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I have been gripping for a few months now, and just recently closed the #2. I have been experiencing pain on my left hand behind the knuckle on my index finger. I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem and this will go away eventually? Is there anything anyone would recommend I do?

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I had that happen at the start, i just iced it, it went away after a couple of weekes

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I had that pain on both hands between my ring and pinky bones in my hand, on the back of it. Whenever I'd squeeze my hand, it'd hurt, espeically when I released.

The pain went away after a couple weeks of rest, though. I'm pretty sure it was from starting off real fast, going all out on every implement I had, when I wasn't used to any grip training at all. ;)

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Make sure to equally train your hands too. Meaning put focus on the extensors of the hands as well as the flexors.


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Make sure to equally train your hands too.  Meaning put focus on the extensors of the hands as well as the flexors.


;) Exactly. Don't ever neglect hand therapy(training the finger and wrist extensors, freezing shot rotations, contrast baths, horse liniment, stretching, etc.)

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