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How I Finally Closed The #2


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Last Thursday night, when I was really too tired to train, I shut the #2 for the first time. I could not close it a second time but the damn thing got closed once for sure. I don’t have to explain to the veterans how that felt. It almost didn’t seem real.

I’ve had the IM grippers for longer than I will admit and never came near closing the #2. About a month ago I came here and started reading like mad. A few simple modifications changed everything.

A Plan

1. I wanted to do it and so my intent changed. I created a plan and assigned 2 days for just grip work. This was additional to my 2 weightlifting days (done in “hardgainer” style focusing on big movements). A plan was as essential for my grip work as for my weightlifting. Amazingly, I did not know that before as grip work seemed so...auxiliary. But when it became important, my intent changed--I care--a lot.

Single Reps

2. I focused on single reps only, taking 3 minutes between squeezes on the same hand (90 seconds between alternate hand squeezes). This had been my biggest mistake previously--repping out on the trainer (building to 45 reps or so on the trainer) and repping the #1-- but getting nowhere on the #2.

(I now wonder if I should apply this singles approach my traditional lifting. Does anyone here do that?)


At first, I used over-crushes with the #1. Squeezing the piss out of a gripper was very different than merely closing a gripper. Within 2 weeks, I noticed my close was better on the #2 (inside 1/4”) and my deadlifting hand endurance increased. I started by doing 5 over-crushes per hand and built to 10. I originally held each crush as long as possible but this tired me out. I then, limited each crush to about 3 seconds. This enabled more work. But I don’t know if this is the best way to over-crush. I got some slight strains in my wrists but I got past those.

Beyond Range

3. I bought another #1 and filed my original #1 down for Beyond Range work. I then did over-crushes on the filed gripper only. This seems a big deal. Soon, my close on the #2 went to 1/8”.

Other Work

4. I added pinch-gripping to one of my weightlifting days using 2, Ivanko 25lbers for starters and later adding microloads with magnets. I added forearm work (wrist curls and reverse wrist curls) on the other weightlifting day.

Later, I added finger extension work after each gripper session for hand health. Any hint of tendonitis is now gone. 4 days before my #2 close, I bought a pony clamp. I can’t say how it may have contributed but it costs less than 2 bucks.

Now I’ll purchase that plateloader BeefBuilder that Sybersnott recommends and begin doing negs. I hope this helps further.


I have buggy whips for forearms and long, thin fingers. But in the last few weeks my hands and fingers seem thicker, and just clenching my fists seems different, stronger.

As I discovered, the grippers do vary, so my mid-range goal is to close any #2 with either hand at any time. And I do want the #3, which seems impossible, but now, perhaps not.

I still don’t know the best way to proceed but this is what helped me in just 1 month--after years of frustration.

Thanks to the guys on this board who helped. What a great community!


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Last Thursday night, when I was really too tired to train, I shut the #2 for the first time.  I could not close it a second time but the damn thing got closed once for sure.  I don’t have to explain to the veterans how that felt.  It almost didn’t seem real.

Congrats. Now go for a 2 finger close.

I’ve had the IM grippers for longer than I will admit and never came near closing the #2.  About a month ago I came here and started reading like mad.  A few simple modifications changed everything. 

A Plan

1.  I wanted to do it and so my intent changed.  I created a plan and assigned 2 days for just grip work.  This was additional to my 2 weightlifting days (done in “hardgainer” style focusing on big movements).  A plan was as essential for my grip work as for my weightlifting.  Amazingly, I did not know that before as grip work seemed so...auxiliary.  But when it became important, my intent changed--I care--a lot. 

If you don't focus on making gains you will not progress unless you are gifted, which a lot of guys here are. Good change of minset there.

Single Reps

2.  I focused on single reps only, taking 3 minutes between squeezes on the same hand (90 seconds between alternate hand squeezes).  This had been my biggest mistake previously--repping out on the trainer (building to 45 reps or so on the trainer) and repping the #1-- but getting nowhere on the #2. 

(I now wonder if I should apply this singles approach my traditional lifting.  Does anyone here do that?)

Singles will work very well for most people in the strength department, but you MUST be conditioned for low reps with very high % of your max. Do not just jump right into doing singles if you have been doing the standard 3 sets of ten with 60% or something similar. I like 5x5 myself, and sometimes just a working set of 6 and then a working set of 3 and that's it. But they must be very heavy and very hard. A lot of the singles is the psycologial factor of what your mind knows as heavy, and increasing what that is.

Now I’ll purchase that plateloader BeefBuilder that Sybersnott recommends and begin doing negs.  I hope this helps further.

The Soilworker also recommends this particular grip machine. It will hold much more than you will ever lift, and is cheap, but sturdy.

Also, hunt around and get at least 1 York block weight, they are invaluable for all around strength in the hands.

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Good job on the #2 :rock I'm still trying to close the #2. :angry:

You would think I would be killing it by now, for as long as I've had it. Time to get motivated. I'll try your plan of attack and see what I can do.

Later, Jason

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Congratulations on the #2 close. That's a big milestone. I finally hit mine last week as well, after a cycle of KTA. I've had it for over 2 years. When I finally applied a planned cycle of hard work, I got the last 3/16" of the gripper in about 3 months.

Your approach sounds solid. It's amazing how much the thumb work helps. I personally am now using a Beef Builder Grand Master for negatives and loving it. The gripper is just the right strength for me.

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Now I gotta say I'm proud of you! Not that you closed the #2, but that you went out and found the right information, fixed what was wrong, and appliled it! Hot damn, do you realize how rare that is in this world!!!! And, you achieved a great goal on top of it all!! Great job!

I remember when I got my #2, I was thrilled. Keep up the great work!.


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Thats awesome buddy! Closing the #2 is a heck of an accomplishment and you should be proud. Onward to the #3. . .

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I can't close the #2 everyday. Just when I'm extremly happy and feel good to train. Soon I will be able to do 25 reps on the #2 like my #1. :) btw congratulations on your #2 close ;)

Edited by Alawadhi
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Great job Roy!

It's awesome that you found the info you needed and then APPLIED it!

Do you have any inbetweener grippers? Assuming your goal is the #3...

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Thanks, guys.

I am now moving towards getting consistent closes. I noticed that it appears that a first close does not assure one of a second close follow soon after. Sometimes it is time of day, rest, phases of moon, aggression level, etc..

This, I think is a normal part of progression. My pinch grip has now increased also and continues.

My grip has been transformed in a short time just by reading the info here. Soon, I will venture into KTA-land once I get my non-mac computer and the time and space to use it before the screen. Bring on the sickness, I say! I wanted to see how far this board alone can take someone. Pretty far, actually. I'm 49. You younger guys will have some real fun!



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Now I’ll purchase that plateloader BeefBuilder that Sybersnott recommends and begin doing negs.  I hope this helps further.

When you get the BB grip machine, load it up HEAVY - as heavy as you can go. You can do everything with this machine... timed holds, negatives, etc.

You'll go from closing that #2 TO KILLING IT!!! :blink No bull, the BB grip machine is that good! :D

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When you get the BB grip machine, load it up HEAVY - as heavy as you can go. You can do everything with this machine... timed holds, negatives, etc.


OK, Sybersnott. I'm ordering the BB today. And getting extra 45s. Then, we shall see of this "killing" of which you speak :)



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