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How Do You Lay Your Arms When You Sleep?


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I know this is going to sound like I am a big sissy, but last night my forearms hurt so bad I couldn't fall asleep until 2:00am. It wasn't like an injury hurt it was like a really sore muscle hurt and cramping. It wasn't like excruciating either, just really really annoying.

I know I'm not the only person this has happened to, I can't be.

So for anyone else that this has ever happened to, what did you do to fall asleep? I couldn't lay my arms any way to make them comfortabe. I had to just deal with it and go to sleep after a while.

**I know I am about to get asked what I have been doing grip wise so I am on the second phase of KTA. I haven't had any of the other things the book talks about happen, I go all out on every rep, and my hands don't even hurt while I am doing the exercises. this is the only side effect so far. I also do extensors sporadically during the day.

any thoughts??

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im no doctor so dont think im giving you the only option but...i wonder if maybe you should take a multi-minreral supplement (of course you could try eating foods with magnesium, manganese, calcium, potassium, etc. the pill might just get results faster, just to see if it works). deficiencies in some minerals can cause cramping in muscles.

just a thought, look into it if you like



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Drink more water. If you can't get enough water during the day try buying some Pedialyte, that stuff works great.

My buddy gets cramps all the time from lifting so much and its generally when he hasn't had enough water.

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I've had some success with sleeping with icepacks on the forearms to numb them. The big icepacks that can be molded to shape are good for that.

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I've had some success with sleeping with icepacks on the forearms to numb them.  The big icepacks that can be molded to shape are good for that.

Bags of frozen peas. They shape nice.


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Good call - I second that and would say green beans may be the poor man's substitute!

I've had some success with sleeping with icepacks on the forearms to numb them.  The big icepacks that can be molded to shape are good for that.

Bags of frozen peas. They shape nice.


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Drink more water. If you can't get enough water during the day try buying some Pedialyte, that stuff works great.

You could also try Gatorade. :happy

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Drink more water. If you can't get enough water during the day try buying some Pedialyte, that stuff works great.

You could also try Gatorade. :happy

No kidding... :whistel

Pedialyte is for babies with diarrhea.

Edited by foggymountainmuscle
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Muscle Cramps experience during or after strenuous exercise is usually directly linked to these minerals and are important for good muscle function and include sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.

Low potassium levels occasionally cause muscle cramps. More often, low potassium is associated with muscle weakness

The sports drinks usually have the basics like sodium and potassium, but studies have shown that in most mild cases of dehydration common clean water is as effective.

A good multivitamin is recommended on a daily basis because how many of us get all the optimum levels of nutrients in our diets?

A Folk Remedy for getting some potassium in you fairly quick in consuming an Apple Cider Vinegar Drink- a mixture of two teaspoons of vinegar and one teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm water. Apple cider vinegar is high in potassium.

I just mix a little with some Orange Juice but have just tossed it back out of the bottle, but this is not recommended because if you get choked by the initial shock of the taste and it goes into your nasal cavity like the kid that had milk come out of his nose in the lunch room because he laughed while drinking your brain cavity will be set on fire and you will do the funky chicken (possibly in front of bystanders that will not let you live this down for oh well at least a couple decades.

Bananas are a fairly high in potassium and quite a tasty snack after a work out.

Also for keeping the circulation flushing through the lower arms many apply a heated environment for the limbs by using U.S. Army Issue Arctic Mittens - more like gauntlets because they almost reach your elbow. This can aid in the healing process of the strained soft tissues.

Hope this gives you something to go on and explore more options. :online


Edited by GatorGrip
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i sleep with gloves, really keeps the hands nice and warm. But somehow i always wake up gloveless... :blink

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Since I live in Austria where winter sports are popular you would think I could find something like this. At the minute I have to make do with Dupont ski gloves. Gator it's a pity you aren't stationed in Germany anymore or we could do a trade.

Seriously gloves have worked well for my Arthritis in the past.

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Since I live in Austria where winter sports are popular you would think I could find something like this. At the minute I have to make do with Dupont ski gloves.

I use a pair of ski gloves, as well.... until I get some nice thick fleece mittens made up. :D

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