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High Volume, Which Grippers?


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I am currently on phase 2 week 4 of my first round of KTA, and using it to try to master the #3. I have successfully closed it several times in the past week, FINALLY!

Well I want to do a round of high volume after this before doing KTA again (which will have a goal of the Elite). I currently have COC #1, #2 filed, #3, #4. I was thinking about getting a trainer and using the Trainer, #1, and #2 and maybe #3 choked..

What would the experts here recommend I use in my high volume rotation for someone who can max at a #3 gripper for 1 rep? I can get whatever grippers I need, so thats not an issue.. I can always use more toys...

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I would get a gripper or 2 between the #2 and the #3. Maybe a narrow SuperMaster which would be a 2.2-2.4 and an HG300 which would be a little easier than the #3 or a 240N and 260N from Robert Baraban, which would also be in between.

Then you could use the Trainer on week 1, #1 for week 2, #2 for week 3, 240N or narrow SM for week 4, 260N or HG300 for week 5. I believe Greg was right around your strength level when he started this program and he used the Trainer, #1, #2, RB240N and RB260N, so this should be about right for you.

Another option would be to purchase a Super Advanced or something comparable and drop the trainer. Start with the #1 on week 1, Super Advanced on week 2, #2 on week 3, 240N or Narrow SM on week 4, 260N or HG 300 on week 5.

Greg can critique this, as he probably knows best.

Edited by Vice
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Hey grats on the #3 close! Good luck on the new volume program. I'm interesting in seeing how this turns out for people. Be sure to report your experiences, in your training log or whatever.

I bought KTA, and am just doing some preliminary work to get my hands up to snuff for it. I think I'll do KTA and then may do some of the volume stuff, and alternate between the two, if the volume program turns out useful. Or at least do some delving into the volume program for a while to build up capillary circulation.

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KTA is a great program, congrats on closing the 3. I am doing the high vomlume right now, and I think it is a great program to alternate with KTA.

Good gripper advice in this thread.

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I would get a gripper or 2 between the #2 and the #3.  Maybe a narrow SuperMaster which would be a 2.2-2.4 and an HG300 which would be a little easier than the #3 or a 240N and 260N from Robert Baraban, which would also be in between. 

Then you could use the Trainer on week 1, #1 for week 2, #2 for week 3, 240N or narrow SM for week 4, 260N or HG300 for week 5.  I believe Greg was right around your strength level when he started this program and he used the Trainer, #1, #2, RB240N and RB260N, so this should be about right for you. 

Another option would be to purchase a Super Advanced or something comparable and drop the trainer.  Start with the #1 on week 1, Super Advanced on week 2, #2 on week 3, 240N or Narrow SM on week 4, 260N or HG 300 on week 5.

Greg can critique this, as he probably knows best.

I couldn't agree more with the advice you gave. For the Week of negatives afterwards use an Elite or something close to that. Good luck.

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Wow, great info guys... So it looks like I will be ordering a Trainer, Supermaster, and elite to add to my collection.. Maybe 1 more gripper, just not sure which though, Grandmaster maybe.

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