not going to quit. I was just a little disappointed having the grip strength as when I first started.

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you take time off from training you get weaker. thats just how it is.

Just do whatever you were doing before and your strength will come back. Dont worry it will come back alot faster. Muscle has memory as they say!

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You'll get your strength back soon if you train..

For me my grip strength is all over the place from good days to bad days... usually my bad day is stronger than some previous bad days, and my good day is stronger than some previous good days when i'm training.

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For me my grip strength is all over the place from good days to bad days... usually my bad day is stronger than some previous bad days, and my good day is stronger than some previous good days when i'm training.

Absolutely, this has been my experience. So don't worry if you aren't setting some mini PR nearly every workout. But obviously, those few really good days you have over the course of a month should result in some PR's.

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what should you do?  ummmm    start training again maybe? 


By asking what should I do I met should I start off easy or go back to my regular routine and go heavy.I think some peole got the wrong impression of that question.

And no I'm not going to quit. I was just a little disappointed having the grip strength as when I first started.

It's quite alright, I know exactly what you are going through. One thing would be to find out if it is a neuromuscular problem. Because injuries like that have nothing to do with hard work: you won't be able to give 100% even if you want to.

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