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Kta Question


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I'm curious as to what kind of ebook KTA is. Some people call a PDF an ebook, and there are also .ebk and .lit and apparently even some .exe ebooks. The reason I ask is I'm on a Mac, and some of these file versions are not compatible with Mac. In the original KTA thread Wannagrip says there are free programs to view PC files. This is true, but there are no free programs to view .lit, .ebk, or .exe files. The best we Mac users can do is buy Virtual PC and Windows, which would set you back by $220. Not gonna happen.

Anyway, I'm just curious because if it's a PDF I can view it, and if it isn't a PDF, why not make a PDF version so the Mac crowd isn't left in the dust? It isn't very difficult to do and would help out a bunch of guys that don't have a spare $220 to shell out.

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It's an exe with videos in it. I'd say your best bet is to get it on a friends computer along with access to the discussion forum. Enough people have tracked their workouts in the discussion forum that once you understand the concepts and plan your routine, you don't need daily reference to the ebook.

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It's an exe with videos in it.  I'd say your best bet is to get it on a friends computer along with access to the discussion forum.  Enough people have tracked their workouts in the discussion forum that once you understand the concepts and plan your routine, you don't need daily reference to the ebook.

And there's the rub. My college requires us to use Macs, so everyone I know owns a Mac, and no PCs. I might be able to find someone that can lend me Virtual PC though. :inno We'll see.

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