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I Over Did It


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Hey all,

So I'm pretty new here to grip training in general. My inexperince is showing. I have been hitting the grip a little almost every day and it caught up with me. I have injured my left wrist, extensors I think. I think I did it while doing plate pinch side raises the other day. Nothing mjor it just aches pretty constantly.

Any special guidance from you all on recovery. I figure I'll try to lat off extension exercises as much as possible but I don't want to stop lifting all together. I figure a little ibuprofen, maybe some ice if it starts to bug me. Any special guidance from you all. Thanks

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Click your heels together 3 times and repeat after me..." I will never overtrain again, I will never overtrain again..." :D I overtrain all the time. I am recovering right now after 3 days in a row. Stew2, my mentor and training partner has just about given up on me on this topic. Seriously, though, I train until my 52 yr. old bones and joints scream out in pain, then I lay off for a few days. I make sure NEVER to injure myself, however- at my age, it would take me weeks or months to recover -when I feel close to an injury, I give myself extra time off. Also, overtraining can leave you susceptible to simple cold and flu viruses, which will set you back for a month or more. Alternating heat and cold therapy, ibuprofen, and rest are all good tactics. So is a total body massage by a beautiful Scandinavian miss, but my wife won't allow it. Harness your enthusiasm- you've got a lot of time to get really strong!

John Scribner

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Yeah, extended recovery time lays me low a lot too. I wonder if I gave myself some sort weird hernia the other day. Anyway, I'm laying low because of it now. (sigh)

To the OP -- get extra sleep, and take vitamins. Both help, a lot.

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I had a hernia 1 1/2 years ago. That was rough.

As far as hand, wrist and forearm pain. I do contrast baths. They work good.

Later, Jason

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If you are new to grip training, a good overall program is the way to start off. Higher volume/higher frequency advanced programs can come later. Even then, these programs should be of distinct cycle duration and not an ever ending thing.

Being new to training in general (overall body), this makes it even more important because one does get some benefit grip wise in an overall program without grip specific exercises.

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Being new to training in general (overall body), this makes it even more important because one does get some benefit grip wise in an overall program without grip specific exercises.

I totally agree with you wanna. I'm a little concerned that my grip may become the limiting factor to my deadlift. I can currently get about 350 up but I don't feel like I can keep it in my hands for more than a second or two. Plus I've been toying with the idea of strongman training. I tend to over extend myself like that, as in this case.

I think I would have pulled through ok but my job requires a certain amount of extensor exercise. I make IVs and we rip open these plastic bags that have the actual IV bags in them. It pretty much the same motion you use to tear a magazine or book in half. I had an IV shift the day I did this and I think that was the Coupe De Grace.

I'm going on vacation in couple days so that'll give me some down time. When I return I will try to temper my enthusiasm a little. But I gotta say that thanks to john Brookfield's book and the support of this board, I love grip training. I have even introduced it to a couple coworkers. I think we will have fewer stress injuries at my job if they use some of the tools of this board.

In the meantime as one member said, Ice rest and repeat. I will be sleeping and taking vitamins as well.

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