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Grip Freak Found

Rick Walker

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We just finished up our powerlifting tryouts at work. Let me tell you, the pickings were slim this year!

One of the guys we kept is decent strong. 220 lifter with a 475 raw squat and deadlift and a 340 paused raw bench. He came to pratice yesterday and was learning a few things from the other lifters.

I had half a 75 hex head sitting next to me because it had broken and I was scarfing the hex head up for myself. A bunch of the lifters kept coming by and trying to lift it-some of them could with chalk, but most couldnt.

This 220 kid walked over and dominated it with both hands, no chalk, and only using 2 fingers. :yikes Everyone was like WOW! He said, "That is only half a 75, I have done half 100s in the yard like nothing."

I called bullshit-and told him to grab up a pair of 45s. He did-with EASE. No chalk-York 45s, both hands. What about 5-10s? Easy-again, no chalk. Okay, okay-but can you do 3-25s? Um, yeah-with no chalk. :whacked

Now, his grip strength is great, but his hand is HUGE. At 5'10", the dude has an 8 and 3/4" hand. :tongue He said his dad's hands were well over 10". :ohmy He compared hands with a 6'3" guy and had him by a good inch or more. Incredible.

I wish I could get an axle, the Inch replica, or some grippers in there. This kid has some potential to do things that have yet to be done in the grip world. Just when you think someone is getting strong, some freak comes out of the wood work with 0 grip training and shows us that YES, genetics has a lot to do with hand strength.


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Well, I am not sure how much more time he has, I think I heard 10+ years-so he wont be challenging any grip feats any time soon!

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Well, I am not sure how much more time he has, I think I heard 10+ years-so he wont be challenging any grip feats any time soon!

That little problem seems to be keeping quite a bit from being accomplished- sport and otherwise. Although a little disheartening; it's always nice to see stories like this, though. I'd like to see what he could do after a year of educated training.

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Rick, you've found a very gifted guy, indeed. Hopefully there's some time to train him to become all he can be with grip under the circumstances. With his huge hands, did he try 6 10's ? What about 3 35's ? What about him training to do 3 35's?

.. neilkaz ..

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I guess I'm missing something -- what do you mean by him having 10+ years left, and that affecting his ability to do grip stuff?

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I guess I'm missing something -- what do you mean by him having 10+ years left, and that affecting his ability to do grip stuff?

Rick works in a prison, so 10 more years means he did a bad thing :D

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I guess I'm missing something -- what do you mean by him having 10+ years left, and that affecting his ability to do grip stuff?

Rick works in a prison, so 10 more years means he did a bad thing :D

lol. the kid must of been fed blobs for breakfast and plates for lunch and dinner, his whole life.

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If he behaves himself he could be out in five or six years. Five or six years of grip training could see this kid walk out of prison with the ability to go certify for the #3 for both hands and possibly even the #4 for his strongest hand. Someone needs to convince this guy to behave himself in prison and change his life around.

Edited by gunnaknow
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Great report Rick.

Whats to keep him from certifying as a COC?

Or as a Mash Monster?

Can you get him some grippers?

The first COC from behind bars?Great story.....

Who knows he may shut the thing first shot.....It HAS been done before ;)

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If he behaves himself he could be out in five or six years.
Nope. He is doing a minimum 20 year hit on a 3rd degree murder charge. He has been there for 10, he needs another 10 just to go out on parole, and that might not even happen. Could be here for 40. He isnt exactly a kid, he went down at age 18 and is now 28.
Scary.. Rick, did you ask him how he worked on building up to those weights??

Never tried those feats until yesterday. Said he has always had strong hands and his dad has always had strong hands. Never really worked them but said he handled half a 100-lb hex heads with ease out in the yard when they would break.

Great report Rick.

Whats to keep him from certifying as a COC?

Or as a Mash Monster?

Can you get him some grippers?

No way! Grippers would be a big no-no. They can be altered into weapons-trust me, these guys can turn anything into a weapon. I saw a plastic bag that was melted over and over again, and shaped, and made a shank strong enough to go through wood and undectable with medal dectors.

Also, the secretary of corrections in PA has inacted a nice new rule that says only machines can be purchased for weight training-no more free weights. We get away with a little more since we have a powerlifting team, but I already tried to get the grippers and was shot down immediately.

And even if I could, no video or still pictures taken within the prison can leave the prison. No if-ands-or buts.


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Yeah I wasnt thinking of the implications of having grippers in prison,

You definitely could make some devastating weapons with a gripper!(seriously)

Oh well.

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.........As I tear myself apart in my journey to one day walk amongst the gods. I am once again humbled by the freak!! :bow:bow

Rick , never let him be satisfied....bring the monster up!

Give him something positive to focus on as he does his time



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I take it then that you couldn't even bring a pair in for a single day's use. That's a shame.

Believe it or not, for some reason the other day I was actually thinking about what kind of grip tools would be okay in a prisoner's private cell. You could very easily cave someone's head in with any weight blob...but then again caving someone's head in with something heavy isn't exactly something that couldn't be done with almost anything hard or heavy. Would blobs be allowed in a private cell, or in whatever kind of training area you use? You mentioned the broken hexes...

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Take those weights away, this guy is a murderer. What about when he gets out and puts that grip onto someone's throat? Fitness is fine, prisoners can do calistenics, such as push ups. Do you really want this guy to get so strong that he could easily squeeze the life out of someone? :cool

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Take those weights away, this guy is a murderer.  What about when he gets out and puts that grip onto someone's throat?  Fitness is fine, prisoners can do calistenics, such as push ups.  Do you really want this guy to get so strong that he could easily squeeze the life out of someone?   :cool

I would hate to have had anybody make me plan out the next 20 years of my life- when I was eighteen.

There can be little excuse, if any, for being involved in someone's murder; but, you can't just roll over and die. This man is still alive, and has the opportunity to make something positive from his time here on Earth. If learning discipline and conditioning his body helps to mold him into something good, I'm all for it. Whenever judging someone else, I always feel it is important not to assume what person I would be, or would have been, not having walked in his shoes. Best of luck to all involved.

Edited by Gluteus Maximus
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