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Negatives And Holds On #3...


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Just a newbie question -

Doing negatives and holds on the #3 doesn't really help you close the #3, does it? You have to do these exercises on the gripper ABOVE the one you're working to close, right?

Thanks for reading,

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Doing negatives and holds on the #3 doesn't really help you close the #3, does it?

Yes, it does. Why do you think we recommend them?

Are you doing reps now? If your #3 is hard, cheat it closed and do timed holds with it - much better than doing reps.

BTW, what is your current routine? Welcome to the forum!! :happy

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Lets say you're close on the #3. Then doing negatives on that gripper and a harder gripper both have benefits, and slightly different effects.

If you can cheat the 3 closed, and hold it at say <1/4" when you release the other hand, then you will improve your technique and strength in that range that will help you overcome the 3.

Doing neg's with a harder gripper that you can't cheat closed all the way and perhaps you can only hold and fight it from parallel will develop greater sweep strength and make it easier to set the 3--the overload will make the 3 feel easier.

Both are beneficial.

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Doing negatives and holds on the #3 doesn't really help you close the #3, does it?

Yes, it does. Why do you think we recommend them?

Are you doing reps now? If your #3 is hard, cheat it closed and do timed holds with it - much better than doing reps.

BTW, what is your current routine? Welcome to the forum!! :happy

Thanks, Sybersnott.

Basically I do CoC's every other day, warming up with the Trainer, closing the #2 for about five singles each hand (this has only become consistent after holds with the #3), and then cheating the #3 to a little past parallel and holding it for as long as I can.

I just asked because (and this may be premature), when I just try to close the #3 single-handedly, I still don't even get parallel.

Thanks again,

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Combination with negatives really help=-negatives by themselves.

Have a inbetween gripper=BBSM is about 20 pounds lighter then the #3.

For negative your need the BBSE to close the #3.

Negatives last of the workout.

Some people use the famer walk to close the #3.

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:mellow I agree with t-rex on this. Try only working with your #3 for awhile. You're close enough, now, to just get used to it. Be really intense and concentrate when you close.
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Try just closing the #3 without touching any other gripper beforehand.

What he means is: try the #3 first before any kind of warmup. Pick up the #3 and see how close you can get - then go back to the other grippers and do your grip routine. :)

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I have gotten good results by alternating negatives and timed holds.

Like, do only negatives for a couple of workouts, and then do only timed holds for a couple. And repeat. ;)

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Try just closing the #3 without touching any other gripper beforehand.

What he means is: try the #3 first before any kind of warmup. Pick up the #3 and see how close you can get - then go back to the other grippers and do your grip routine. :)

I've heard people say this and never really had good results with doing it cold. I like to try for the #3 after a few sets of singles withthe #2 and then a decent break. Everyone is different though, some may see better results with a big warmup and others better cold

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If you don't warm up beforehand, you will have all your strength. By warming up you're eliminating part of your strength. :)

Many people don't like gripping cold, as their fingers pop and it scares them away from it.

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i think it is not wise to do a heavy gripper like a #3 at once. With not any kind of warmup... How much strength will you loose of you squeeze a stressball, or do the T or #1? Is there anybody who starts out banging 500 squats or 600 deadlifts with no warm up?

Offtopic a bit, oops

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If my hands are actually cold, I just run them under warm water and stretch. I never warm up. If your hands are flexible and healthy, just make sure their physically warm before you work them. Doing a few good squeezes after a shower works pretty good too.

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If you don't warm up beforehand, you will have all your strength. By warming up you're eliminating part of your strength. :)

Watch my Mash Monster cert.... I did that cold, meaning - I didn't touch a gripper for about a day before that cert. :happy

That's just me. If you need a warmup, take it. I found out I'm strongest after taking a break from a previous grip workout. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

i would agree with snott.

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