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Bottled Water Pinch, Hub, And Carry


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I've been getting bottled water delivered at home for a few months now, usually 4 or 5 five-gallon jugs per month. That's the size you usually see in big office water coolers.

Well, at my latest delivery today, instead of bending down and grabbing the bottles with two arms and squatting them up(always trying to protect the back when lifting), I decided to just grab one by the neck. I thought maybe the neck wouldn't be the right size or angle to let me lift and carry it comfortably, but that wasn't so.

Not the heaviest thing in the world, but heavy enough. The thing is, the plastic sides are pretty smooth, and the one I grabbed had a little water dripped onto the neck. I carried it a few yards and set it down, but it was slippery, and that made it feel much heavier, at least to my grip.

After the delivery guy split, I thought, hmm...let's see if I can get some real value on this. Wiping my hands to get any natural body oils to a miinimum, it was a little easier. I grabbed dry bottles and wet bottles and started doing farmers walks up and down my hall. The webbing spot between thumb and forefingers was pointed down to the ground, pinky-side of hand was up. The tiny amount of natural body oil on my just-wiped-down hands made me have to crush the necks to keep the bottles from sliding over my skin. My wrist was pretty extended, but the 5-gallon jugs themselves aren't really that heavy, so I was cautious but not worried about injury -- except dropping the bottles on my toes or tripping over them!

Then it occurred to me that the mouths of the jugs were also naturally micro-loadable hubs. Just add water! Or just put the tiniest bit of cooking oil or hand moisturizer on the plastic. And gripping just one part of the the lip would again give you an easily micro-loadable weight, but this time for pinch grip.

I'm going to enjoy playing around with this. Beats the price of gym equipment!

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Every time I replace the water jug here in our office, I carry it to the water dispenser in the way you described. :cool I tried lifting it hub style once, but it was too heavy (it was full). :blush

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Try what I like to call "The Statue of Libery" move with the 5 gallon jug you describe. Grab the bottle by the neck the way you describe, then swing it up over your head and hold it there like Lady Liberty is holding a torch. The tough part is holding in this position while the water shifts around, as the neck of the bottle is now pointing down while the water is now above your hand. Guarenteed to impress anybody around an office, even though it really is not very hard.

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That sounds pretty fun. Dropping something so off balance could funky real fast, so I'll do it out in the middle of the room so it doesn't pull me into a wall or something.

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I must say, here is an idea that I have had for 2 months, figured NO ONE would ever consider such a nutty idea, and now someone is playing around with it. :blink

This on the same day that this young "Meatball" person gets all this recognition for his hublifting. :(

I tell you, this is enough to drive a man to drink. :cry


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Don't worry. You'll always be best at the IM hub in my eyes. :kiss But really, I want you and meatball to have a showdown. You win, he buys you a beer. He wins, you can buy him a coke. :tongue

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Blarg- here's an idea for another pinch-grip toy. Go to any Army-Navy surplus store and pick up 2 of the .30 cal (7.62mm) GI olive-green metal ammo cans. They will run you 3.00-5.00 ea., depending on how "pretty" they are. Fill 'em with anything heavy you have lying around the house. Rocks, sand, steel whatchamacallits, even lead tire weights (usually a tire store or gas station has a big bucket of the old weights they will let you scrounge from for free). Grip by the top and walk, do timed holds, reps, whatever. These will hold whatever you can stuff in them without breaking, and are the right width for pinching. All thanks to Uncle Sam....

John Scribner

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The only thing I have similar that could be used for a hub lift it a parasol base it is filled with water at the moment but I could maybe tape some more weight to it.

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