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Hub Lift


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I was in the gym yesterday and lifted 80lbs. on the hub. I got several witnesses and a picture. Ill see about it being sent to the gripboard. We beleive it is a world record.

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Yes you must send it or this thread will be closed...Board rules.

Gerat job by the way!! :bow

Edited by pdoire
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Was this done using the meathod you used in the gallery


  or with the standerd way of pinching hubs. Also was it an IronMind hub  or some different one. Just wandering. Great lift either way. :rock

it was done the same way as the gallery...Mr. Sorin was talking to a guy that does competitions i believe and he said that you can grab the thing anyway you want...some people think its easier done a certain way. but i challenge anyone to grip it anyway they want on the hub and pull 80lbs. of the floor!

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Since there is no one else I know that uses that grip for a hub lift, I have no idea how good it is. Hence, I won't close this thread. My guess is with practice, you'd have guys here doing more. Not trying to diss your feat, just stating a my gut feeling.

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Since there is no one else I know that uses that grip for a hub lift, I have no idea how good it is. Hence, I won't close this thread. My guess is with practice, you'd have guys here doing more. Not trying to diss your feat, just stating a my gut feeling.

with all do respect.. id like to see it! Ive seen powerlifters and olympic lifters in the gym not able to do it either way

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Since the recognized method of the hub lift by the Gripboard is performed

with the distal portion of the fingers and fingers in a claw, maybe you can

try it with the recognized method and report back. thanks

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Huge lift big guy :bow As long as you are using a standard IM hub I don't see what the issue is. This a GREAT board but here's a little, friendly, heads-up: anytime you start using the word, record or world record and anytime you figure out a better or "easier" way to do things, some members will start nitpicking you. Even if you had used the "standard" grip then you would have had people say it didn't count for a world record because it wasn't performed at a "major" grip contest. If I were you I'd just take the criticism's as a compliment because it's generally only the really good stuff that gets nitpicked. If you have Richard Sorin backing you up then you're way ahead of the game.

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Im with Josh. As long as its done on an official implement I think its fine. I havent seen the other pics though. either way great lift and looking forward to seeing what you do in the future with some more training under your belt. Awesome lift!


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That is an incredible lift! :bow I don't care how the heck you held it. You pulled it off the floor with one hand by pinch strength alone. Damn, I've only done about 35 pounds on the IM Hub. :blush

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Huge lift big guy :bow  As long as you are using a standard IM hub I don't see what the issue is.  This a  GREAT board but here's a little, friendly, heads-up: anytime you start using the word, record or world record and anytime you figure out a better or "easier" way to do things, some members will start nitpicking you.  Even if you had used the "standard" grip then you would have had people say it didn't count for a world record because it wasn't performed at a "major" grip contest.  If I were you I'd just take the criticism's as a compliment because it's generally only the really good stuff that gets nitpicked.  If you have Richard Sorin backing you up then you're way ahead of the game.

jad..thanks alot for you advice. i appreciate it. meatball

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Nice job man.

No need for the media, I trust you and R.S.

Awesome job and keep doing the best you can young man. You are truly making some serious waves for yourself. Keep going and working hard.

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Since there is no one else I know that uses that grip for a hub lift, I have no idea how good it is. Hence, I won't close this thread. My guess is with practice, you'd have guys here doing more. Not trying to diss your feat, just stating a my gut feeling.

Why say this? Seems like a pointless post. Who cares if others would break this lift. We could say that about any feat done on the board. 80 pounds on a hub should be congratulated, its a heck of a feat!


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Mirror Mirror on the wall,

Who is the best Hublifter of them all?

What did you say Mirror?? Who??


Good job Meatball.

I think the discussions Sorin had may have been conversations that he had with Strength Detail Fanatic Dale Harder, but I could be wrong. I told Dale, and I know he had a conversation with Richard afterwards, that I thought an "anything goes" approach to grabbing it was fine, as long as you are keeping all fingerparts to the Hub itself and not the lip.


Undefeated in 3 competitions versus 6 #3 closers, 5 of them certified, plus an official Red Nail Bender not a COC.

Age 51

Claw-Style User

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Was this done using the meathod you used in the gallery


  or with the standerd way of pinching hubs. Also was it an IronMind hub  or some different one. Just wandering. Great lift either way. :rock

it was done the same way as the gallery...Mr. Sorin was talking to a guy that does competitions i believe and he said that you can grab the thing anyway you want...some people think its easier done a certain way. but i challenge anyone to grip it anyway they want on the hub and pull 80lbs. of the floor!

My post was meant to ask a question. Not in anyway put what you did down. Also was it an Ironmind Hub. Its a great lift and the more questions people ask prove it so take this as a compliment.

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Was this done using the meathod you used in the gallery


  or with the standerd way of pinching hubs. Also was it an IronMind hub  or some different one. Just wandering. Great lift either way. :rock

it was done the same way as the gallery...Mr. Sorin was talking to a guy that does competitions i believe and he said that you can grab the thing anyway you want...some people think its easier done a certain way. but i challenge anyone to grip it anyway they want on the hub and pull 80lbs. of the floor!

My post was meant to ask a question. Not in anyway put what you did down. Also was it an Ironmind Hub. Its a great lift and the more questions people ask prove it so take this as a compliment.

Mr. sorin said in a previous article that i just checked. he said it was an ironmind hub! -meatball

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Would this method be accepted if one performed it on a York 45 and succeeded

in lifting the 45 this way? And could one say "I hub lifted a York 45?

I only ask this, because I was not familiar with this particular way to do the

hub. It is a good lift and may be a new way to train the hub and compare it to

the always given standard way.

And I am not being critical or nitpicking, Just wanting to know in what direction this

style of meatball`s will go. Can it be declared a new style hub lift?

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Since there is no one else I know that uses that grip for a hub lift, I have no idea how good it is. Hence, I won't close this thread. My guess is with practice, you'd have guys here doing more. Not trying to diss your feat, just stating a my gut feeling.

Why say this? Seems like a pointless post. Who cares if others would break this lift. We could say that about any feat done on the board. 80 pounds on a hub should be congratulated, its a heck of a feat!


Because OTHERWISE it would be LOCKED. I really don't give a hoot if he did 120lbs Austin. I also get sick of taking crap when trying to enforce the rules here along with the other mods. There's also generalities used for this like"nitpick". I get sick of people interpreting things in a NEGATIVE way when World Record lift claims are questioned as far as technique and or proof (PER the rules).

I guess the key words used were World Record which is why I also questioned the poundage value as being all time best in the world. And, no, you could not say this about any feat done on the board. Find how many posts where someone says in their post they broke a World Record. Use the search function.

Closed per Rule #4. World Record.

Once proof is given, we'll re-open.

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With the slight tilt, and forefinger knuckle pressed against the rim, would this aid

somewhat in the lift? I have never used one. So I have no idea.

Big lift nonetheless.

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With the slight tilt, and forefinger knuckle pressed against the rim, would this aid

somewhat in the lift? I have never used one. So I have no idea.

I would have to say yeah, it certainly helps. The thing is it's not like the next guy can't use the same technique, so if it helps too much, 80lbs won't be a record for long. GREAT job Big Guy :bow

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Aaron, great lift! Richard Sorin has told me about it and sent me the same photos that are in the Grip Gallery--the only thing I'm asking him to do is to send it in a smaller format so I can put it in my newsletter. Richard told me it was witnessed and his word is good enough for me--but the frosting on the cake was when he sent me the photos. The 80 lb is at the very least the known world's best for 16-year olds that was witnessed, weighed, and photographed. Mike Corlett, at 51, did 70 in a competition at my house--granted it was a small competition--but a competition nevertheless. The weights had been previously weighed and the device weighed on the spot. There are reported higher gym lifts that are not quite the same as competition lifts--they may be valid but are in a different category--i.e. Steve Stanko once did 95 lb using old York plates which are even more difficult than the IM hub. Old-timers would recognize that name as he was once the strongest man in America--snatching 320, clean & jerking 380 back in the 1940s--he did his weight lifts in competition, but not his hub lifts as far as I know. I'm still looking for the old Strength & Health mags that might offer more details about his hub lifts---witnesses, weighed weights, photos, etc. Meatball (Aaron) you did an enormous lift no matter how you look at it. Personally, I track all kinds of grip lifts--there've been at least half a dozen guys that have done 75 lb over the years--but not in competition. Your lift for a 16-year old is way out there! As you get older, you'll get even stronger and will most likely exceed even this amount. I hope more folks will include the hub lifts in their competitions and then we can add "official" to these lifts. Great job! :bow

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